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Poor wee Rangers


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I'm not an apologist for it at all.  I'm just saying that their song is actually critical of sectarianism, and that some people in misquoting the lyrics ("The" instead of "Your", thus changing the meaning of the line) are mistakenly painting their support as sectarian, which I think is incorrect - there are many other attributes that you could criticise them for, such as their sense of entitlement, their delusion that they are of great relevance within Scottish football, etc. etc.  It's long past time that sectarianism vanished from Scotland and the OF clubs are major drivers of sectarianism by virtue of some of the elements among their support, but although most clubs including us and Thistle have those who have sympathies on either side of the great divide, neither club, nor about another 35 SPFL clubs, is really tainted with sectarianism to any great degree as most of us are mature enough not to care - or even know - what religion other supporters are.  I have no idea what religion you are, or Toby, or probably anyone on this forum and it is irrelevant to me.  We are all Morton supporters and whilst we don't want neanderthals tarring the reputation of the club, unless you actually identify the (few, I think) offenders and ban them from Cappielow, you're always going to get some idiots getting carried away.  As a devout atheist/humanist, I despair of religion as it is a means of controlling people and also a means to divide and rule.  Time the whole of Scotland moved into the 21st century, at which point ditties such as that Thistle one would I assume die out very quickly.



Some sections of our support sing half of our songs wrong because they mistakenly think the words are different.


Maybe the intention for 'your' over 'the' is there, but you can almost guarantee that a fair section of their support will be singing the wrong one.


By definition, sectarianism is attaching to one group and discriminating against the other, so by definition the song is not sectarian in intention.


But religion has no place in football. They are inappropriately bringing religion and sectarianism into it by even referencing it, giving it validation.


There's no place for it, regardless of being of critical nature and attacking both sides, therefore the fact they sing about it is abhorrent.


2 wrongs don't make a right.


And to be honest, it's not even that critic in nature. They aren't singing 'sectarianism is bad'. It's a shameless attempt to poke both sides with a rather shitty stick.


Both of these are right, to varying degrees. In the context, it's a mighty stretch to try to portray Thistle fans as frothing at the mouth bigots off the back of their song, but at the same time it's doing little more than perpetuating the same old shite and should be binned.


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Show me these 'distortions' please - it's really not my fault that your 'logic' doesn't stack up and your analogies contradict your point of view. 



I've got absolutely no interest in trying to discern the hidden meaning of a blatantly obvious sectarian ditty and pretending - as you are - that it's actually some sort of 4D chess level strategy to somehow ironically mock the issue into oblivion. Seeing as there's no actual evidence to support that. 


If you want to continue special pleading for the wit and intelligence of a shower of knuckle-dragging tramps from Possil then that's fine by me though.



If people were singing openly sectarian songs every week then the whole Morton fanbase would in fact deserve to be tarred with the same brush; that's actually the case with Partick and so here we are.


We'll just have to agree to disagree.  I'm sure you're intelligent enough to appreciate the difference that substituting "your" for "the" makes to the meaning of the lyrics, but as usual your obsessive need to have the last word stops you from admitting it. Thanks for playing, champ, etc. etc. (insert your chosen cliche here).


On a related note, my wife and daughter were watching TV last night when from the kitchen I heard what I took to be a Rangers game on the telly.  Turned out to be Peaky Blinders with a story line about the actual Billy Boys.  I assume you'll be writing to the BBC to complain about the language used... :)

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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On a related note, my wife and daughter were watching TV last night when from the kitchen I heard what I took to be a Rangers game on the telly.  Turned out to be Peaky Blinders with a story line about the actual Billy Boys.  I assume you'll be writing to the BBC to complain about the language used... :)


The only thing offensive about that scene was the guy's pathetic attempt at a Scottish accent. Mel Gibson would be turning in his grave.

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It wasn’t really joke though. There’s no recent history of Morton supporters calling Rangers or ex Rangers players Orange bastards, so it’s obviously aimed at his hideous fake tan period. To be fair he’s toned it down a bit as he’s nearly 40.


The outpouring of sympathy here towards the victims of bigotry is quite touching.

I’m not really seeing any great outpouring of sympathy for Kenny Miller or any other perceived victim of sectarianism tbh.


Rather, we’re getting healthy debate about sectarianism in our support and other clubs in the game, which is sort of the point of a forum like this.


In spite of your shite contribution thus far, I don’t see any real problems here.

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We'll just have to agree to disagree.  I'm sure you're intelligent enough to appreciate the difference that substituting "your" for "the" makes to the meaning of the lyrics, but as usual your obsessive need to have the last word stops you from admitting it. Thanks for playing, champ, etc. etc. (insert your chosen cliche here).



Try shouting 'fuck your Pope' in the bumpkin farmers' market of Dumfries then and let us know how you get on. Off you pop now. 

The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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Try shouting 'fuck your Pope' in the bumpkin farmers' market of Dumfries then and let us know how you get on. Off you pop now.

He'd probably get a round of applause by the local thickets. They are a bit 'staunch' around those parts.



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Try shouting 'fuck your Pope' in the bumpkin farmers' market of Dumfries then and let us know how you get on. Off you pop now. 


Your lack of knowledge about the south of Scotland is never ending, given that you routinely confuse Dumfries and Galloway with the Borders region.  And why on earth would I shout that, not just in this area but indeed anywhere in, well, the universe really?  To be fair, Capitanus' comment is probably slightly true - although I think it's more Upper Nithsdale that's the staunch area.  Sectarianism in the south of Scotland isn't really a significant issue in my experience, at least not compared to the west of Scotland.

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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I’m not really seeing any great outpouring of sympathy for Kenny Miller or any other perceived victim of sectarianism tbh.


Rather, we’re getting healthy debate about sectarianism in our support and other clubs in the game, which is sort of the point of a forum like this.


In spite of your shite contribution thus far, I don’t see any real problems here.

Then explain to the forum what sectarian problem Morton have. It’s a massive stretch to go from sporting rivalry to sectarianism. Presumably sect in this instance is supporters of other Scottish football teams. If there are Morton fans who genuinely hold feelings of hatred towards others due to the club they support then they’re probably so few in numbers that the issue should be taken up with the individual and not as part of a ‘healthy debate’ about sectarianism within the Morton support, which patently doesn’t exist. If you’re a bigot (general you), you’re a bigot; we don’t both become bigots by association of having the same season ticket.
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Your lack of knowledge about the south of Scotland is never ending, given that you routinely confuse Dumfries and Galloway with the Borders region. .


Dumfries is a bumpkin, farmers' market town in the Borders champ; Galloway isn't. This is very straightforward stuff. 


 And why on earth would I shout that, not just in this area but indeed anywhere in, well, the universe really? 



You're the one who thinks that it can't possibly be sectarian, so it's time that you practiced what you preach and see it how that works out for you. 

The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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Your lack of knowledge about the south of Scotland is never ending, given that you routinely confuse Dumfries and Galloway with the Borders region.  And why on earth would I shout that, not just in this area but indeed anywhere in, well, the universe really?  To be fair, Capitanus' comment is probably slightly true - although I think it's more Upper Nithsdale that's the staunch area.  Sectarianism in the south of Scotland isn't really a significant issue in my experience, at least not compared to the west of Scotland.

That whole neck of the woods is Clan Bunfield territory as far as I'm concerned. All of your local pubs are like that one in Trainspotting 2.


Your bit in bold, you are probably right - you probably haven't experienced sectarianism on a personal level and as such probably don't see it as a significant issue, however if you were the local guy that gets called a 'Feen-yin' on a regular basis as a result of his faith, whether he practicing or lapsed Catholic; or you have an Irish sounding surname which has affected things such as employment opportunities, relationships, friendships and other aspects of life; your experiences may not be the same.


Cue Whitabootery.



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Then explain to the forum what sectarian problem Morton have. It’s a massive stretch to go from sporting rivalry to sectarianism. Presumably sect in this instance is supporters of other Scottish football teams. If there are Morton fans who genuinely hold feelings of hatred towards others due to the club they support then they’re probably so few in numbers that the issue should be taken up with the individual and not as part of a ‘healthy debate’ about sectarianism within the Morton support, which patently doesn’t exist. If you’re a bigot (general you), you’re a bigot; we don’t both become bigots by association of having the same season ticket.


You're putting words into my mouth, here.


Morton's sectarian problem is, in relative terms, tiny, but it was evidenced the other night with the "sad orange bastard" chants that were picked up by the BBC. That's not to say we have as serious a problem as Rangers, Celtic or Partick Thistle, but it's there- there's concrete evidence to support that, and contradict your ridiculous claim that it "patently doesn't exist". If there's one person who happens to be a sectarian bigot in our support, then it's one too many and it's a problem.


All I've said about club rivalries (which you seem to think I'm defining as our version of sectarianism) is that our version of "Hullo Hullo" is distasteful, and I expressly pointed out that our version had no religious connotations.


Nobody is saying the whole support should be tarred with the same brush as a result of that, but as you appear to be just making things up as you go along I can understand why you decided that ludicrous theory made sense.


All in all, a pretty poor retort on your part. Must do better.

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Dumfries is a bumpkin, farmers' market town in the Borders champ; Galloway isn't. This is very straightforward stuff. 



You're the one who thinks that it can't possibly be sectarian, so it's time that you practiced what you preach and see it how that works out for you. 


Dumfries is in Dumfries & Galloway (and was previously in Dumfriesshire).  It's not in the Borders region, and it's not even adjacent to the border - head south and you find the Solway Firth.  Head east and you eventually come to the Borders, with the actual border ending just south east of Gretna where a tributary joins the river Esk.  Your programmer needs to correct your software database.


Regarding your other comment, the three words you choose to (mis)quote are sectarian, as are the other three words that you don't (mis)quote but simply ignore.  I'll credit you with not being stupid, so I'm sure you are actually able to discern the subtle difference compared to the actual lyrics.  However you are programmed always to have the last word, so after doing some fact based analysis, can I just say: Zyzzyva.  :)

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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That whole neck of the woods is Clan Bunfield territory as far as I'm concerned. All of your local pubs are like that one in Trainspotting 2.


Your bit in bold, you are probably right - you probably haven't experienced sectarianism on a personal level and as such probably don't see it as a significant issue, however if you were the local guy that gets called a 'Feen-yin' on a regular basis as a result of his faith, whether he practicing or lapsed Catholic; or you have an Irish sounding surname which has affected things such as employment opportunities, relationships, friendships and other aspects of life; your experiences may not be the same.


There are pubs like that although none that I frequent.


Regarding your second paragraph, I agree with you, although my own experience of sectarianism is not confined to the traditional WoS proddy/catholic divide.

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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Dumfries is in Dumfries & Galloway (and was previously in Dumfriesshire).  It's not in the Borders region, and it's not even adjacent to the border - head south and you find the Solway Firth.  Head east and you eventually come to the Borders, with the actual border ending just south east of Gretna where a tributary joins the river Esk.  Your programmer needs to correct your software database.



Dumfries is in the Borders champ: indeed it is physically closer to the border with England than Galashiels, Selkirk and Peebles, towns that all quite clearly fall into that category. It has even been annexed to England as part of a peace settlement between the two kingdoms that redrew the border and placed Dumfries in England. And in the modern day it falls under the 'ITV Border' jurisdiction and its populace follows all the behaviour traits of that gubbins frontier zone as well by voting No in their droves and voting routinely for Tory scum. 


The only thing being corrected here is the ridiculous notion that the Borders ceases to exist north-west of Carlisle, in your town's desperate scramble to seem as Scottish as everyone else in the country. You're not though. 


Regarding your other comment, the three words you choose to (mis)quote are sectarian, as are the other three words that you don't (mis)quote but simply ignore.  I'll credit you with not being stupid, so I'm sure you are actually able to discern the subtle difference compared to the actual lyrics.  



Then sing the 'actual lyrics' - exactly the same as the ones that you think have been misquoted btw - at your latest, border bumpkin farmers' market and let us know how PC Plod feels about that non-existent 'subtlety'. 

The site is supposed to be a place for the extended 'family' of Morton supporters - having an affinity with people that you don't know, because you share a love of your local football club. It's not supposed to be about point scoring and showing how 'clever' or 'funny' you are, or just being downright rude and offensive to people you don't know, because you can get away with it. Unfortunately, it seems the classic case of people who have little standing/presence in real life, use this forum as a way of making themselves feel as if they are something. It's sad, and I've said that before..


So, having been on Morton forums for about 15 years I guess, I've had enough... well done t*ssers, another Morton supporter driven away. You can all feel happy at how 'clever' you are

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Who cares?


I'm past caring, Tonofmemories.  Arguing with VT is like herding cats.  I'll just leave him to his erroneous views about geography, his weird Brian Wake obsession, and his cliched catchphrases.

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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