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What about tenner a ticket but you have the option to buy spare tickets for the club to hand out to people who can't afford to go/wouldn't usually go. 

Seems a decent way to get a big crowd in while not losing the club money, and also ticks the box of trying to get the community back interested in the club now we are fan owned. 

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Good people will do good things, bad people will do bad things, but only with religion do good people do bad things!



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20 minutes ago, port-ton said:

What about tenner a ticket but you have the option to buy spare tickets for the club to hand out to people who can't afford to go/wouldn't usually go. 

Seems a decent way to get a big crowd in while not losing the club money, and also ticks the box of trying to get the community back interested in the club now we are fan owned. 

How many people would be paying a tenner a ticket, after ST holders are accounted for? How many of that fraction of the fanbase would then voluntarily 'buy spare tickets', and how many of that fraction will be used by someone after the back of a fag packet distribution exercise is carried out?

I'd put the over/under book on how many extra fans this scheme would contribute to 'a big crowd' in at a generous 30. 

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The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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31 minutes ago, port-ton said:

What about tenner a ticket but you have the option to buy spare tickets for the club to hand out to people who can't afford to go/wouldn't usually go. 

Seems a decent way to get a big crowd in while not losing the club money, and also ticks the box of trying to get the community back interested in the club now we are fan owned. 

The right idea. Possibly something that could be done (with refinements) is the club charging a reduced ticket and matching tickets sold say by the Friday and distribute them to whoever they wish. Get a big crowd in, hopefully some folk who haven't been for a while. People could enter like it was a raffle maybe?

I would be hoping that they PR the shit out of Saturday coming. Chance to put one over the little people, hopefully sun is shining and of course, Dougie back in the dug out. It's got the making of a top afternoon.

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44 minutes ago, vikingTON said:

How many people would be paying a tenner a ticket, after ST holders are accounted for? How many of that fraction of the fanbase would then voluntarily 'buy spare tickets', and how many of that fraction will be used by someone after the back of a fag packet distribution exercise is carried out?

I'd put the over/under book on how many extra fans this scheme would contribute to 'a big crowd' in at a generous 30. 

Season ticket holders could still buy tickets. I'd happily spend £20 for two tickets for someone who couldn't usually afford to go. I'm sure Motherwell did something similar the other year and safe to say that they're the benchmark for community clubs in Scotland. 

I think you vastly underestimate the generosity of Morton fans, especially for a scheme that is about trying to get lapsed and new fans along to cappielow. 

Just doing the same old things isn't going to bring fans back. Even a promotion battle under Moore or a cup semi final under Duffy barely made a dent. 




Good people will do good things, bad people will do bad things, but only with religion do good people do bad things!



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27 minutes ago, port-ton said:

Season ticket holders could still buy tickets. I'd happily spend £20 for two tickets for someone who couldn't usually afford to go. I'm sure Motherwell did something similar the other year and safe to say that they're the benchmark for community clubs in Scotland. 

How many extra punters did Motherwell get then? 

"I think you vastly underestimate the generosity of Morton fans, especially for a scheme that is about trying to get lapsed and new fans along to cappielow."

No, I think that you vastly overestimate the willingness of people who have their own bills to pay every month to chip in money to a daft gimmick, with no guarantee that anyone will actually use the ticket to attend a match. 

"Just doing the same old things isn't going to bring fans back."

Daft, birthday card pish isn't going to do that either.

"Even a promotion battle under Moore or a cup semi final under Duffy barely made a dent."

Made a dent in what exactly? Morton's crowds are as they would be expected to be for a football club that has jobbed around the lower leagues. The good old days in which several thousand rocked up at Cappielow for plodding second tier football every year is a myth. 

The seasons in which GMFC broke 2000 outside the top flight are the exception and not the norm. 

The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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1 hour ago, vikingTON said:

How many extra punters did Motherwell get then? 

"I think you vastly underestimate the generosity of Morton fans, especially for a scheme that is about trying to get lapsed and new fans along to cappielow."

No, I think that you vastly overestimate the willingness of people who have their own bills to pay every month to chip in money to a daft gimmick, with no guarantee that anyone will actually use the ticket to attend a match. 

"Just doing the same old things isn't going to bring fans back."

Daft, birthday card pish isn't going to do that either.

"Even a promotion battle under Moore or a cup semi final under Duffy barely made a dent."

Made a dent in what exactly? Morton's crowds are as they would be expected to be for a football club that has jobbed around the lower leagues. The good old days in which several thousand rocked up at Cappielow for plodding second tier football every year is a myth. 

The seasons in which GMFC broke 2000 outside the top flight are the exception and not the norm. 

Motherwell done the initiative with free season tickets and their fans raised 60k to help pay for it so I'd imagine they got a decent amount of extra punters. 

Making the games more accessible for youth is of course something the club should be doing, but there's no need to limit to that. As a community owned club we should be trying absolutely everything we can to get the Inverclyde community back interested in the club again. Making tickets easier to buy and not treating kids like prisoners isn't going to do that. 

It's a long process so no one would expect a scheme like I suggested to put an extra 500 on the gate every week, but it's incrimental steps towards a goal that the club wants to make one of its main priorities. Motherwell again for an example haven't become such a successful community club overnight, they've put the hard work and outside the box thinking in over the course of years and they are reaping the rewards of it. 

Good people will do good things, bad people will do bad things, but only with religion do good people do bad things!



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45 minutes ago, port-ton said:

Motherwell done the initiative with free season tickets and their fans raised 60k to help pay for it so I'd imagine they got a decent amount of extra punters. 

Making the games more accessible for youth is of course something the club should be doing, but there's no need to limit to that. As a community owned club we should be trying absolutely everything we can to get the Inverclyde community back interested in the club again. Making tickets easier to buy and not treating kids like prisoners isn't going to do that. 

I'd imagine covering 'no idea' there. 

A community club is a birthday card pish slogan. Ultimately, GMFC is a business, with the necessity to break-even. Who owns and runs that operation does not change that fact: their primary responsibility is to provide competent stewardship of the club. It is not to carry out daft gimmicks to 'help out' people who likely have zero interest in their offer, based on platitudes.  

You also keep harping on about getting people interested in the club again. So what is your credible benchmark, from which we can conclude that that the people of Greater Greenock are not currently interested? 

45 minutes ago, port-ton said:

It's a long process so no one would expect a scheme like I suggested to put an extra 500 on the gate every week,

Apart from yourself, who was certain that it would produce just that effect not so long ago:

4 hours ago, port-ton said:

Seems a decent way to get a big crowd in while not losing the club money,


Edited by vikingTON

The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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46 minutes ago, port-ton said:

but it's incrimental steps towards a goal that the club wants to make one of its main priorities.

It's not incremental. It is a one off gimmick. The two are fundamentally different approaches.

"Motherwell again for an example haven't become such a successful community club overnight, they've put the hard work and outside the box thinking in over the course of years and they are reaping the rewards of it."

This rap lecture is all based on your non-existent data for how effective Motherwell running a daft gimmick scheme actually was, and so can be taken with a shovel of salt.

How have Albion Rovers and countless others gone from strength to strength as 'community' clubs, after cutting out all the daft and pointless administration of your scheme by just offering Pay as You Like matches? Are the people of Coatbridge rallying behind their club as a result of this noble gesture; or does nobody still give a fuck about them after the sole Daily Record piece on it faded from memory? 

Edited by vikingTON
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The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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Cool. Neither of us truly know and it won't happen so I've no interest getting in to an argument over it. 

Good people will do good things, bad people will do bad things, but only with religion do good people do bad things!



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23 minutes ago, port-ton said:

Cool. Neither of us truly know and it won't happen so I've no interest getting in to an argument over it. 

Why get into an argument about it then? 

You got your arse handed back to you in an argument about it, then afterwards you said you've no interest in getting into an argument over it.

:lol: :lol: :lol: 

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7 hours ago, Toby said:

Fucking hell, don’t anyone let Raymond Shaw on that Facebook group see this.

That cunt will be like a dog with a bone with that one.

Yeah he never stops posting about it, despite numerous people telling him over and over again that what he wants would result in the club being a League One/Two yo-yo club at best.

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Mon the Ton
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While I'm all for some truly creative thinking beyond turnstiles-and-season-tickets to increase attendance and gate revenue, "do the same thing as before only have the fans pay for each other in a kind of roundabout way" seems both unlikely to work and taking the piss out of those fans a bit.


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14 minutes ago, TRVMP said:

While I'm all for some truly creative thinking beyond turnstiles-and-season-tickets to increase attendance and gate revenue, "do the same thing as before only have the fans pay for each other in a kind of roundabout way" seems both unlikely to work and taking the piss out of those fans a bit.

I disagree that it's taking the piss out those fans as no one is under any obligation to do it so it would only be the people who wants to. 

I'm the brains trust behind a French themed day for one of our players though so perhaps my track record isn't one the club should be following. 

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Good people will do good things, bad people will do bad things, but only with religion do good people do bad things!



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17 hours ago, port-ton said:


I do wish people would stop talking about lapsed fans as if there are hundreds of them just sitting around awaiting a couple of quid off the ticket price to get them back through the turnstiles.

They aren't lapsed. They are gone.

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