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I appreciate the point preemptively raised in the interview about the need for better communication on the MCT-club dynamic. We're obviously all on the Imrie for World Club Championship glory in 2025 bandwagon right now, but it has been very quiet from an MCT point of view since August or something. If the directors are busy doing the work highlighted behind the scenes then great, but that lack of communication from GMFC down will prove an issue as soon as we end up with a much more difficult first team situation. That's going to happen in football - but we need to keep the fan ownership show on the road regardless of those downturns.

Better to keep on top of that now when the going is good, rather than try to patch things over while another 'Gus' figure is stinking the place out. 

Edited by vikingTON
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The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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10 hours ago, vikingTON said:

I appreciate the point preemptively raised in the interview about the need for better communication on the MCT-club dynamic. We're obviously all on the Imrie for World Club Championship glory in 2025 bandwagon right now, but it has been very quiet from an MCT point of view since August or something. If the directors are busy doing the work highlighted behind the scenes then great, but that lack of communication from GMFC down will prove an issue as soon as we end up with a much more difficult first team situation. That's going to happen in football - but we need to keep the fan ownership show on the road regardless of those downturns.

Better to keep on top of that now when the going is good, rather than try to patch things over while another 'Gus' figure is stinking the place out. 

Aye, that's my concern too. One of the key points at meetings, etc was the MCT and GMFC are completely separate. Although the club are in a good place on and off the park and comms are improving, there's been nothing of note from MCT. 

Definitely a time to try build trust and increase membership when there's a feel good factor and to attempt to establish a wider understanding of their roles and remit rather than just retweeting stuff from the club and community trust. It can't be a case of the club is separate when we're struggling (which happened earlier in the season) and the same when things are good (which I feel is happening now). 

A few people I've spoke to (not Morton fans) are under the impression that the turnaround is all due to Dalrada so they need to try get some credit in the bank while things are good as we might lose sponsorship quickly or go through a poor run of form. 

That said, Sam Robinson seems to have done lots of work and been key in getting the sponsorship so has to take a lot of credit. The frustrating this is there are people on the board who say they are comms experts and that's the part that's lacking just now. 

Didn't mean for this reply to be as long and sound so negative. It's definitely not the case everything is bad but there's an opportunity to be seized here that doesn't come around that often so hopefully the MCT board get on the front foot a bit more over the coming months. 

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Wasn't sure which thread to put this in - our SLO is looking for feedback regarding the younger supporters.

Personally I love seeing that the younger fans have taken to following the club so keenly. Can only applaud the club for seeking comments. I imagine there will be a lot of talk of the stewards. 


Last season Stranraer received complaints from older fans about the younger ones with their drum etc, and those complaints were quickly shot down by others at the thought of driving away their future fanbase. Their SLO met with the young fans before a game, essentially to say that the club absolutely want them at the games and agreed on the best part of the ground for them to meet and sing from.

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McGhee needs some support, there's no-one backing him up.
Hayes playing it forward, Bell being forced to do it all alone, now forward from Marr, here's Ritchie, still Andy Ritchie, look at the control...

That is a marvellous goal from Andy Ritchie. Twenty minutes on the clock and Morton's supporters come alive. A goal which epitomises the control, the arrogance, the cheek of Andy Ritchie.

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Likewise I like seeing the amount of youngsters at the game and supporting the team.

I'd say the majority are there for the football and are generally well behaved.

But, there are also a few whose behaviour is ,in my opinion unacceptable, at the recent Cove game there was a crowd of around 10 kids waiting for autographs and photos with the players. Some them started throwing sweets at the players with one gleefully shouting "got the cunt" as he hit Calvin Miller.

In this day and age it's difficult for ANYONE including stewards to to take these kids to task without finding themselves sitting in the dock at the District Court, at best.

I don't know what the answer is, well I do but I would end up in Court!


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On 3/5/2023 at 4:32 PM, The Bewilderedbeast said:

Likewise I like seeing the amount of youngsters at the game and supporting the team.

I'd say the majority are there for the football and are generally well behaved.

But, there are also a few whose behaviour is ,in my opinion unacceptable, at the recent Cove game there was a crowd of around 10 kids waiting for autographs and photos with the players. Some them started throwing sweets at the players with one gleefully shouting "got the cunt" as he hit Calvin Miller.

In this day and age it's difficult for ANYONE including stewards to to take these kids to task without finding themselves sitting in the dock at the District Court, at best.

I don't know what the answer is, well I do but I would end up in Court!


Fill their pockets with coins, darts and cigarette lighters?



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Push for the title would be better…

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Astonishing how proactive Morton have become this season.

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"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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1 hour ago, Daleston said:

Easiest I've used allows you to pay with apple or google  good news 

Who else is using it? A few other clubs were using "Interstadia" or whatever it was called, which was one of the reasons Morton went with them. This lot, however, seem to have a bit more pedigree.


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4 hours ago, Toby said:

This can only be seen as good news, any tickets I’ve bought through fan base have been a piece of piss to buy. Now work towards binning the security company.

Aye, easy to use and off the shelf rather than some guy who's built a website himself that he doesn't know how to fix. Presumably this one has a lot less costs for upkeep as its a standard service too. 

Hopefully the stewards learn that standing in front of turnstiles shouting means that people can't actually use them. 

1 minute ago, TRVMP said:

Who else is using it? A few other clubs were using "Interstadia" or whatever it was called, which was one of the reasons Morton went with them. This lot, however, seem to have a bit more pedigree.


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49 minutes ago, irnbru said:

Aye, easy to use and off the shelf rather than some guy who's built a website himself that he doesn't know how to fix. Presumably this one has a lot less costs for upkeep as its a standard service too. 

Hopefully the stewards learn that standing in front of turnstiles shouting means that people can't actually use them. 


Us, Accies and Raith from the Championship then. The rest seem to be smaller clubs. Not that that's a problem - we don't need whatever they use at Old Trafford.


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6 hours ago, Ray Von said:

Pissing me off now we haven’t got anything arranged with matchwinner yet to get the retro tops released.

Had a look on their website today and some of the gear is phenomenonal. Fingers crossed we are onboard soon.

There's a storm on the horizon

And for that I can't see the sun

For I'll keep a waiting on the pavement

For the ice cream van to come

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