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I actually do think that's what it it come to think of it. I'm sure someone said he was advising Raith on their community stuff.


Bzzzzzzzzz... (Drone flies up and away)


And action...


(Cue the Geordie voiceover)

Kir-Caw-Dee iz un area ov hai depra-vashun. Wiv your 'elp und a couple ov hundred grand, we can enshoowre that the local manks can swap their Donnay trackies for Slazenger wuns.


For another Twentee odd grand aye can doo a feeza Billie tee study that nobody will ever know the outcome ov.



Worz me check?



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There's the odd mouth breather on here, but they're few and far between. I'd like to think that most folks' disdain for Hawke is a direct result of his utter contempt for his paying customers. Let's not kid ourselves, the guy was a wanker who went out his way to antagonise us in order to keep himself in a job, and ultimately that was a contributing factor to him being emptied.


Let's be honest here, Hawke was a prick and getting him to fuck ranks alongside swapping Andy Barrowman for Ross Forbes and pumping the beggars in their own rancid bin as great Morton victories of this decade.

I don't particularly disagree tbh (although I struggle to really care about him too much), but i don't think it's unreasonable (or being overly defensive) acknowledging that there was the seeds of some good stuff. Again, there's a difference between saying and doing, especially when one of the things you do is buy daft turnstiles, but I think the point that he could be a good consultant is a fair enough one.


Again, I'm not at all defending his record when it came to actually doing the job. There's not really any credible defence there, and as you say he came to symbolise the disconnect between club and fans which McKinnon has acknowledged. I also thought it was revealing when Hopkin said that with the new regime, he felt the time was right to take the job. Hard not to read that as him saying he didn't want to work with Hawke.


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I don't particularly disagree tbh (although I struggle to really care about him too much), but i don't think it's unreasonable (or being overly defensive) acknowledging that there was the seeds of some good stuff. Again, there's a difference between saying and doing, especially when one of the things you do is buy daft turnstiles, but I think the point that he could be a good consultant is a fair enough one.


Again, I'm not at all defending his record when it came to actually doing the job. There's not really any credible defence there, and as you say he came to symbolise the disconnect between club and fans which McKinnon has acknowledged. I also thought it was revealing when Hopkin said that with the new regime, he felt the time was right to take the job. Hard not to read that as him saying he didn't want to work with Hawke.


My main point is to counter your apparent view that he couldn't do right for doing wrong in they eyes of the support though. Hawke's actions directly resulted in us hating him, nothing else. Nobody's saying there weren't things he did well- it would take a monumental fuck up of Craig Whyte proportions to do nothing right. But come on, he was a failure in the position, there's no escaping from it. And his relationship with people, be it his internal or external customers, was his major downfall. Had he not been such a complete prick, he, and Morton, would've been far better off. Hell mend him.

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I don't think he really managed things through to completion but things like the community trust, youth academy, online tickets, strip voting, pie stall branding, etc were all things he started with varying degrees of success. Like I keep saying, the problems have mainly been the implementation rather than the ideas which was a lot more than the Gillian Donaldson had.

I know he had a lot of other things that were planned and sounded good and never got off the ground for whatever reason which is his biggest problem. The revamp of hospitality is a good example where it got done quickly when he left but he had various different plans over the years without being able to get them done.

The strip voting idea was the Greenock Telegraph's and not Morton's. For them it was a novel change from Bonny Babies or Pet Idol.


Online Tickets - still riddled with problems ever since day one.


The Community Trust - VikingTon mocks that far better than I can, so I will patiently await him coming on with his rant about it. Granted, he pulled off a couple of coups which got big grants but how did that compute to anything tangible on the park?


The Youth Academy - Was they not Stuart Duncan's pet project, or was it Joe McLaughlin's? No, I think that was Derek Anderson's, wasn't it? Were we not declared a Youth set up too crap for SFA funding? No, we eventually got a couple of young boys from it this season after years of trying and dying on our arse. Woo-hoo, let's give 'Thu Hawke' credit for that too then. :lol:


Pie Stall Branding - Some signage for a crap baker which charged an extra ten bob per pie and covered unsuspecting punters in grease. That's clutching at fucking straws.


Still, he was more of an 'ideas man' rather than a guy who was paid handsomely to run the fucking show. :rolleyes:



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The strip voting idea was the Greenock Telegraph's and not Morton's. For them it was a novel change from Bonny Babies or Pet Idol.


Online Tickets - still riddled with problems ever since day one.


The Community Trust - VikingTon mocks that far better than I can, so I will patiently await him coming on with his rant about it. Granted, he pulled off a couple of coups which got big grants but how did that compute to anything tangible on the park?


The Youth Academy - Was they not Stuart Duncan's pet project, or was it Joe McLaughlin's? No, I think that was Derek Anderson's, wasn't it? Were we not declared a Youth set up too crap for SFA funding? No, we eventually got a couple of young boys from it this season after years of trying and dying on our arse. Woo-hoo, let's give 'Thu Hawke' credit for that too then. :lol:


Pie Stall Branding - Some signage for a crap baker which charged an extra ten bob per pie and covered unsuspecting punters in grease. That's clutching at fucking straws.


Still, he was more of an 'ideas man' rather than a guy who was paid handsomely to run the fucking show. :rolleyes:

I didn't comment on how he well implemented them, just that some of the things that were done under his time were things that should have made us a bit more professional as a club. Arguably they are all things that should be there anyway but they weren't.

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The strip voting idea was the Greenock Telegraph's and not Morton's. For them it was a novel change from Bonny Babies or Pet Idol.


Online Tickets - still riddled with problems ever since day one.


The Community Trust - VikingTon mocks that far better than I can, so I will patiently await him coming on with his rant about it. Granted, he pulled off a couple of coups which got big grants but how did that compute to anything tangible on the park?


The Youth Academy - Was they not Stuart Duncan's pet project, or was it Joe McLaughlin's? No, I think that was Derek Anderson's, wasn't it? Were we not declared a Youth set up too crap for SFA funding? No, we eventually got a couple of young boys from it this season after years of trying and dying on our arse. Woo-hoo, let's give 'Thu Hawke' credit for that too then. :lol:


Pie Stall Branding - Some signage for a crap baker which charged an extra ten bob per pie and covered unsuspecting punters in grease. That's clutching at fucking straws.


Still, he was more of an 'ideas man' rather than a guy who was paid handsomely to run the fucking show. :rolleyes:

The Aulds pies were pretty good, to be fair (after changing it from the initial one with too much grease). I had more pies last season than any other in years. I had one of the new ones last week and it was terribly dry with an unnecessary abundance of pepper - I won't be getting another in a hurry.

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The Aulds pies were pretty good, to be fair (after changing it from the initial one with too much grease). I had more pies last season than any other in years. I had one of the new ones last week and it was terribly dry with an unnecessary abundance of pepper - I won't be getting another in a hurry.

I tend to agree that the less greasy pie was not bad, but the fact that they had to come up with that version eventually speaks volumes for how poor the original ones were and the attitude towards Morton supporters at the time - give them any old crap and they'll happily pay through the nose for it.



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I tend to agree that the less greasy pie was not bad, but the fact that they had to come up with that version eventually speaks volumes for how poor the original ones were and the attitude towards Morton supporters at the time - give them any old crap and they'll happily pay through the nose for it.

Well, no, it was more 'give them the standard one without thinking that the eating might be different to the normal customer'.

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The Aulds pies were pretty good, to be fair (after changing it from the initial one with too much grease). I had more pies last season than any other in years. I had one of the new ones last week and it was terribly dry with an unnecessary abundance of pepper - I won't be getting another in a hurry.

Pretty much the same for me, was buying the Aulds ones and didn't touch the shite efforts they had before that.


Saturdays one was disappointing in comparison.

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Spunking £100k on a set of shan, white elephant turnstiles and an abysmal, unsafe and soon to be obsolete online ticketing/fan card system to accompany it is a wee bit more important in assessing Iron Man's legacy than the greasiness of a Cappielow pie. 


His legacy will be years of tinpot nonsense until the club finally retrogrades that utter fail into a competent system instead. 

The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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Surely we can repurpose the current scanners to work like similar to Ayr's and let people buy online and scan/print the code to get in, people can still buy paper tickets at the office if they wish but it would help with the queues at kick off.

Im making perfect sense, your just not keeping up.

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Surely we can repurpose the current scanners to work like similar to Ayr's and let people buy online and scan/print the code to get in, people can still buy paper tickets at the office if they wish but it would help with the queues at kick off.

If the website was easier to use to order fan cards and load them then that would be enough.

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Surely we can repurpose the current scanners to work like similar to Ayr's and let people buy online and scan/print the code to get in, people can still buy paper tickets at the office if they wish but it would help with the queues at kick off.

Knowing Morton we’d get the situation where only two obscure phone brands would fit under the scanner.

McGhee needs some support, there's no-one backing him up.
Hayes playing it forward, Bell being forced to do it all alone, now forward from Marr, here's Ritchie, still Andy Ritchie, look at the control...

That is a marvellous goal from Andy Ritchie. Twenty minutes on the clock and Morton's supporters come alive. A goal which epitomises the control, the arrogance, the cheek of Andy Ritchie.

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