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26 minutes ago, TONofmemories said:

Bit of a generalisation, though. Most nurses do this world some good. 

Most people in general do the world some good. Nurses, despite the fact they're paid professionals like everyone else with a job, get this halo effect carved out for them - one which I don't think they've actually earned beyond, again, doing the job they're paid for. 

During the COVID pandemic nurses took the opportunity to declare themselves selfless heroes while meting out the most unimaginable cruelty, from calling the police on unconscious people whose mask had fallen off to preventing the dying from seeing their loved ones. The cruelty is something I can't and won't unsee. Prior to this I had a very positive view of not just nurses but the medical profession in toto, and now it's a negative one. And don't get me wrong, this isn't because of any scientific reason. I am vaccinated and I believe in mainstream medical science. I just think the people administering it have a latent cruel streak that the pandemic gave them an opportunity to show. 

I don't doubt the nurses were as scared and bewildered of this novel virus as everyone else, but again, this is literally their job and long after it became apparent what the risk factors were they were still keeping the dying locked up alone. It was a historic wrong that they've pretended never happened, so I have no respect for them. 

It's very possible this only took place in the US and that no such analogue exists in Scotland, in which case feel free to mentally put 'in the US' after my statement. 

5 minutes ago, TONofmemories said:

And everyone's entitled to have their say. 



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7 hours ago, Cet Homme Charmant said:

Was it the nurses themselves who unilaterally decided to stop folk from seeing their dying relatives, or were they instructed to do so by their hospital management and/or health authorities? If it's the latter, should they not be the target of your hatred?

And I would suspect the incident where a nurse allegedly called the cops when an unconscious person's mask fell off was specific to that one nurse, and not the whole profession?

I did mention the medical profession in toto but I'll do it again: if you're taking this as my defending the people dishing out the marching orders, that's not what I'm doing. I put them on a par with nurses. But I reserve more dislike for nurses because no hospital administrator or claims adjuster claims she's a selfless hero; she's just a professional doing a job. But nurses want to have their cake and eat it. They want to be able to be wantonly cruel to patients if they're instructed to but also be completely above criticism, pure as the driven snow. They can, collectively, ram it. Either they're there to do a job, in which case they can be judged on the merit of that job, or they're the Florence Nightingale figures they've made themselves out to be, in which case they faced a big test and were found, collectively, wanting.

4 hours ago, Alibi said:

Ridiculous to demonise an entire profession on the basis of a few perceived situations that were almost certainly done on instructions from above.  These people were risking their lives dealing with a virus that, at least in the early days, was an unknown quantity with no known cure - all they could do was try to treat the symptoms and the effects of the virus.  I was told by the doctor in the ICU ward that I was in that they had no information to inform them of what to do, so it was really trial and error.  At the time, PPE was in short supply and staff were taking huge risks to help their patients, and isolation was one of the ways of trying to reduce the spead. maybe your experience is based on the uSA which seems to be a fairly vicious society where life is cheap if you're not hugely wealthy, but certainly in Scotland, the nursing profession worked like trojans to help their patients, with some of the staff dying themselves from infections caught in the course of their work.  Your take on this is frankly ludicrous.  Maybe aim your ire at your eponymous presidential pal Donald who didn't exactly cover himself in glory with his rantings during the pandemic.

It was months into the pandemic when what I'm describing took place. I wouldn't have blamed them if it was January or February but the cruelty was the point.

Perhaps it is completely unique to the US and nurses in the UK weren't separating the dying from their relatives in a needlessly punitive fashion. As I said in my last post, if you'd prefer to read my posts with the tacit "in the USA" appended to every sentence, you can do so. Then you have nothing to be angry about.


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Posted (edited)

So you hate a whole profession for doing something that wasn't their choice or decision, and for which they'd literally be sacked for not doing? OK.... 🙄

Hating whole groups, be it for their religion, race, nationality, or in this case profession, is just an anathema to me. Hatred is a horrible, self-destructive emotion. Personally, I prefer to reserve it for those individuals who I think truly deserve it through their evil or depraved words and deeds. Hating a whole profession for following an instruction that I'm sure the vast majority of them also found hugely distressing, is a bit weird.

But hey, just my 2 cents, feel to carry on hating people who're just doing their job. 👍

PS, I notice the also refer to nurses as 'she'. Also a bit weird. ;) 

Edited by Cet Homme Charmant
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Cet Homme Charmant said:

So you hate a whole profession for doing something they'd literally be sacked for not doing? OK.... 🙄

Hating whole groups, be it for their religion, race, nationality, or in this case profession, is just an anathema to me. Hatred is a horrible, self-destructive emotion. Personally, I prefer to reserve it for those individuals who I think truly deserve it through their evil or depraved words and deeds. Hating a whole profession for following an instruction that I'm sure the vast majority of them also found distressing, just doesn't make any sense to me.

But hey, just my 2 cents, feel to carry on hating people who're just doing their job. 👍

PS, I notice the also refer to nurses as 'she'. Plenty are blokes are nurses, I assume also in Texas. Welcome to the 21 century! ;) 

It's always easy to imagine oneself as the one who would have Stopped Hitler or whatever but the truth is usually more difficult. Most people just go along to get along in their lives in general, much less in what they do to put food on the table. But yes, if a nurse thinks "shall I stop this dying person from seeing his family in the off-chance that someone shops me, I go through an entire disciplinary process, and maybe get sacked?" and concludes "yes" - as virtually all of them did when faced with that choice - then I'll judge them accordingly. Perhaps I'd similarly have failed that test. What I can say with near-certainty is that I wouldn't have been a tenth as punitive and cruel as the nurses in this country were when they were given the chance to be.

I'm certain, on the other hand, that some were quietly bending the rules. Some were simply doing the decent, humane thing here and (understandably) keeping it quiet. For those few I have a huge amount of respect. For obvious reasons they'll keep their heads down. They'll know who they are and will have a clear conscience, which is the best they can hope for.

I'm not trying to convince anyone else here and I don't care about your approval or your lack of it; I've been asked a bunch of questions by you and I've answered them. I have no questions for you and I don't care about your opinion on this matter.

I didn't refer to nurses as she. I referred to hospital administrators and claims adjusters as she.

Edited by TRVMP
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3 minutes ago, Cet Homme Charmant said:

No worries, I'm under no illusions that you respect my or anyone else's opinion, so I'll close the discussion as I always do when confronted with Godwin's law. :)


The reason I don't respect your opinion is that you just lie, constantly, about what I've said and about what you've said, on this topic and most others. There are plenty of people on here whose opinions I do respect - and in fact I had a discussion with one of them just last night about this topic - and you're not one of them. Other people don't say that I'm saying nurses are all female, like you did before you edited it. I never made a single comment on the sex of the nurses involved nor nurses in general. You just completely made it up, same with the Godwin's Law thing. I don't think you're honest with yourself about this and that's why you can't be honest with me either.

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No worries, I'm totally cool with that. 👍 There are some people on here whose disrespect would trouble me, but you're definitely not one of them :) 

And comparing nurses to those in Nazi Germany who turned a blind eye to Hitler's atrocities is peak Godwin's Law. :)

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7 minutes ago, Cet Homme Charmant said:

No worries, I'm totally cool with that. 👍 There are some people on here whose disrespect would trouble me, but you're definitely not one of them :) 

And comparing nurses to those in Nazi Germany who turned a blind eye to Hitler's atrocities is peak Godwin's Law. :)


It's not what I did, though. I'm drawing no comparison. Had I wanted to draw a comparison I'd have not said "or whatever" and I'd have said I thought they were of the same level, which they're obviously not.


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1 hour ago, Stevie Aitken's Love Child said:

Reece Lyon joins Queen of the South

Strange move and a lot more travelling for him.

There's a storm on the horizon

And for that I can't see the sun

For I'll keep a waiting on the pavement

For the ice cream van to come

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1 hour ago, Mr.Blue said:

Strange move and a lot more travelling for him.

Full time football innit. Working under his old manager from Annan (I think) as well.

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He was always being released this summer, but it'll be a nervous time praying we dodge that bullet. Hopefully he goes back to Hamilton instead.

That release list also means St Johnstone have no left backs, wouldn't be surprised to see Strapp end up there.

Brian Wake my Lord, Brian Wake

Brian Wake my Lord, Brian Wake

Brian Wake my Lord, Brian Wake

Oh Lord, Brian Wake


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