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Cet Homme Charmant

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Cet Homme Charmant last won the day on January 23

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About Cet Homme Charmant

  • Birthday 11/16/1961

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    Leuven, Belgium

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  1. Too far. Only 7 of them have been temporarily banned (correctly, IMO), but telling all of them not to come back is very unfair. They're still young and immature, but they're our the fans of the future. I know I wouldn't want to be judged as an adult for the fucking stupid things I said and did in my teens (e.g., attending two Whitesnake concerts).
  2. Ooooft, the early signs then weren't great, but the reality so far is much, much worse than anyone could have imagined.
  3. Pretty sure that Golden Casket retained ownership of the car park
  4. See whenever there are discussions about things people did in their teens that embarrasses them to this day, I immediately think of going to see Whitesnake live.... not once but twice. Until now I've been too ashamed to admit it, but it feels good to finally get that monkey off my back after all these years. The fact I only did it to ingratiate myself with a hippy chick I was into at the time is no excuse.
  5. Gutted, he was doing a great job in driving them towards oblivion
  6. It's also worth noting that many Partick fans were pure ragin' that they didn't strengthen their squad in January, so much so that their Chairman felt the need to come out with a statement to explain the obvious to them, i.e., that they're skint despite selling off chunks of their fan-ownership. It's precisely because of that sense of entitlement and lack of self-awareness that I will have zero sympathy for them if they do go tits up. At least most Ton fans are realistic about where we are in terms of our financial means, and by and large support the Boards approach of living within those means rather than racking up debts in the hope if one day getting promoted.
  7. Of course we should not minimise the potential seriousness of the alleged incident on Saturday, and if the reports are accurate then it goes without saying that like all Ton fans I hope the lad's OK. It's also good the club are reaching out to him as well. Having said that, it is indeed weird that the club saw fit to issue this statement, while both they and Partick remained silent when similar allegations were made against their fans earlier in the season.
  8. I'd say that 99.9% of professional footballers commit deliberate fouls when needed. If you're seriously suggesting we're the only football team in the planet who shouldn't be doing this because of some kind of Corinthian spirit bollocks, then you're being naive in the extreme. You should have used your 'sorry, I was pished' get-out option when it was offered to you.
  9. Post of 2025 so far, and it'll take something very, very special to beat it.
  10. Wouldn't be surprised if some of the big-spending Championship clubs that don't get promotion go the same way as ICT, which would be a terrible, terrible wee shame.
  11. Like any business assessment, it's down to a straightforward decision based on cost vs benefit. If the costs are anything like the estimate above, for me it's a proverbial no-brainer. The savings from binning the academy should IMO be put into a fund for the eventual upgrade and renovation of Cappielow which surely can't be put off much longer. Or, diverted immediately for ongoing piecemeal upgrades.
  12. I'm not sure I'd have 100% agreed with that in the first part of the season, but his upturn in form and that of the team as a whole in the last couple of months is perhaps not entirely coincidental. His headed finish for the winner against plucky wee Partick was textbook. Delighted for him.
  13. Yeah, I get what you're saying and the pessimist in me agrees. A couple of months ago I'd have been more than happy with 6th, but if we can sustain the form we're on now, well you never know where we'll end up. I do know that's a very big if.
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