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If The Rangers Go In To The First Division

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Love it now we have board members on the fence and deranged, capitainitcharse is 100% a ton fan and you now are starting to think perhaps bawheid is . A Morton fan wonders will sease to happen


You have made me a very happy chappy even if I an hauf foo oh jura whuskee un ice........... Hic :lol:


Congratulations Bawheid, you are making more sense than someone else for a change :D



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It seems that you don't realise that rangers football club will soon be liquidated.

When did anyone ever start talking about p.l.c.s or whatever ?

I'd never heard of it in my life before - it was allways 'Rangers' and 'We are the people'.

P.L.C.s - are you at the madam ?

You might not like it, and I really don't understand your viewpoint considering that you are a Morton fan, but Rangers F.C. as we knew them will soon be liquidated.

Hard to take, but there you go.



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Apologies Nick, I was working tonight so took a while to get my reply in;


That is unfair. The only influence the trust can have in this is making views known to our own club. Its only in the last day or two that it has become clear that Rangers would not be in the SPL. We are taking steps to gather views and will anounce those shortly.


I disagree. Rightly or wrongly, the Trust's reputation has suffered greatly in the last three years. This would've been an opportunity to show that they can be quick off the mark, not scared to upset the party line inside Cappielow, prepared to make difficult decisions and clear in that view. It's now 30 hours since Jim posted that question about the Trust's stance. Still nothing. Not even a brief statement of any sort an online poll on either the website the Facebook page. You may not have been able to sway the club's view, but by taking decisive action and making a stance you could've bred a bit more confidence in the Trust from the average fan. Missed opportunity it seems.


My personal views on what should happen to Rangers are broadly the same as the vast majority of football fans and I have written about these in detail to the chairman. I have pointed out, that, in the real world maybe a deal which achieves many of the things the same football fans have wanted for years might be done. Thats just a real world view but not a statement of my own feelings on the matter. I have set out my own position on what I think should happen on the other Rangers thread.


So in your position as Chairman of the Supporters' Trust, you've written to the Chairman of Morton telling him your stance, but not necessarily the stance of your organisation's members? Cool, at least he knows the script. The guy that's in charge of the Trust is saying it as it is, he better not alienate the Morton support- oh wait, the same guy has also posted on the messageboard saying "Ah, but, maybe I'm not right, money talk's after all?" Not filled with confidence here.


And again, I disagree that the majority of football fans, or certainly fans of First Division clubs (those affected most) agree with your stance that we shouldn't but maybe we should let them in. Maybe it's the accountant in you but from the messages, e-mails and phone calls I've received the last few days, the folk I've spoke to seem more interested in watching competetive football in an honest morally sound environment than seeing some ill gained zeros on a balance sheet.


Scott's personal views are his but he seems to say that he does not want Rangers in the first division but then states the obvious, that we would have a short term financial benefit.


Little point in me arguing with you over Scott's stance, he's well aware of my opinion and I wasn't sure who I was actually talking to on the Facebook page, hence I mentioned you both.


I have already written to DDFR on a personal basis. Steps are in hand to take not just our members view but those of any fan who wishes them known to the club in a formal way. There is no trust position on wanting Rangers in the SFL


The bolded part was all Jim and I wanted to know. Shame.


The rest, Russell, is just unfair and unjustified.


No Nick, it's part and parcel of the job you signed up for. If you're more interested in reducing the deficit then that's your perogative. It's certainly not my priority and I won't support you on it, but we don't agree on everything. I've already said on this post that the Trust isn't filling me with confidence on this issue, so to point out that I have my doubts that you are prepared to upset the chairman would be a given.


As for suggestions of social climbing, it's been something my good pal Paul's speculated about for a while- I'd like to think that there would be no substance to his allegations, but I don't know you well enough. The same would go for your predecessors who, whilst I was friendly enough with them were hardly best mates that I knew well enough to know their motives. There are very few Morton fans who's motives I wouldn't question when in a position of relative power amongst the support with access to the inner workings of the club.


I've now said my piece about the Trust, if you want to or don't want to support the case for keeping The Rangers out of the First Division that's up to you. I'd like to think we're fighting for the same cause though.

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It seems that you don't realise that rangers football club will soon be liquidated.

When did anyone ever start talking about p.l.c.s or whatever ?

I'd never heard of it in my life before - it was allways 'Rangers' and 'We are the people'.

P.L.C.s - are you at the madam ?

You might not like it, and I really don't understand your viewpoint considering that you are a Morton fan, but Rangers F.C. as we knew them will soon be liquidated.

Hard to take, but there you go.


**** me, you aren't that stupid.


Rangers Football Club PLC will be the legal entity which will be liquidated, which is the old parent company of Rangers Football Club Ltd. The LTD company and its assets - The Club, The Stadium, The Car Parks and Training Facilities - have been bought by Charles Green's consortium named The Rangers Football Club PLC for a consideration in the region of #6m.


The #6m fee received from the purchase and any other assets owned by the old PLC will be liquidated and distributed amongst creditors after costs, and not any of the assets which have since been bought by The (New) Rangers Football Club PLC. The old PLC's transfer of SPL share to the new PLC is the sticking point which is leading to the uncertainty of where Rangers FC will be playing next year.


Rangers resigned from the SFL at the beginning of 1998/9 season to become one of the founder members of a breakaway league - the Scottish Premier League. This therefore constitutes a problem arising from the wrongdoings by one of the SPL's members and not one of the SFL's, therefore it should be the SPL's responsiblity to sort this mess out and the SFL and their member clubs should not get involved or be inconvenienced in any way.



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Well I'm feckin' glad you've made that absolutely clear.


Still, hard to take, in'it ?


Danny, thats Business for you.


Sharks in suits can swim it better than the layman with a bobble hat and a Daily Record, i'm afraid.


My belief is that the SPL is a breakaway league and their problems should be contained within their own league. If that means Rangers stay in the SPL, then so be it.





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Rangers Football Club PLC was the parent firm of Rangers Football Club Ltd, and it was the PLC who went into administration, and not the LTD company. The LTD company was purchased from the administrators by Charles Green's consortium and the new parent company is called The Rangers Football Club PLC.


The issue of whether or not Rangers FC Ltd should be allowed back into the SPL relates to the transfer of the share of the Scottish Premier League which was owned by the old PLC to Charles Greens new PLC is the sticking point, and which some clubs are reported to be objecting to.


Thanks Paul, that explains it nicely for me.


That would suggest that the actual footballing entity could be sold to whoever enters whatever league they end up in, and were that the case the original club could continue under the same name rather than with a "The" prefix.

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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Danny, thats Business for you.


Sharks in suits can swim it better than the layman with a bobble hat and a Daily Record, i'm afraid.


My belief is that the SPL is a breakaway league and their problems should be contained within their own league. If that means Rangers stay in the SPL, then so be it.


from reporter Alex Thomson, Chanel 4 News - a much smarter man than you or I.


If the Newco was run by serious business people who scent sustainable success the first thing you do is detox the brand.

Face the facts – to many who have followed this sorry tale “Rangers” now equals corruption. That is what the brand has come to now. There’s no escaping. Denial of this is death by criminal stupidity.

A global brand is now toxic. “Rangers” now means a revolting broth of tax-evasion; threatening corporate aggression ; a profoundly arrogant refusal to apologise ever to anyone for anything; a “case to answer” on years of organised cheating ; the brand name liquidated; the British taxpayer cheated; hundreds of small Scottish businesses, charities, colleges, councils out of pocket…I could go on.

In the end the old brand was so financially poisonous it was killed, abolished by law: liquidated.








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Guest David Edwards
from reporter Alex Thomson, Chanel 4 News - a much smarter man than you or I.


If the Newco was run by serious business people who scent sustainable success the first thing you do is detox the brand.

Face the facts – to many who have followed this sorry tale “Rangers†now equals corruption. That is what the brand has come to now. There’s no escaping. Denial of this is death by criminal stupidity.

A global brand is now toxic. “Rangers†now means a revolting broth of tax-evasion; threatening corporate aggression ; a profoundly arrogant refusal to apologise ever to anyone for anything; a “case to answer†on years of organised cheating ; the brand name liquidated; the British taxpayer cheated; hundreds of small Scottish businesses, charities, colleges, councils out of pocket…I could go on.

In the end the old brand was so financially poisonous it was killed, abolished by law: liquidated.


And the man talks of 'criminal stupidity'. Indeed. 'A global brand is now toxic'. The fact that 'the global brand' always was toxic might be news for Mr Thomson I think. And any new brand will be the same as the old brand, just as toxic. Despite each and every protestation, the most likely outcome is that it will be allowed to live and breathe its poison again.

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**** me, you aren't that stupid.


Rangers Football Club PLC will be the legal entity which will be liquidated, which is the old parent company of Rangers Football Club Ltd. The LTD company and its assets - The Club, The Stadium, The Car Parks and Training Facilities - have been bought by Charles Green's consortium named The Rangers Football Club PLC for a consideration in the region of #6m.


The #6m fee received from the purchase and any other assets owned by the old PLC will be liquidated and distributed amongst creditors after costs, and not any of the assets which have since been bought by The (New) Rangers Football Club PLC. The old PLC's transfer of SPL share to the new PLC is the sticking point which is leading to the uncertainty of where Rangers FC will be playing next year.


Rangers resigned from the SFL at the beginning of 1998/9 season to become one of the founder members of a breakaway league - the Scottish Premier League. This therefore constitutes a problem arising from the wrongdoings by one of the SPL's members and not one of the SFL's, therefore it should be the SPL's responsiblity to sort this mess out and the SFL and their member clubs should not get involved or be inconvenienced in any way.

Attached is a list of Rangers companies listed at companies house. Interestingly, the company in administration is "The Rangers Football Club PLC" There are a number of obvious subsidiaries and some names which look like they were formed for some purpose and not used. "The Rangers Football Club of Glasgow", for example was formed in February this year and has its registered office in Kirkcaldy. Might a chancer hoping to sell the sale in due course.


One of the subsidiaries does not appear to be "Rangers Football Club Limited". There is though a Stadium company which might hold the asset but without paying for the accounts, I can't be sure.


This implies another error by Mr Green. He cannot use the name "The Rangers Football Club" whilst the Oldco still carries that name. The administrator or liquidator could change the oldco name but I am not aware that that has happened so far.


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And the man talks of 'criminal stupidity'. Indeed. 'A global brand is now toxic'. The fact that 'the global brand' always was toxic might be news for Mr Thomson I think. And any new brand will be the same as the old brand, just as toxic. Despite each and every protestation, the most likely outcome is that it will be allowed to live and breathe its poison again.


Totally agree David - that's why we must not allow it to dictate to us any more.


Dunno if it was on this thread or another where Bishopton slates those of us for saying that we wont be back if "Rangers" get into the SFL1, but, and I can only speak for myself on this, I dont see it as me not supporting Morton - I see it as me not supporting Scottish Football, which I would deem to be corrupt. It would take a lot for me (and no doubt others judging from what I've read on P&B) to desert Morton, but I would feel hypocritical if supported them alone in a corrupt set-up. Hence the very difficult decision to abandon all of Scottish Football at this level if "Rangers" are given any form of preferential treatment as they try to weasel their way back in.


I don't care too much for the arguements about whether they are a new club or not. It's perfectly clear that whatever emerges from the ashes will be the same thing in a different wrapper.


Scottish Football has been trying to punch well above it's weight for many a year now and as a direct result of this, several clubs have been caught out by spending far too much money trying to keep up with the old firm. Those clubs who have faltered along the way have been clobbered by the authorities for doing so (rightly in my opinion). Gretna went out of existence and wont re-appear unless they get their house in order. Clydebank went the same way and are going the right way about trying to get back in. Why should we bend over backwards for Rangers then? I'll tell you why - money - pure greed, and so that we can continue to try to punch above our weight. Oh and who pays for it all? The fans as usual.


This is a perfect opportunity to "fix" Scottish Football in so many ways. I could go into detail about how good life would be like without Rangers, but I wont, at least not on this thread. We are now looking towards youth set-ups - at long last I say !!!! For years now, teams have been paying crazy wages to duds from other countries just to try to be better than the rest while our own home-grown kids dont stand a chance of coming through. This is Scotland, not Spain or Germany or Brazil or England for that matter.


Our national team is a joke because of all of the above, and wont get any better until we get back to grass roots.


My season ticket has already been purchased for the coming season, but I wont be using it if Rangers or anything remotely resembling them is any other position in this set-up other than SFL3, having met the criteria for joining said league. So Bishopton can count me out of his 90% and I would like to think that the others who have said the same as me will have the courage of their convictions.


If things don't change, they'll stay the way they are.

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Totally agree David - that's why we must not allow it to dictate to us any more.


Dunno if it was on this thread or another where Bishopton slates those of us for saying that we wont be back if "Rangers" get into the SFL1, but, and I can only speak for myself on this, I dont see it as me not supporting Morton - I see it as me not supporting Scottish Football, which I would deem to be corrupt. It would take a lot for me (and no doubt others judging from what I've read on P&B) to desert Morton, but I would feel hypocritical if supported them alone in a corrupt set-up. Hence the very difficult decision to abandon all of Scottish Football at this level if "Rangers" are given any form of preferential treatment as they try to weasel their way back in.


I don't care too much for the arguements about whether they are a new club or not. It's perfectly clear that whatever emerges from the ashes will be the same thing in a different wrapper.


Scottish Football has been trying to punch well above it's weight for many a year now and as a direct result of this, several clubs have been caught out by spending far too much money trying to keep up with the old firm. Those clubs who have faltered along the way have been clobbered by the authorities for doing so (rightly in my opinion). Gretna went out of existence and wont re-appear unless they get their house in order. Clydebank went the same way and are going the right way about trying to get back in. Why should we bend over backwards for Rangers then? I'll tell you why - money - pure greed, and so that we can continue to try to punch above our weight. Oh and who pays for it all? The fans as usual.


This is a perfect opportunity to "fix" Scottish Football in so many ways. I could go into detail about how good life would be like without Rangers, but I wont, at least not on this thread. We are now looking towards youth set-ups - at long last I say !!!! For years now, teams have been paying crazy wages to duds from other countries just to try to be better than the rest while our own home-grown kids dont stand a chance of coming through. This is Scotland, not Spain or Germany or Brazil or England for that matter.


Our national team is a joke because of all of the above, and wont get any better until we get back to grass roots.


My season ticket has already been purchased for the coming season, but I wont be using it if Rangers or anything remotely resembling them is any other position in this set-up other than SFL3, having met the criteria for joining said league. So Bishopton can count me out of his 90% and I would like to think that the others who have said the same as me will have the courage of their convictions.


Well said andy...sums it all up nicely.


The future just ain't what it used to be
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**** me, you aren't that stupid.


Rangers Football Club PLC will be the legal entity which will be liquidated, which is the old parent company of Rangers Football Club Ltd. The LTD company and its assets - The Club, The Stadium, The Car Parks and Training Facilities - have been bought by Charles Green's consortium named The Rangers Football Club PLC for a consideration in the region of #6m.


The #6m fee received from the purchase and any other assets owned by the old PLC will be liquidated and distributed amongst creditors after costs, and not any of the assets which have since been bought by The (New) Rangers Football Club PLC. The old PLC's transfer of SPL share to the new PLC is the sticking point which is leading to the uncertainty of where Rangers FC will be playing next year.


Rangers resigned from the SFL at the beginning of 1998/9 season to become one of the founder members of a breakaway league - the Scottish Premier League. This therefore constitutes a problem arising from the wrongdoings by one of the SPL's members and not one of the SFL's, therefore it should be the SPL's responsiblity to sort this mess out and the SFL and their member clubs should not get involved or be inconvenienced in any way.



Attached is a list of Rangers companies listed at companies house. Interestingly, the company in administration is "The Rangers Football Club PLC" There are a number of obvious subsidiaries and some names which look like they were formed for some purpose and not used. "The Rangers Football Club of Glasgow", for example was formed in February this year and has its registered office in Kirkcaldy. Might a chancer hoping to sell the sale in due course.


One of the subsidiaries does not appear to be "Rangers Football Club Limited". There is though a Stadium company which might hold the asset but without paying for the accounts, I can't be sure.


This implies another error by Mr Green. He cannot use the name "The Rangers Football Club" whilst the Oldco still carries that name. The administrator or liquidator could change the oldco name but I am not aware that that has happened so far.


Some of this is not quite correct. "The Rangers Football Club PLC" are the company currently in administration, they're assets, have been sold to "Sevco 5088 Ltd". Whether these assets belonged to a subsidiary company or not, is not clear to me, although you could find out by buying accounts etc I'm not going down that road for the purpose of this discussion and it's largely irrelevant.


"Sevco 5088 Ltd" will no doubt apply for a name change in the near future, probably to "The Rangers Football Club Ltd" once liquidation of "The Rangers Football Club PLC" is complete. This is effectively the same name PLC (Public Limited Company) and Ltd (Private Limited Company) are just the type of company, that must be affixed. This will allow them to own and protect the "The Rangers Football Club" brand. However, they will need permission as the name has been used within the last 3 years, and also permission from the liquidators. Failing that I'm sure they will just change to "Glasgow Rangers FC Ltd" or something similar.

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One rangers fans view on the mass player exodus from Ibrox from their messageboard;


"Sad times, so the players are saying basically we are no longer Rangers? Time for a f****** statement rubbishing this from someone in charge at Ibrox please, our own f******* players feeding the *****s with ammunition when is it going to end. "



Steven Naismith quote:

"I am extremely proud of the actions we took but I am disappointed and angry that Rangers Football Club no longer exists in its original form."


Stevn Whittaker quote:

“I want to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, the players and especially the supporters. Whatever form the new club takes, I wish everyone connected with it the very best for the future.”

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Some of this is not quite correct. "The Rangers Football Club PLC" are the company currently in administration, they're assets, have been sold to "Sevco 5088 Ltd". Whether these assets belonged to a subsidiary company or not, is not clear to me, although you could find out by buying accounts etc I'm not going down that road for the purpose of this discussion and it's largely irrelevant.


"Sevco 5088 Ltd" will no doubt apply for a name change in the near future, probably to "The Rangers Football Club Ltd" once liquidation of "The Rangers Football Club PLC" is complete. This is effectively the same name PLC (Public Limited Company) and Ltd (Private Limited Company) are just the type of company, that must be affixed. This will allow them to own and protect the "The Rangers Football Club" brand. However, they will need permission as the name has been used within the last 3 years, and also permission from the liquidators. Failing that I'm sure they will just change to "Glasgow Rangers FC Ltd" or something similar.



Apologies if the names were not correct, but the theory of what actually happened was. The club and the above mentioned assets are now owned by a new company as they were bought from administrators by Charles Green's consortium, and whats left in the old PLC (in administration) will be what is liquidated and distributed amongst shareholders after costs.


It has been a tough one to keep up with for many.



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Apologies if the names were not correct, but the theory of what actually happened was. The club and the above mentioned assets are now owned by a new company as they were bought from administrators by Charles Green's consortium, and whats left in the old PLC (in administration) will be what is liquidated and distributed amongst shareholders after costs.


It has been a tough one to keep up with for many.


Steven Naismith quote:

"I am extremely proud of the actions we took but I am disappointed and angry that Rangers Football Club no longer exists in its original form."


Stevn Whittaker quote:

“I want to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, the players and especially the supporters. Whatever form the new club takes, I wish everyone connected with it the very best for the future.”

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**** me, you aren't that stupid.


Rangers Football Club PLC will be the legal entity which will be liquidated, which is the old parent company of Rangers Football Club Ltd. The LTD company and its assets - The Club, The Stadium, The Car Parks and Training Facilities - have been bought by Charles Green's consortium named The Rangers Football Club PLC for a consideration in the region of #6m.


The #6m fee received from the purchase and any other assets owned by the old PLC will be liquidated and distributed amongst creditors after costs, and not any of the assets which have since been bought by The (New) Rangers Football Club PLC. The old PLC's transfer of SPL share to the new PLC is the sticking point which is leading to the uncertainty of where Rangers FC will be playing next year.


Rangers resigned from the SFL at the beginning of 1998/9 season to become one of the founder members of a breakaway league - the Scottish Premier League. This therefore constitutes a problem arising from the wrongdoings by one of the SPL's members and not one of the SFL's, therefore it should be the SPL's responsiblity to sort this mess out and the SFL and their member clubs should not get involved or be inconvenienced in any way.

That is my take on it.It is their mess it was the SPL who ignored their own rules and had allowed defunct Rangers not to adhere to the rules about audited accounts being submitted.


The SFL should treat this liquidated entity the same way they treated Gretna 2008 any other decision is not only inconsistent but undermines the efforts of every club within the SFL.

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Steven Naismith quote:

"I am extremely proud of the actions we took but I am disappointed and angry that Rangers Football Club no longer exists in its original form."


Stevn Whittaker quote:

“I want to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, the players and especially the supporters. Whatever form the new club takes, I wish everyone connected with it the very best for the future.”


Lovely...just lovely.... :thumbup2:

The future just ain't what it used to be
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from reporter Alex Thomson, Chanel 4 News - a much smarter man than you or I.


If the Newco was run by serious business people who scent sustainable success the first thing you do is detox the brand.




Rangers have been a toxic brand for long time before financial wrongdoings in recent years became evident.


Just look at the sectarian recruitment policy which they employed for many years which not only disgraced themselves but alienated a large proportion of the clubs natural costituency in Govan, Kinning Park and the Southside of Glasgow. It disgraced Scottish Football because it was allowed to happen by those in charge at the SFA and SFL at the time, it held back the development of Scottish Football as players were recruited on a basis of religion rather than ability, and to the outside world looking in, it made the country of Scotland look like a bigoted backwater with our own unique brand of White Supremacy towards indigenous people.


The sectarian recruitment policy of Rangers FC in years gone by was not unique to them, in fact many large companies, financial institutions and local authority sectors had something similar (whether official or otherwise) and some still have to this day, so to suggest their recent financial misgivings are tainting a somewhat otherwise unblemished brand are a bit far fetched.


Perhaps a name change, a total rebrand to something unrelated to the "old" Rangers of which many are so proud of, would be the way forward. I would suggest "Linthouse FC" but it will never happen.



Face the facts �“ to many who have followed this sorry tale “Rangers” now equals corruption. That is what the brand has come to now. There’s no escaping. Denial of this is death by criminal stupidity.

A global brand is now toxic. “Rangers” now means a revolting broth of tax-evasion; threatening corporate aggression ; a profoundly arrogant refusal to apologise ever to anyone for anything; a “case to answer” on years of organised cheating ; the brand name liquidated; the British taxpayer cheated; hundreds of small Scottish businesses, charities, colleges, councils out of pocket…I could go on.

In the end the old brand was so financially poisonous it was killed, abolished by law: liquidated.




Lets look at other countries and cases of corruption in recent times:


Olympique Marseille of France.


AS Roma of Italy.


Juventus of Italy.


AC Milan of Italy.


Lazio of Italy.


There is a wee bit of a theme with the Italians here, but do Italians feel a sense of shame that they had to cheat on these occasions - no they dont. These clubs and their supporters still carry on regardless as though nothing happened, as will the supporters of Rangers.


It will just give the supporters of other teams who achieve -or fail to achieve things - by fairer means yet another reason to resent them.



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Lets look at other countries and cases of corruption in recent times:


Olympique Marseille of France.


AS Roma of Italy.


Juventus of Italy.


AC Milan of Italy.


Lazio of Italy.


There is a wee bit of a theme with the Italians here, but do Italians feel a sense of shame that they had to cheat on these occasions - no they dont. These clubs and their supporters still carry on regardless as though nothing happened, as will the supporters of Rangers.


It will just give the supporters of other teams who achieve -or fail to achieve things - yet another reason to resent them.

And well they might..but rangers don't exist anymore & they wont have a club in any division next season so those supporters cant carry on regardless.

The future just ain't what it used to be
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