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  1. Yesterday
  2. As always I’m going to give every new signing a fair chance but our lack of goals is beginning to worry me. Let’s see how tomorrow goes and hopefully we find our rhythm. Mon the ton!
  3. Jack Bearne signs for Hednesford Town.
  4. Ffs maybe he decided on the 6 month deal. Give the guy a chance.
  5. I'm starting to agree on the assessment of Dale tbh. It riles me that the budget was specifically curtailed as money was earmarked for developing of the area behind the cowshed. However as far as I'm aware no details were ever provided of what said development actually was and the associated costs? It does feel very much like more fanciful ideas with no real blueprint. As I said a couple of weeks ago if these works aren't now going ahead for whatever reason more funds should be released to Imrie as a matter of urgency. If not I believe this club could be about to unravel in catastrophic fashion.
  6. Very reminiscent of the kudos oyenuga signing. Got to hope imrie can get a tune out of him but the 6 month deal looks like it could be a desperation signing
  7. Whatever the reason for the 6 month contract, it probably makes sense. If he turns out to be any good, I'm sure he would agree to an extension. If he's shite, he's gone by January. I'm prepared to trust Dougie's judgement on this one, and I think we all agree we had to do something without further delay. Maybe everything will click into place now. Would still like to hear that Grimshaw is joining us though.
  8. Panic signing. This squad has a real lack of goals and unfortunately I think it’s going to be our downfall this season.
  9. Getting more and more shades of 13/14 as pre-season has gone on. Not convinced on JET but we will see. However, it won't matter if Broadfoot's in the team weekly. Corr apparently out for a large chunk of the season too so another CB in needed on top.
  10. Not convinced but fingers crossed he does the business.
  11. Thomas Orr leaves Stranraer for Cumnock juniors.
  12. Just makes it clearer that you’re projecting your somewhat understandable dissatisfaction with other elements of the GM’s performance onto the issue of recruitment. A topic on which you’ve used the signing of Corr as the prime example without coherently explaining what it is about this signing you’re unhappy with, or who is to blame for it.
  13. Less than a week ago we were apparently prepared to wait for the right number 9; now we're giving a six month contract (which suggests both significant doubts and raises the issue of what happens if we have a 'right number 9' in January). I hope for the club's sake we have found our own cheat code signing but it would be largely by fluke rather than our increasingly erratic transfer 'policy'.
  14. The only inconsistency apparent here is your and 'Dale''s 'our transfer policy will account for injuries and fitness - except when it doesn't but that's not out fault honest'. Just like the pre-season matches that would prove excellent preparation until they didn't. And the land purchased that would generate matchday revenue for the club until it couldn't. So it's being discussed among the growing set of tells that the GM as a prime bullshit merchant. You may empathise with that character trait but I agree with the above poster - this looks so far like a CV-padding exercise without credibility.
  15. The six month deal is sensible if there are concerns over his fitness, but it's really a double edged sword in terms of perception as you can't help thinking Imrie isn't convinced if he isn't willing to give him a contract for the season and it's therefore not going to dissuade any Garry O'Connor comparisons. Still, if/when he scores we'll get to use this.
  16. Still don’t see where the goals are going to come from based on his record
  17. A factor there might be he'd be second in line after Muirhead. Unless Davies goes central and starts scoring, you'd have to think JET is here to play every game. Hoping for the best.
  18. Excellent. I know his record recently hasn't been great but a proper number 9 and hopefully any fitness issues are behind him. The fact Livingston apparently wanted him aswell is quite funny that we got him.
  19. To be clear, my comment was purely in relation to VT’s lazy and inconsistent criticism of our transfer policy. We can’t afford to suffer through injury crises like those of last season, and our transfer dealings should reflect that. As you say, you can’t legislate for situations like Corr’s, and I don’t recall anyone criticising the signing at the time. So why are we even discussing it?
  20. Corr dislocated his shoulder at Raith a few months ago and has done it again twice since signing for Morton. You can’t legislate for every injury but you shouldn’t be coming out with nonsense like that in interviews because it will always come back to bite you. The fact he’s the general manager and spending far too much time speaking about football matters rather than almost everything else off the pitch that seems to be at a standstill makes it even worse. The only actual thing that I can think of that he’s implemented in his time so far is integrating the women’s team in to the club, which although admirable is not something I’ve seen discussed about the cost of that and if it’s sustainable for a fan owned club at our level to cover that cost? I genuinely don’t know the answer to that but I can’t imagine it’s cheap and if it’s self sustainable at this level or the level the women play at or ever will be. so much of the things he does from his middle management speak, five pillars, getting involved in football matters and almost being the front face of talking about them plastered all over internal and external media outlets as well as being the saviour of Greenock Morton Women’s team screams of someone trying to pad their CV for his next employer rather than someone who’s actually implementing any real change or progress at the club.
  21. Buying the land behind the cowshed, apparently to only realise afterwards that developing it will actually cost money we don't have, seems like an avoidable waste of money along the same lines as the electronic turnstiles and roof for the WDE. It's clear that Cappielow is going to need some significant investment sooner rather than later, as the annual lick of paint and 'action days' to get fans to clean seagull shite off the seats is not going to cut the mustard much longer when it comes to getting safety certificates. So for me securing the finances for that should be Dale's No-1 priority over 'minerals' and suchlike. I would hope and assume that actions are ongoing behind the scenes to secure the required funds, but if it has been publicised I obviously missed it. The jury's obviously still out on Dale and I certainly haven't written him off yet, but he's going to have to turn his rhetoric into tangible results pretty soon, or confidence in him will surely start to drain.
  22. Would you rather we adopted a policy of signing players with a record of frequent injury? And are you implying we shouldn’t have signed Corr on the basis of injuries that occurred after we signed him? My understanding was that, in the context of the statement, “minerals” = the durability to play a high number of games over the course of the season. As the league campaign has yet to even begin, the success of this is obviously yet to be determined.
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