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Why do you hate Partick Thistle?

Guest capitanus

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The stadium is a huge issue going forward. I did a wee bit of research and came up with a few options. 

1) build a new stadium. To buy land and build a 10,000 seater stadium would cost the best part of £10million. There are few areas of Inverclyde that would be suitable to relocate. The one obvious are is the dry dock.


2) rebuilding Cappielow would involve demolishing the existing stadium and rebuilding new stands. This would cost about £7.5m,  but I have serious doubts that we would ever receive planning permission. The transport infrastructure does not lend itself to a sports venue in Sinclair Street (mainly caused by that railway bridge).

3) Do periodic repairs on the existing stadium. This does not involve a capital cost, but is simply kicking the problem into the long grass. The roof on the cowshed is leaking and is not very safe (look up at the supporting girders next time you’re in and see the rust!). The WDE should be condemned. The stairs and terracing all over the ground are crumbling and verging on dangerous. The stand seats are too close together and probably breach current legislation re disability access. The facilities (toilets, catering etc) belong in another century (probably the 19th!)


4) Ground share. This is the least appealing option as we lose our home. 

The land that Cappielow sits on has little value. If I remember correctly, during the takeover someone said that the land had a value as a football stadium of over £2m but as a piece of land its value was about £400k. That sale price comes a long way short of the cost of building a new home. 

We can only pray that Asda follow up on their long-rumoured interest in a site in Inverclyde and do a “Tesco / St Mirren” for us. Even that is unlikely as the road system would make it unlikely to get planning permission for a supermarket.

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It's funny to see 'kicking the problem into the long grass' described as a downside of routine repair and maintenance, as opposed to, err, the entire point of the exercise. 

Meanwhile that comprehensive 'research' fair dwindled when it came to ascertaining the actual value of Cappielow, which became 'what someone (Rae-supporting lackey) said', at the time when they were conveniently trying to get their grubby mitts on the asset as entire payment for 'the club's' debt. 


The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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I didn’t claim to have done extensive research, and I don’t claim any expertise in land valuation. If you don’t agree with the figures suggested, then let us hear your estimates. The post was designed to highlight the issues that the club would have in addressing the obvious problems with the stadium. 

As for the comments about regular maintenance, the issue is whether it is better to paper over the cracks every year or finally grasp the nettle and invest in a longer term solution. At present, and I suspect for good financial reasons, the club is papering over the cracks. That can only work for a limited time before major renovation is required. 

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27 minutes ago, Tink said:

I didn’t claim to have done extensive research, and I don’t claim any expertise in land valuation. If you don’t agree with the figures suggested, then let us hear your estimates. The post was designed to highlight the issues that the club would have in addressing the obvious problems with the stadium. 

As for the comments about regular maintenance, the issue is whether it is better to paper over the cracks every year or finally grasp the nettle and invest in a longer term solution. At present, and I suspect for good financial reasons, the club is papering over the cracks. That can only work for a limited time before major renovation is required. 

The claim to having done research falls down, when you then take some random unsourced word for the valuation of the ground. That's the fundamental input for determining GMFC's realistic set of options. 

Your metaphors are getting mixed up now. Originally spending money on repair and maintenance was 'simply kicking the problem into the long grass'; now it has been conveniently downgraded to 'papering over the cracks'. Which one is it and why? 

Let's use an analogy to explain the difference. If the roof of a house can be fixed up rather than needing replaced for another 15 years, that's an example of 'simply kicking the problem into the long grass'. Which would be a concern to absolutely nobody, given the time range and options to deal with that problem by 15 years' time. We accept that trade-off all the time. 

There is also an inbuilt assumption that repair and maintenance cannot possibly improve any existing structures at Cappielow. Instead the WDE Must Be Condemned because nothing can possibly be done about crumbling steps. Given that the Cowshed has already been renovated within most people's living memory, that doesn't stand up to scrutiny. 

The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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4 hours ago, Tink said:

The stadium is a huge issue going forward. I did a wee bit of research and came up with a few options. 

1) build a new stadium. To buy land and build a 10,000 seater stadium would cost the best part of £10million. There are few areas of Inverclyde that would be suitable to relocate. The one obvious are is the dry dock.


2) rebuilding Cappielow would involve demolishing the existing stadium and rebuilding new stands. This would cost about £7.5m,  but I have serious doubts that we would ever receive planning permission. The transport infrastructure does not lend itself to a sports venue in Sinclair Street (mainly caused by that railway bridge).

3) Do periodic repairs on the existing stadium. This does not involve a capital cost, but is simply kicking the problem into the long grass. The roof on the cowshed is leaking and is not very safe (look up at the supporting girders next time you’re in and see the rust!). The WDE should be condemned. The stairs and terracing all over the ground are crumbling and verging on dangerous. The stand seats are too close together and probably breach current legislation re disability access. The facilities (toilets, catering etc) belong in another century (probably the 19th!)


4) Ground share. This is the least appealing option as we lose our home. 

The land that Cappielow sits on has little value. If I remember correctly, during the takeover someone said that the land had a value as a football stadium of over £2m but as a piece of land its value was about £400k. That sale price comes a long way short of the cost of building a new home. 

We can only pray that Asda follow up on their long-rumoured interest in a site in Inverclyde and do a “Tesco / St Mirren” for us. Even that is unlikely as the road system would make it unlikely to get planning permission for a supermarket.

There's a world of difference between something being leaky and rusty and being unsafe. Pretty spurious just to assume that exterior rust betrays a structural issue, frankly. If that was the case half the buildings in Europe would be condemned tomorrow.

I have no idea if this is a goer or not but I've wondered if there's some kind of heritage status we could get. It's one of the few classic grounds remaining in Scotland, along with places like Palmerston. That has to be worth something to some government body, surely? It's part of our rich cultural patrimony and all that shit. Knocking it down to let someone build a Lego set in its place would be a betrayal of our rickets-afflicted forefathers and their consumptive wives and what-have-you. Can we get a fat sack of cash if we promise not to put more plastic in?


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We're paying the price now for 20 years of neglect under the Raes. If they hadn't spunked away stupid money on jobbers and spent just some of it in maintaining and moderinsing the ground instead, we wouldn't be having this discussion now. And it would have left Dougie with the legacy he always craved for to boot.

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Just because something is rusty doesn't mean it's about to collapse.  

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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23 hours ago, Cet Homme Charmant said:

We're paying the price now for 20 years of neglect under the Raes. If they hadn't spunked away stupid money on jobbers and spent just some of it in maintaining and moderinsing the ground instead, we wouldn't be having this discussion now. And it would have left Dougie with the legacy he always craved for to boot.

Nail on head.


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Just liquidate those cunts and make them start in the amateur leagues under the guise of Maryhill United. 

There's a storm on the horizon

And for that I can't see the sun

For I'll keep a waiting on the pavement

For the ice cream van to come

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1 hour ago, Mr.Blue said:

Just liquidate those cunts and make them start in the amateur leagues under the guise of Maryhill United. 

There's already a similar, rancid outfit in the non-leagues called Rossvale. Application denied. 

The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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23 minutes ago, vikingTON said:

There's already a similar, rancid outfit in the non-leagues called Rossvale. Application denied. 

Lovely stuff. Sunday welfare league it is.

There's a storm on the horizon

And for that I can't see the sun

For I'll keep a waiting on the pavement

For the ice cream van to come

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