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The King of Cappielow retires

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There aren't too many Morton players who have rightly qualified as 'legends' - but Andy's one of them. Thanks for everything you did for the club, and for the memories.

Best wishes for a healthy and happy retirement, Andy.

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I’m sorry to hear this, but at the same time am happy for the big man if he is in a position to step back and enjoy his retirement.

Andy’s presence will really be missed about the club - his co-commentary was brilliant during the lockdown broadcasts and I’ve always enjoyed has company on hospitality days etc.  He was also kind enough to record a really nice message for my friend on his wedding day which I played during my best man speech.

I know that it’s usually done when retiring from playing as opposed to 40 years later, but I would like to see a testimonial game organised for him in recognition of his service to the club over the years

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Very sorry to hear that he is stepping away from a game that he lit up as a player. My first real hero when watching Morton as a boy. The famous goal is often mentioned, but seeing him score the winner against the club that let him go, past the player that he was swapped for, was particularly special for me. 

Echo the comments about his co-commentary, which drew praise from fans of other teams.

I hope that he has a happy retirement.

McGhee needs some support, there's no-one backing him up.
Hayes playing it forward, Bell being forced to do it all alone, now forward from Marr, here's Ritchie, still Andy Ritchie, look at the control...

That is a marvellous goal from Andy Ritchie. Twenty minutes on the clock and Morton's supporters come alive. A goal which epitomises the control, the arrogance, the cheek of Andy Ritchie.

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Totally agree with the comments about his co-commentary during the covid live streams. He was entertaining, brutally honest, informative, and very often LOL funny, his 'he's like a drunk man chasing a balloon' comment in one of the games being a classic example.

Gerry, his co-commentator, mentioned something about a dinner being organised for him later in the year, which I'm sure will be a sell-out.

I'm one of those old codgers who were lucky enough to witness the man when he was in his prime, and he was by some considerable margin the most naturally gifted footballer to have graced the hoops in the almost 50 years I've been a fan. It's a really pity that for whatever reason he never really fulfilled the huge potential he undoubtedly had.


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Just wanted to re-share this. We filmed the interview on what turned out to be the day Gus got the sack. We were rock bottom of the league and there was a real nasty divide between the fans and the club. It says so much about what kind of man Andy is that he was prepared to agree to this at that time. Speaking honestly as always, but also trying to give a positive message when everything was so bleak at the time. Every minute that I had working alongside and getting to know him since the start of Covid was an absolute thrill and a real pleasure. Like so many others on here, he's probably the main reason I was taken to Cappielow by my dad when I was just old enough to go to games in the late 70s, and he will always be my biggest footballing hero.


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