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2 hours ago, Alibi said:

is the profit margin on hospitality?  Do Morton actually make much from it when all costs are taken into account?

No idea, again, someone from the club would have to give you the figures, but I would guess that when it's full or close to full, it brings in a decent profit.

It's a great day out, especially when we win, but it's basically just steak pie, chips and peas and a few beers, with a half time pie and bovril thrown in for good measure. So if they can't make a decent profit on that when it's full or close to full, while charging 90 quid a head or whatever, then something is badly wrong.

Edited by Cet Homme Charmant
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The crowd being around 1500 on Saturday for the first home game of the season even with the dry weather was a bad omen imo. Cove and Queens Park won't bring many fans, not that QotS did. Thee worsening cost of living crisis will continu to hurt hospitality and could take a few more off the gate (including away fans who don't want to pay increasing travel costs). Scottish football is, like many industries, at huge risk thanks to Tory Britain.

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2 hours ago, so72 said:

The crowd being around 1500 on Saturday for the first home game of the season even with the dry weather was a bad omen imo. Cove and Queens Park won't bring many fans, not that QotS did. Thee worsening cost of living crisis will continu to hurt hospitality and could take a few more off the gate (including away fans who don't want to pay increasing travel costs). Scottish football is, like many industries, at huge risk thanks to Tory Britain.

I was actually surprised our crowd was as high as 1500. I expected 13-1400.

If we can at least maintain but hopefully increase that, our average will be closer to 2k bearing in mind 99% of the 1500 were home fans and you'd like to think the away fans would average at least 300-350 over the season. ( expect decent numbers from Dundee, Thistle and Ayr).

No doubt the BBC will pick one of the Thistle games which won't help the gate 

Of course your right though, in a few months people might decide 22 quid can be put to better use elsewhere, especially if/when we are down the bottom.


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11 hours ago, Cet Homme Charmant said:

With a cost-of-living crisis that's only going to get much, much worse over the winter, I would suspect 'luxury' expenditure like Hospitality will be one of the first things that will be ditched by folk who are struggling to make ends meet. 

I booked Hospitality for the rearranged QotS match in February, but it was cancelled a couple of days before the game due to lack of numbers (not related to the cost-of-living crisis which hadn't properly kicked-in by then, it was probably more to do with the relatively short notice). I think for this game only something like 15 people had signed-up, so that's probably the threshold below which it's no longer financially viable. I suspect therefore Hospitality will be cancelled for many games this season, particularly less attractive ones. And even the ones that do go ahead will probably be with far fewer numbers than normal. I've got no idea if reduced Hospitality income was taken into account when setting budgets, but if it wasn't, that could be very bad news.

Very unfortunate timing for MCT to take over the club right before the biggest cost-of-living crisis in living memory.

Aye, I guess so. As with the gate price going above £20, it's went over the £100 mark and I think that's the kind of thing people subconsciously or otherwise makes people change their minds. 

I noticed the price listed for the dundee game is actually lower but as far as I can see there's no promotion of it being lower.

I really feel for the commercial guy though - he seems to cover pretty much everything whereas Lesley Ann was basically hospitality and lottery. We've got people of both the club board and MCT board with their selling point as having marketing backgrounds - I've yet to see any joined up approach to marketing or a strategy (this is different from the commercial job but should support it). 

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I personally quite like that name.  Leaves it as Cappielow Park to fans while being reported as that long winded version by media etc.  

Better than changing it to the Tony macaroni or something. 


Edit: brilliant work by everyone involved to get this deal over the line.  Hopefully gives us a bit of breathing room financially in the coming months as well as upgrading infrastructure around the club. 

Edited by port-ton
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Good people will do good things, bad people will do bad things, but only with religion do good people do bad things!



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“To this day you still encounter the ‘which team do yae support?’ question, with the expected answer being Rangers or Celtic, and my answer has always been Greenock Morton. Why would I support any team but my home team?

That's the one question which really does my tits in.


Anyway, surely this can only be a good thing, it'll still be Cappielow to all of us.


Aye,aye,aye oh                             

Aye, aye, aye oh.                          

Morton FC.                                   

From Cappielow Park supported by Dalrada Technology.   

Disnae fit









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If this brings in significant income and support with marketing I don't see any issue with the naming rights. Everyone will still know it as Cappielow, we're not doing a Hamilton/St Mirren and renaming it every year.

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I’m more interested in what all of this actually means in practise, tbh. It all seems a bit vague but the talk of reducing carbon footprints etc kinda sounds like the day to day work of the club might be being handed over given all the talk of energy bills and what not.

It seems, for good or ill, that this is a variation on the share sales proposal but skipping the bit about fan votes or consultation. The money is certainly welcome but it remains to be seen what the test entails of.

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This sounds like a good move.  The ground is still going to be known as Cappielow Park to everyone apart from a very few pedants, and we get money from the deal.  Good piece of business and well done to whoever brokered this deal.  This sort of thing is what is needed to make us sustainable at a higher level of the food chain.

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"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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Don't mind the name. It's basically sponsored rather than a full rename so all sounds good. 

Couple of things that are a bit concerning. Would like board membership votes to be by MCT rather than bought and they don't seem to be on companies house as an active company (would like to see the accounts). 

Edited by irnbru
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15 minutes ago, irnbru said:

Don't mind the name. It's basically sponsored rather than a full rename so all sounds good. 

Couple of things that are a bit concerning. Would like board membership votes to be by MCT rather than bought and they don't seem to be on companies house as an active company (would like to see the accounts). 

I'm not sure if it's the same company, but it might be an offshoot/branch of this:


There's also a Dalrada Technology Ltd. on Companies House but it seems to be a dormant company with no serious assets. It could certainly do with clearing up - not because I'm suspicious of the club for doing the deal, but because we don't want to be in the same boat as several clubs and the Lowland League got into with the Walter Mitty character at ePOS.


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The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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11 minutes ago, vikingTON said:

I'm not sure if it's the same company, but it might be an offshoot/branch of this:


There's also a Dalrada Technology Ltd. on Companies House but it seems to be a dormant company with no serious assets. It could certainly do with clearing up - not because I'm suspicious of the club for doing the deal, but because we don't want to be in the same boat as several clubs and the Lowland League got into with the Walter Mitty character at ePOS.


No accounts, no assets and no website I can find for what has been a dormant company since incorporation in 2016. Even more curious is a Brian Bonar who went to James Watt Tech is the CEO of Dalrada Corporation. I trust Morton has done due diligence. 

As a Morton Supporter I am always suspicious.

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Great move for the club and everyone involved. Hopefully this can help the club breathe financially for the next good while. Adding a bit to the stadium name as well is no big deal either a lot of clubs do this and it's pretty common when you have a serious investor behind you. 

Now Morton about that striker? 

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1 hour ago, irnbru said:

Don't mind the name. It's basically sponsored rather than a full rename so all sounds good. 

Couple of things that are a bit concerning. Would like board membership votes to be by MCT rather than bought and they don't seem to be on companies house as an active company (would like to see the accounts). 

Yes, this is what I find a bit strange. When it was people effectively leasing shares with little obvious influence or involvement with the club being proposed, it was put to an EGM and we were told there would be a vote on all and any deals, and subsequently that anonymity was a deal-breaker. Now we have what appears to be a significantly greater intervention in the club and its activities and it’s simply presented as a fait accompli.  

There’s a clear discrepancy there, and once again not much in the way of significant detail regarding what the package actually is. If we weren’t to implicitly trust people simply donating money for shares, what’s different here? It’s very reasonable to wonder what the framework is here, which is very different from casting doubts upon it. Nobody at the club or MCT, far less a third party, has remotely earned implicit trust in their decision-making, to be blunt.

I’m not saying there’s anything dodgy about Dalrada or this deal, but the double-standard is clear and once again leaves the chain of accountability between club and owner seeming to be extremely malleable/non-existent.

Edited by EanieMeany


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