Tbh I don't think Green Street (a film 20 years old now) has anything to do with what's happening at clubs across the country.
The (imo) crap ultras culture is plastered all across social media 24/7 so it's no surprise we've an element who've latched onto it too. However, Morton games without these guys bringing colour and atmosphere would be a pretty drab affair so we can't have it both ways.
I'm more old school so would prefer the more traditional songs but they appear to be more of a rarity these days at the expense of the more generic stuff wheeled out by fans across the country associated to these ultra groups.
Let's hope yesterday was an isolated incident. However if they did indeed jump off a supporters bus wearing balaclavas (which I struggle to believe) then we've a more concerning issue as they've travelled with a recognised supporters group who'll have to act accordingly.