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Guest capitanus

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Guest capitanus
On 3/4/2024 at 9:47 PM, Alibi said:

The word quisling springs to mind.

A ScotNat word if ever there was one.  I've been baiting you cunts for ages now without much success, ever since the Murrell's arrests and their campervan was impounded, and the Fred West tent was put up in their garden.  Why you not biting?

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Because this is a football forum. DOT being compared to a Norwegian traitor because he’s sooking up to Brian Graham and the luvvies in a sleeping with the enemy way is not really a party political statement, or indeed connected to Scotland being held in a coercive, abusive relationship.

Given you’ve abandoned Morton for the last few years, can we expect to see you in with the union bears at Ibrox on Thursday?

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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Guest capitanus
9 hours ago, Alibi said:

Because this is a football forum. DOT being compared to a Norwegian traitor because he’s sooking up to Brian Graham and the luvvies in a sleeping with the enemy way is not really a party political statement, or indeed connected to Scotland being held in a coercive, abusive relationship.

Given you’ve abandoned Morton for the last few years, can we expect to see you in with the union bears at Ibrox on Thursday?

Aye and VT gave you hauners too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Can we expect both of you to make your way over to the General Nonsense forum where you can defend the actions of your favourite party cult self-imploding?

We all know that DreamOakTwat is scraping the barrel for the approval of others.  Just leave him to it. 

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You’re the one who brought politics into it. Maybe you should have posted in general nonsense instead. Oh, and for the record I’m not a member of any political party. Are you still voting Likud? I notice your wee flag has vanished. :)


"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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Guest capitanus
19 hours ago, Alibi said:

You’re the one who brought politics into it. Maybe you should have posted in general nonsense instead. Oh, and for the record I’m not a member of any political party. Are you still voting Likud? I notice your wee flag has vanished. :)


One of the fucking rats leaving the sinking ship, more like.  You were an Essen Pee fanboy on here on many occasions, now get yourself over the the General Nonsense forum so we can point and laugh at you and the cult which you were so in love with until the recent self implosion.

Chop chop.

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Where to start with that intemperant rant? I suggest you yourself relocate to general nonsense where you can shout into the echo chamber.  My political beliefs are none of your business but rest assured I will never ever vote for a unionist party, and especially any party which sees genocide occurring and refuses to condemn it, as is the case with both the main unionist parties. They probably chime with your own values perfectly. Now can we please get this thread back on topic?


"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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On 2/27/2024 at 11:47 PM, capitanus said:

Where are all the SNP fanboys who were all over this messageboard a few years back?

OK, I'll give you the bite you've been desperately seeking for months :)

For me personally, I supported independence solely because I believed at the time of the referendum, and still do, that Scotland would be a more prosperous and equitable country if it made its own decisions and controlled its own destiny. My support for the SNP was solely because they were the party most likely to deliver that. 

Of course, Scotland made a different choice, and while I accept it and I've completely reconciled myself to it, it's led me to gradually lose my emotional attachment for the old place. This has been compounded by the subsequent Brexit/May/Johnson/Truss/Sunak years*, to the extent that the only real emotional attachment I still have for Scotland is the mighty Ton. I've moved on from 2014 and I've now got Belgian/EU citizenship, and I don't really think of myself as being 'Scottish' anymore.

Regarding the current situation with the SNP, I honestly can't comment because, for the reasons I described above, I've lost all interest in Scottish & UK politics. But I assume from your obvious excitement that they're not doing so good these days and are likely to lose power in the next Scottish General Election, which is not really that surprising after 17+ years in power. Like the mighty Ton's great run, it's inevitable it will come to an end at some point. It's actually pretty remarkable that in a PR voting system they've managed to hold on to power this long.

Anyway, I'll leave you to go back to your gloating. Enjoy! :)

*those who say 'but Scotland never voted for any of these' are wrong, because implicitly it did when it voted to remain shackled to Westminster.


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16 minutes ago, HamCam said:

I really don't get how you cannot feel 'Scottish' anymore.

For me it's probably a combination of disillusionment after losing the independence referendum, the subsequent UK political events described above, and the fact I've now lived almost half my life outside Scotland. 

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Guest capitanus
On 3/14/2024 at 8:01 AM, Alibi said:

You’re the one who brought politics into it. Maybe you should have posted in general nonsense instead. Oh, and for the record I’m not a member of any political party. Are you still voting Likud? I notice your wee flag has vanished. :)


Especially for you:



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Guest capitanus
On 3/15/2024 at 11:58 AM, Cet Homme Charmant said:

OK, I'll give you the bite you've been desperately seeking for months :)

For me personally, I supported independence solely because I believed at the time of the referendum, and still do, that Scotland would be a more prosperous and equitable country if it made its own decisions and controlled its own destiny. My support for the SNP was solely because they were the party most likely to deliver that. 

Of course, Scotland made a different choice, and while I accept it and I've completely reconciled myself to it, it's led me to gradually lose my emotional attachment for the old place. This has been compounded by the subsequent Brexit/May/Johnson/Truss/Sunak years*, to the extent that the only real emotional attachment I still have for Scotland is the mighty Ton. I've moved on from 2014 and I've now got Belgian/EU citizenship, and I don't really think of myself as being 'Scottish' anymore.

Regarding the current situation with the SNP, I honestly can't comment because, for the reasons I described above, I've lost all interest in Scottish & UK politics. But I assume from your obvious excitement that they're not doing so good these days and are likely to lose power in the next Scottish General Election, which is not really that surprising after 17+ years in power. Like the mighty Ton's great run, it's inevitable it will come to an end at some point. It's actually pretty remarkable that in a PR voting system they've managed to hold on to power this long.

Anyway, I'll leave you to go back to your gloating. Enjoy! :)

*those who say 'but Scotland never voted for any of these' are wrong, because implicitly it did when it voted to remain shackled to Westminster.


In fairness to you, at least you came here and admitted that you were an SNP supporter, and now you are left feeling disinterested and disillusioned because your arse was handed to you at the referendum, so at the very least you are a bigger man than Alibi with his 'boo hoo hoo, my politics is none of your business' when in fact he was like a dug with a burst baw back when the IndyRef cultists were in their element.  He is only on this thread now because the moderators saw it fit to move his self-pitying shite to here.

Anyway, where are all the demands for a referendum now from those types?  They are helluva quiet now that their cult leaders will soon be slopping out. :lol:

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11 minutes ago, capitanus said:

In fairness to you, at least you came here and admitted that you were an SNP supporter, and now you are left feeling disinterested and disillusioned because your arse was handed to you at the referendum, so at the very least you are a bigger man than Alibi with his 'boo hoo hoo, my politics is none of your business' when in fact he was like a dug with a burst baw back when the IndyRef cultists were in their element.  He is only on this thread now because the moderators saw it fit to move his self-pitying shite to here.

Anyway, where are all the demands for a referendum now from those types?  They are helluva quiet now that their cult leaders will soon be slopping out. :lol:

The referendum was 10 years ago, you won, and yet you're still gloating. Your obsession about this is a bit weird, to be honest.  

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Guest capitanus
6 minutes ago, Cet Homme Charmant said:

The referendum was 10 years ago, you won, and yet you're still gloating. Your obsession about this is a bit weird, to be honest.  

yes, and its fucking marvellous.  I want another referendum.

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On 3/16/2024 at 3:31 PM, HamCam said:

I really don't get how you cannot feel 'Scottish' anymore.

It's easier than you'd think. I still jump off the couch when Scotland score - far moreso than I do when the USA score. And Scotland, being home, is always the place I'll have in the back of my mind for comparisons. But I'm an American now, I am integrated into this society, and every time I go back to visit everything feels a little different. This is natural: I spend maybe 10-14 days a year in Scotland and of course it's going to change. But I'm growing apart from it at the same time I grow into my life here in the US.

I don't think I'll ever stop supporting the national team, and in that sense I fail the cricket test, but in all other senses I regard myself as American first and Scottish second.


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