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HamCam last won the day on July 8

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  1. As others have commented centralTON keep fighting the good fight. Cancer has probably impacted all of our lives directly or indirectly. Stay positive and hopefully you will be back on the terrace to watch our title push this season or maybe the next or even the one after.
  2. After recent performances, I attended with low expectations and the team still managed to disappoint. We were told the uninspiring home friendlies was to help the new players bed in, we made a point about not signing injury-prone players and/or old-timers heading out to pasture and we were asked to be patient as a new exciting style of football evolved - so far I am struggling to see any progress on these metrics. Today was as dull and lifeless a performance as I have seen for many a year following Morton. St. Johnstone were a poor team but despite Imrie's assertion "we cut them open" the reality is we never laid a glove on them. Fans want to believe we are moving forward on the park but while you troll us making Broadfoot captain and talk up the invisible man that is Blues you are fighting a losing battle. As for Davies and Reynolds, I cannot believe we scouted them as they look so far out their depth it is worrying - I just hope they prove me wrong. Pointless passing also does not disguise our inability to make a worthwhile forward pass - how many times today did we progress up the park only for someone to take the safe option and return the ball backwards? At the moment we are a team of cowards preferring to hand out hospital passes to our mates than take responsibility. More fool me thinking we were at last up to speed at the start of a season...
  3. When we were last rumoured to be signing Todorov, I remember sitting behind him and his agent up at East Fife. I asked the question and it was clear he had every intention on signing. Falkirk then came in for him... Grimshaw and Todorov are exactly the type of players we need to balance the squad. You have to hope there is enough in the kitty to make it happen.
  4. BBC Scotland has it as Dowds who scored last night for Ayr.
  5. That was torture watching it back. How many chances did we have to simply clear our lines for the first? As for Broadfoot at the second it is a penalty waiting to happen as he never, when he is defending a corner, looks at the ball, he almost always has his hands around an opposition player. As for the third it was naïve from Davies to allow his man to cut back inside to get the shot away. In hindsight we were lucky it was only three.
  6. That was a tough watch. We were comfortably out-played by East Fife and disappointing to see their players seemed to want it more than Morton. No arguing, yet again Dick Campbell had Imrie's number. If we wish to play the passing game from the back we have to expect the opposition to set up to frustrate and respond accordingly. Our reaction today was pitiful and no player is exempt from criticism. As everyone, apart from Imrie can see, Broadfoot is so far past it, it is excruciating to watch. No doubting he was a good pro in his day but his legs have gone and he makes the same costly mistakes time after time. We desperately need a presence in midfield and a replacement for Oakley. While it is too soon to judge the new boys it is seriously concerning how out their depth Davies and Reynolds looked. In the highlights you might pick up Blues and Broadfoot both got subbed after a running shouting match with Imrie. My take on the Broadfoot incident was he actually insisted on being taken off after the verbals. As for the fan/fans who decided early on to shout personal abuse at Imrie what did you expect to achieve? I know some fans clapped Imrie's response in kind but I thought it was equally inappropriate. We all have to do better. Ending on a positive, I do think the training kit looks very smart.
  7. Bearne's problem is he rarely tracks back and you can often see Imrie on the side-line giving him a bollocking. I suspect the other lad will be Garrity who equally is yet to learn the defensive aspects of the game. All fair and reasonable if Imrie called out the experienced pros who regularly let us down but for some reason they never get called out publicly.
  8. Last season was a season too far for Broadfoot. Nothing against the guy but he cannot be a starter if we are serious about giving it a go this season. My fear though is Imrie is a stubborn manager and when he likes a player they are rarely dropped. Other than that I do hope we have a proper No.9 in mind otherwise the danger is we might look the part but not being clinical will hurt us.
  9. As a Morton fan of many years you are quite entitled to be a bit sceptical. I don't think any of us have a clue how this season will pan out until possibly after the first quarter of fixtures. The thing for me is we are at last looking better placed at the start of a season rather than playing catch up trying to build a squad. The risks are we still need 2/3 players to fill the gaps, we have completely changed our style of play and are now more reliant on young unproven players in what looks like being a highly competitive league. The risks are though what makes it an unusually exciting start to the season. Time will tell but at least we are trying something different.
  10. On the face of it this looks like another astute piece of business. A much needed goalkeeping coach and a more than adequate replacement for Mullen, as required. I am feeling a little light-headed at the realisation Morton are finally getting their act together before the season starts.
  11. Most certainly a different model to last season. We may have to be a little patient until the squad settles down but really looking forward to watching how things develop.
  12. Muirhead was a frustrating player and at times difficult to 'like' but we will find it tough to replace his goal tally. I don't bear him any ill will but open season when he is playing against us.
  13. Good signing but guess what position he plays?
  14. Stretching it to suggest we had one decent performance - we were the worst team in the Euros by some distance. Yes we have a limited pool of talent and injuries were an issue but our lack of ambition was frustrating. I was never expecting us to go gung ho in any of the matches but we never looked liked we were doing anything other than making up the numbers. I hope the fans enjoyed themselves but yet another tournament to forget.
  15. I suspect if you were flying from Manchester today it might top your list.
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