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Can only see 1 game during O'Ware's time with us where we scored three goals or more (15th March 2016).  We were three nil up at half time in that game (2 goals from Denny Johnstone & one from Paul Mcmullan).  Can't imagine why anyone would be booing the team in those circumstances.

Strangely, that table suggests we played 5 league games against them that season, which looks like a mistake unless it's something to do with that game that was abandoned due to a supporter needing medical attention after collapsing

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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36 minutes ago, Jamie_M said:

There was a 3-2 at Cappielow the previous season when we were 3 up at half time.

Can’t remember anything about that game, happy to be corrected. Although I don’t accept the team would’ve been booed off. Unless he’s mistaking it for something the officials had done, like Dougie last week.

Here ends all comparisons between Dougie and O’Ware, though.

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51 minutes ago, Toby said:

Can’t remember anything about that game, happy to be corrected. Although I don’t accept the team would’ve been booed off. Unless he’s mistaking it for something the officials had done, like Dougie last week.

Here ends all comparisons between Dougie and O’Ware, though.

Looking at the match threads for both games, nothing to suggest a half time hounding of the team or the officials (which would surely have been more likely). 

The 3-2 game slightly more likely as Michael Miller came on for the injured Kilday and stank the place out as we also reverted to hoofball.

Right in the ballpark of when O'Ware had his petted lip and fell out with the fans though so likely just him being precious rather than any actual significant event.

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Good listen. Glad but also sad to hear they both regret leaving us. Tidser especially - one of my favourite ever players and an absolute joy to watch. 

Wonder if he could still do a job as he is the type of player we are missing in the midfield. Probably too old now though.

Edited by DumfriesTon
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Really enjoyed that. I loved Tidser when he was with us and would welcome him back with open arms ( sentimental I know). I remember speaking to him after his last game for us when the rumours were he was going to Falkirk and asked him If he was staying and he didn't commit.  Was gutted at the time.

Oware being honest saying he fucked it. He was well liked at the club but going to thistle and acting like a bawbag totally changed that.

Nit a surprise to hear them both speak highly of Duffy as his teams always seemed to love him.

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There's a storm on the horizon

And for that I can't see the sun

For I'll keep a waiting on the pavement

For the ice cream van to come

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Good point about Cadden. There's a few players who I think have left Cappielow on decent terms, him being one of them as well as Andy Murdoch, Tidser ( I know he signed for Falkirk!).

Having seen a few ex players/ managers visit Cappielow recently. Who is currently the most disliked? I'm not really fussed about McGinty to be honest and a special mention to Tiffoney for trying to be relevant yesterday. Tumilty is just a deluded arsehole. 

Needs to be the rat McKinnon and the absolute vile cunt that is Brian Graham for me. I know there's plenty of other options out there.

There's a storm on the horizon

And for that I can't see the sun

For I'll keep a waiting on the pavement

For the ice cream van to come

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35 minutes ago, Mr.Blue said:


Good point about Cadden. There's a few players who I think have left Cappielow on decent terms, him being one of them as well as Andy Murdoch, Tidser ( I know he signed for Falkirk!).

Having seen a few ex players/ managers visit Cappielow recently. Who is currently the most disliked? I'm not really fussed about McGinty to be honest and a special mention to Tiffoney for trying to be relevant yesterday. Tumilty is just a deluded arsehole. 

Needs to be the rat McKinnon and the absolute vile cunt that is Brian Graham for me. I know there's plenty of other options out there.

Whilst the McKinnon thing was a big story at the time, I’d say opinion on him has softened from venom to mocking. His fortunes at Falkirk were so bad, and so delightful for us, that he’s now the ultimate joke figure to us.

Tiffoney I said in my match preview doesn’t attract quite the same disdain as Graham, and in spite of his behaviour yesterday, I stand by that. Graham’s the one active former player who I dislike above all others I’d say.

McGinty’s crime was that he was utter shite, and I suppose you could give him a hard time for his stupid red card against Arbroath that rules him out of the play-offs, but let’s be honest, he did us a favour there. He got his moment of glory the other night and enjoyed it, but he won’t always have it so good. There’ll be another blunder round the corner, hopefully against us.

Tidser blotted his copybook in much the way Tommy Turner did. I’ve probably mellowed towards him in recent years because he didn’t do anything for those tramps, but he still left us to go there, so gives up any kudos he might have had after leaving because of his destination.

O’Ware’s a cock. I don’t recall ever having any significant exchanges with him, but he strikes me as the sort of guy I’d hate to share a room with. I’m glad to see him showing a bit of contrition about how he left Morton, but worry he’s trying to weasel his way back, and suspect his agent may have sounded Dougie out. Hopefully their 6-1 schooling yesterday is off-putting enough.

It’s nearly five years since I did the poll about the most hated ex-Morton player, which was won by James Grady, pipping Dean Matthew Keenan to the post. Keenan still takes first place in my eyes though. I suspect Graham would be further up the rankings now, though.

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30 minutes ago, Toby said:

McGinty’s crime was that he was utter shite, and I suppose you could give him a hard time for his stupid red card against Arbroath that rules him out of the play-offs, but let’s be honest, he did us a favour there. He got his moment of glory the other night and enjoyed it, but he won’t always have it so good. There’ll be another blunder round the corner, hopefully against us.

An unfortunate phrase to use, considering the reason he's reviled.

McGinty is my most hated Morton player ever by a considerable distance. He knows exactly what he did and he should legitimately have spent time in prison for it along with a lifelong ban from working in football in any capacity.

Brian Wake my Lord, Brian Wake

Brian Wake my Lord, Brian Wake

Brian Wake my Lord, Brian Wake

Oh Lord, Brian Wake


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14 hours ago, dunning1874 said:

An unfortunate phrase to use, considering the reason he's reviled.

McGinty is my most hated Morton player ever by a considerable distance. He knows exactly what he did and he should legitimately have spent time in prison for it along with a lifelong ban from working in football in any capacity.

What crime?


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16 hours ago, Toby said:

It’s nearly five years since I did the poll about the most hated ex-Morton player, which was won by James Grady, pipping Dean Matthew Keenan to the post. Keenan still takes first place in my eyes though. I suspect Graham would be further up the rankings now, though.

Dean Matthew is a good shout but Tony Wallace is a dark horse - the worst player in our worst ever squad but he thought he was God's gift and had a right attitude problem. Scott McLaughlin at least put the effort in.

Most ex-Morton players I wish well and I'd like to think most of them recall their time at Cappielow fondly, but every so often there's a total wrong 'un. Dean Matthew is emblematic. It's not just that he was a bad player, but that he was the poster child for the naked-table-tennis, just-lads-having-a-laugh squad that ultimately failed to reach its potential. The rot started from the top, of course, with DDF indulging them, but a lot of guys who would later style themselves as good honest grafters gave a dreadful account of themselves, and Dean Matthew was probably the worst.

I remember an away game at Stirling Albion, he got subbed off and threw a water bottle at McInally, who just turned around and said something to him rather than sending him down the tunnel as he should have done. Again, the rot started at the top, but if you're a good honest pro frustrated at getting subbed off, kick an advertising hoarding or something. Or better yet ask for a free transfer and fuck off to "Troon" years earlier than you eventually did.


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Graham would be my number 1. A complete thug of a man. In Scottish football you get plenty of the self-styled hardmen, the wind-up merchants and the general pond life scum (i.e Paul McGowan), but Brian Graham sticks out as the only player who I believe genuinely attempts to inflict serious injuries on opponents.


Stinking attitude on him and all. Remember him sticking the finger up at the fans, or similar, at Dumbarton after we came back from 2 down. The absolute cheek of it considering the non-entity of a player he was at that point in his career

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12 hours ago, TRVMP said:

Dean Matthew is a good shout but Tony Wallace is a dark horse - the worst player in our worst ever squad but he thought he was God's gift and had a right attitude problem. Scott McLaughlin at least put the effort in.

Most ex-Morton players I wish well and I'd like to think most of them recall their time at Cappielow fondly, but every so often there's a total wrong 'un. Dean Matthew is emblematic. It's not just that he was a bad player, but that he was the poster child for the naked-table-tennis, just-lads-having-a-laugh squad that ultimately failed to reach its potential. The rot started from the top, of course, with DDF indulging them, but a lot of guys who would later style themselves as good honest grafters gave a dreadful account of themselves, and Dean Matthew was probably the worst.

I remember an away game at Stirling Albion, he got subbed off and threw a water bottle at McInally, who just turned around and said something to him rather than sending him down the tunnel as he should have done. Again, the rot started at the top, but if you're a good honest pro frustrated at getting subbed off, kick an advertising hoarding or something. Or better yet ask for a free transfer and fuck off to "Troon" years earlier than you eventually did.

Much like his time at Morton, Tony Wallace falls significantly short of the standard required here. Despite us paying a five figure compensation fee for his 'services', and him being pish throughout his time here, he's not a hate figure among the support. I don't think he would even get a podium finish if we were just looking at 13/14. He's an utter irrelevance, with the only footnote on his career being that he played a stunning through ball to Archie Campbell at Parkhead. 

51 minutes ago, Hej said:


I think Dunning is suggesting that McGinty had already signed a contract with Ayr and got himself sent off on purpose at Arbroath.

Shortly after hearing a shout from the stand that the Ayr game was sitting at 2-2. Funny that.

You address me by my proper title, you little bollocks! 

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