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capitanus last won the day on June 30

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    Salou, Spain

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  1. Ex-Morton loanee gets a menchie on the BBC website in article about some diddy teams playing each other in Europe: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/c51yrn8zz8zo
  2. Sorry to hear that Frank, hope all goes well for you mate.
  3. can the blind get a bit of Toast in there though?
  4. Do we still have a Toast Room for the Blind?
  5. Surely it shouldn't be a big issue to open the gate and let you and your daughter through to the main stand. A wee bit of common sense should prevail in instances like this.
  6. I voted Labour. I never thought I'd see the day. However so did most on here probably.
  7. Alibi being a Tory nowadays is amusing. Its just a pity he's already blackballed from the 'Ludge'.
  8. They can. They just want their cake and eat it. The Bastards.
  9. Sixty Years of Hurt incoming. ETA: Listening to all the comments on the usual outlets from the pundits etc. has been absolutely glorious. Its as good as the game itself. Despite all this none of them come to the conclusion that were a slightly better than average team and they rode their luck all tournament, their supposed 'world class' players werent world class at all, and their championship level manager overachieved spectacularly by taking a team that only scored seven goals all the way to the final. Just like last time, i was dreading this lot getting to the final - just in case they win - however its like Rangers getting to a Europa League final, the aftermath and the delicious tears afterwards is well worth it.
  10. Spain beat England 2-1. Spain are champions. ENGLAND WIN NOTHING AGAIN. That's all folks.
  11. Not even the 'irate creditor' that is Alibi? Is he in hiding now that he has defected to the Conservatives like the rest of his bumpkin neighbours?
  12. It wont amount to much. Thanks to the success of Wrexham Netflix series there will be countless football clubs planning some kind of docu-soap following their fortunes. Apparently Motherwell have a rich investor planning something similar. That horrible lot from Possilpark can join the fucking queue if they think they can pin their hopes and future wellbeing on some glorified advert for their birdshit stained stands and tinpot football club. They've had hours upon hours of free publicity thanks to thee BBC luvvies over the years and they still struggle to get average gates over 3k. Nobody cares about them outwith their natural constituency. Next.
  13. Fucking Parasites. Boot them out of football.
  14. Cheating bastards win and through to the final. :raging:
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