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Why do you hate Partick Thistle?

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Goes back t 80s for me...after getting taught a footballing lesson at cappielow when we beat them 4-2 as we were going for the title (again) this horrible lot decided they were going t line up on the other side of the carriage way, charge across and fight where kids(including myself) were. My father literally picked me up by the armpit t get away.(god rest him) 

He then decided t go up to their hole back in the day of the fence where again McNeil and co gave them another red arse...only for Morton supporter's to be subjected to bottles being thrown at them over the fence.

Needless to say my regard for this lot has never been above the dregs of society.

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I don’t recognise “hating” any football club as a healthy state of mind, so I take it the word is not really meant in it’s true context in this forum, however I dislike the way Thistle are described as “The Maryhill Magyars”, the “Firhill for Thrills” stuff and the luvvies who pretend to support them when it’s obviously a cover up of who they really support.

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Not sure if it's been  mentioned  already but the Partick fans are talking about this thread on pnb.  Horrible cunts.

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There's a storm on the horizon

And for that I can't see the sun

For I'll keep a waiting on the pavement

For the ice cream van to come

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12 hours ago, DreamOakTree said:

I don’t recognise “hating” any football club as a healthy state of mind, so I take it the word is not really meant in it’s true context in this forum, however I dislike the way Thistle are described as “The Maryhill Magyars”, the “Firhill for Thrills” stuff and the luvvies who pretend to support them when it’s obviously a cover up of who they really support.

I fucking hate this post.

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There's a storm on the horizon

And for that I can't see the sun

For I'll keep a waiting on the pavement

For the ice cream van to come

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I can't say I hate it but it doesn't reflect anything at all about the football experience that keeps me interested. Rivalry and a sense of tribalism with the consequences that come with it are a huge part of the deal for me. Fair enough I don't have any feelings for lots of opponents but there are a few that I despise and a few that have been that way for 50 years +. 

Football needs passion or we might as well chuck it and 'hatred' isn't too extreme if the behaviour of clubs/fans warrant it. At our level we need more than polite applause.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Because they are STILL greetin' about their completely fair relegation.

Apparently their directors stormed away straight after the game, refusing to talk to any Dundee counterparts.

Buckled mess.


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If 'faimly man' Brian Graham didn't want relegated and his wages cut he could have tried scoring more goals and not being bottom of the league. Boo fucking hoo. 

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Peter Weatherson is the greatest player since Ritchie, and should be assigned 'chairman for life' 

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About Saturday’s performance

Parasite Street Science

Stay alert! Our crack team of scientists will be at Firhill on Saturday 6th August to keep any nasty infections spotted at bay. If you see them don’t worry! In fact, they may even try to recruit you to their team!   Rumours are that a giant Tsetse fly carrying infection is on the loose, and it is only through banding together as one giant immune system that we can beat the infection together!

Our microcosm of microbiology gives the fans a chance to get involved with learning the science behind the spread of infections and the role of antibodies within the body.

Let’s hear it for our super scientists!

Like flies on a shite.

Edited by Cappiecat 1.2
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Educational street theatre ….. featuring a technicolour fake fly on ketamine, being threatened by a lab-coated munter holding a North Sea trawl net on a stick, being watched by a bloke whose Mum is head of the local quilting society and who has knocked up a shit demo patchwork jacket to show the others how not to do it. 

This debacle raises the bar and elevates PTFC hatred to a whole new level.

Edited by SassenachTon
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3 hours ago, Cappiecat 1.2 said:

About Saturday’s performance

Parasite Street Science

Stay alert! Our crack team of scientists will be at Firhill on Saturday 6th August to keep any nasty infections spotted at bay. If you see them don’t worry! In fact, they may even try to recruit you to their team!   Rumours are that a giant Tsetse fly carrying infection is on the loose, and it is only through banding together as one giant immune system that we can beat the infection together!

Our microcosm of microbiology gives the fans a chance to get involved with learning the science behind the spread of infections and the role of antibodies within the body.

Let’s hear it for our super scientists!

Like flies on a shite.

If I was asked to design my own personal hell, the intersection of amateur dramatics with public health would loom large alongside the Spirit Airlines cabin experience.


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