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Match Preview/Thread - Arbroath vs Morton (17th March)


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That was absolutely fucking sickening. How many chances did we have that is utterly embarrassing that we didn't win that. R Crawford was outstanding, Oakley was brilliant and Muirhead also. 

Ali Crawford please get in the bin. Can we just swap Gaston for Schwake once again he cost us that goal too many howlers this season.

Looked like also Imrie having an argument with a Morton fan after full time wonder what was going on there. 

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Very disappointing. Played well majority of the game and again missed chances at key moments and individual errors costing us. Easily could have won that 6-0 and very easy to be angry right after the game at individual players but take the emotion out of it and that was one of our best attacking away performances all season and we bullied a team that has bullied us at times this season. 

Need to keep our heads up there's still a long way to go. 

Good people will do good things, bad people will do bad things, but only with religion do good people do bad things!



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Just now, RossMcC1874 said:

That was absolutely fucking sickening. How many chances did we have that is utterly embarrassing that we didn't win that. R Crawford was outstanding, Oakley was brilliant and Muirhead also. 

Ali Crawford please get in the bin. Can we just swap Gaston for Schwake once again he cost us that goal too many howlers this season.

Looked like also Imrie having an argument with a Morton fan after full time wonder what was going on there. 

Every right to have a go at Imrie poor management letting Crawford take the penalty.

Big B

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Just now, port-ton said:

Very disappointing. Played well majority of the game and again missed chances at key moments and individual errors costing us. Easily could have won that 6-0 and very easy to be angry right after the game at individual players but take the emotion out of it and that was one of our best attacking away performances all season and we bullied a team that has bullied us at times this season. 

Need to keep our heads up there's still a long way to go. 

You're not wrong but Imrie is rewarding guys like Crawford while McGrattan languishes on the bench. At least Ally Roy's not getting a game but he's not the only one needing a spell on the bench. Blues as well, for a guy with as many appearances as him he has to be more composed.


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Schwake is hopeless. As bad as that keeper we had a few seasons ago whose name escapes me but he ended up at Dumbarton for a while. My brain has blanked out his name but that’s how bad Schwake is.

ETA: Ramsbottom. Sheepsarse. Where do we find them?

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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The day an hour your own manger says to supporter who have travelled to "f up" that's more than questionable behaviour in my book.....could anyone ever imagine that behaviour from any manger.....he lost the plot but that is no excuse and I would expect humble pie in next interview....the few don't speak for the many and discipline is the minimum you should expect from you own manager.... absolutely disgusting behaviour!!!!!

In all honesty who thinks Ali Crawford should have been on the park to take the pen. Was crying out for McGrattan to come on imho

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1 minute ago, Alibi said:

Schwake is hopeless. As bad as that keeper we had a few seasons ago whose name escapes me but he ended up at Dumbarton for a while. My brain has blanked out his name but that’s how bad Schwake is.


Im making perfect sense, your just not keeping up.

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1 minute ago, TRVMP said:

You're not wrong but Imrie is rewarding guys like Crawford while McGrattan languishes on the bench. At least Ally Roy's not getting a game but he's not the only one needing a spell on the bench. Blues as well, for a guy with as many appearances as him he has to be more composed.

I'm a mcgrattan stan account now but Crawford wasn't as bad as people are making out, especially in the second half. He's soft as shite and wouldn't be tolerated by Dougie if he wasn't his mate but he was quite creative in the second half. Needs to do better with follow up to the penalty but it's a wonder save too. 

Give me mcgrattan any day over him but tbh the qualities that mcgrattan brings to the team we weren't actually missing in that performance tonight. 

Good people will do good things, bad people will do bad things, but only with religion do good people do bad things!



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3 minutes ago, port-ton said:

I'm a mcgrattan stan account now but Crawford wasn't as bad as people are making out, especially in the second half. He's soft as shite and wouldn't be tolerated by Dougie if he wasn't his mate but he was quite creative in the second half. Needs to do better with follow up to the penalty but it's a wonder save too. 

Give me mcgrattan any day over him but tbh the qualities that mcgrattan brings to the team we weren't actually missing in that performance tonight. 

Give over. Muirhead, out wide, created twice what Crawford did from his natural position. Crawford was absolutely shan. The fact that he looks pretty on the ball is just deception: in practically every attacking move that mattered he was either barely involved or actively fucking it up.

Not saying we would have won with McGrattan - the point is one of picking players and benching players based on what they're doing. Crawford simply was a non-factor tonight except in the negative.


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2 minutes ago, port-ton said:

I'm a mcgrattan stan account now but Crawford wasn't as bad as people are making out, especially in the second half. He's soft as shite and wouldn't be tolerated by Dougie if he wasn't his mate but he was quite creative in the second half. Needs to do better with follow up to the penalty but it's a wonder save too. 

Give me mcgrattan any day over him but tbh the qualities that mcgrattan brings to the team we weren't actually missing in that performance tonight. 

No it wasn’t! Good save from his initial effort but Gaston stated in his interview he knew what side and what height he was going. That’s chronic if a player does the same penalty time after time that a part time keeper even knows what you’re doing!

As for the follow up header, that was abysmal! He had most of goal to aim for and sent it straight down the middle close to the keeper

here today, gone to hell

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6 minutes ago, Scott said:

Ooft, boot stuck in from Imrie to Schwake - “not the first time he’s cost us points” 

Thats a massive statement to make when we have a competition winner as our other option. Dougie's been looking and sounding very angry the last few weeks. 

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3 minutes ago, Brian Skelton said:

Aye Imrie just come on the TV and hang the young guy out to dry.What about your most experienced player missing a penalty not a mention of that.

Crawford should definitely come in for criticism as well but Schwake had two howlers, and he must be close to 50 senior appearances now. There comes a point when you stop being a young player and just become a player, and I'd say he's reached that point.

Now, his confidence is clearly absolutely gone. Whether this helps with that remains to be seen.

Just now, bob_the_builder said:

No it wasn’t! Good save from his initial effort but Gaston stated in his interview he knew what side and what height he was going. That’s chronic if a player does the same penalty time after time that a part time keeper even knows what you’re doing!

As for the follow up header, that was abysmal! He had most of goal to aim for and sent it straight down the middle close to the keeper

Correct. Gaston did very well but it's not exactly super-human stuff.


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I understand Imrie is gutted as we all are and clearly a very raw interview but I thinks that's really poor that he comes out and absolutely slates Schwake, yes he has had a nightmare and quite a few this season but that's something you talk in private about to him not in a live interview on TV. 


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