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Bbc Apologises To Andrew Sachs

Guest David Edwards

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Guest David Edwards

The BBC should be apologising as well to all of us for wasting millions of pounds of our money on contracts for crass, talentless, arrogant f***wits like Brand and Woss. Sack the b*****ds I say, along with a good few more of the wasters. Public service television has long been in need of a radical overhaul.

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The BBC should be apologising as well to all of us for wasting millions of pounds of our money on contracts for crass, talentless, arrogant f***wits like Brand and Woss. Sack the b*****ds I say, along with a good few more of the wasters. Public service television has long been in need of a radical overhaul.


Couldn't agree more. More documentaries about the golden age of steam I say.


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The BBC should be apologising as well to all of us for wasting millions of pounds of our money on contracts for crass, talentless, arrogant f***wits like Brand and Woss. Sack the b*****ds I say, along with a good few more of the wasters. Public service television has long been in need of a radical overhaul.



Well said that man! 18 million ross is getting and for what????????? a pair of pompous over rated gits!


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Ross is overrated but not the worst we have on telly right now.


Brand though is a complete f***wit and I have no idea why he receives air-time. Humourless tramp.


Peter Weatherson is the greatest player since Ritchie, and should be assigned 'chairman for life' 

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Brand is about as funny as piles. Actually he comes across as rather retarded or is it dyspraxic? Certainly not quite within the spectrum of normality. Several standard deviations outwith it.


Ross can be quite funny in small does but vastly over-rated IMHO.


The other one I can't stand is Graham Norton. The high point of his career was in Father Ted and it's been downhill ever since. Why on earth is he so ubiquitous? He's absolutely cringeworthy.

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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Brand is about as funny as piles. Actually he comes across as rather retarded or is it dyspraxic? Certainly not quite within the spectrum of normality. Several standard deviations outwith it.


Ross can be quite funny in small does but vastly over-rated IMHO.


The other one I can't stand is Graham Norton. The high point of his career was in Father Ted and it's been downhill ever since. Why on earth is he so ubiquitous? He's absolutely cringeworthy.


Totally agree. Ross has had his moments but he's getting stale now. When the highlight of a show with the three above tossers in it would be waiting for Ross to introduce "Wussell Bwand" and "Gwaham Nauwton" it's time to go.



"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right......."

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Brand is about as funny as piles. Actually he comes across as rather retarded or is it dyspraxic? Certainly not quite within the spectrum of normality. Several standard deviations outwith it.


Ross can be quite funny in small does but vastly over-rated IMHO.


The other one I can't stand is Graham Norton. The high point of his career was in Father Ted and it's been downhill ever since. Why on earth is he so ubiquitous? He's absolutely cringeworthy.



Ohhhhhhhhh, tits and fanny, ohhhhhhhhhhh.


He's a t***.

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Woss's radio show is worth a listen. However, his Friday night sycophantic w**k fest is dweadful. Newsnight review is a far better alternative.


If you have not seen it then Russell Brand's trip across the US paying homage to Jack Kerouac is worth a viewing.

Kindest Regards


“Man cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozenâ€

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Woss's radio show is worth a listen. However, his Friday night sycophantic w**k fest is dweadful. Newsnight review is a far better alternative.


If you have not seen it then Russell Brand's trip across the US paying homage to Jack Kerouac is worth a viewing.



Agree with this but thought his On the Road documentary got a bit crass when he started giving out money to the crack heids as if he was some defender of the poor, his 1870's dandy impersonation is also wearing thin.

Remember The Alamo --- MORTON 5 THE MIDDEN BUT 1

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Interesting to note that the program has only attracted 2 (two) complaints (both about swearing, nothing to do with the content) before the Daily Mail got on it's high horse.


I wonder how many of the people who complained actually listened to the show and were genuinely offended by the content and how many are just using it as an excuse to moan about a couple of easy targets who they don't happen to like.


FWIW I'm not normally a massive fan of Ross/Brand but I downloaded the podcast of last weeks show on the recomendation of a friend before all the hoo-hah, I thought it was very funny - extremely juvenile - but very funny nonetheless.

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5,000 complaints and counting. It was available on the BBCi player for a time after the broadcast, and it's still racking up the hits on YouTube. Over 100,000 when I looked at it earlier. I don't think it is the Daily Mail alone that has drawn attention to it. Almost very news channel, website and paper was leading with it at some point. Everyone is entitled to be outraged at it being broadcast in the first place, if that is the way they feel. I think the complaints are more about the fact Andrew Sachs is an old man and quite a famous old man at that.


Ross just blurts out the bit about Brand copulating with his granddaughter, quite suddenly, which is bizarre because he had just told Brand off for making sarcastic remarks about respecting Sachs' lineage. Pales in comparison next to that comment! Brand collapses into shocked laughter for about ten seconds. Obviously wasn't planned. It is quite funny, in a schoolboy sniggery kind of way and was clearly meant to be like two kids making a prank call.


Brand is milking it for all his worth, because people will get sick of it, surely? I like Ross as a film critic, and his radio show is quite enjoyable. On his chat show he is excellent when he is not being all chummy with guests like Gervais and Ramsay, but those quality interviews are few and far between these days. He was on the verge of a classic interview with Steve Wonder and then he made a lewd comment about his daughter who was there with him.

"In a country lacerated by the sharp shards of broken brown-eyed promises, in a world bent low by the burden of disease, war and the price of Thunderbird, who is left to make full account of God and Britain's depleted moral mini bar? Yes, it's the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken Caesar!"


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Interesting to note that the program has only attracted 2 (two) complaints (both about swearing, nothing to do with the content) before the Daily Mail got on it's high horse.


I wonder how many of the people who complained actually listened to the show and were genuinely offended by the content and how many are just using it as an excuse to moan about a couple of easy targets who they don't happen to like.


FWIW I'm not normally a massive fan of Ross/Brand but I downloaded the podcast of last weeks show on the recomendation of a friend before all the hoo-hah, I thought it was very funny - extremely juvenile - but very funny nonetheless.


Regardless of the content of the messages left, I don't think anyone should have prank messages left on their mobile phones.


The fact the victim was offended is evidence enough that these guys are twats.


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I used to like Jonathan Ross, its just been over the past year or so he's turned into a bit of a dick tbh. Less said for Brand the better.


I think if they had one a prank call once it would have been fair enough, but to do it four times was kicking the backside out of it. Also with Andrew Sachs being 78, I dont think he'd get the humour (if there was any) in the whole grand daughter thing, lets face it, if I said that to anyone on this board could you honestly say you wouldnt want to knock 8 shades of s*** out of me?


There is a line and they crossed it imo.

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5,000 complaints and counting. It was available on the BBCi player for a time after the broadcast, and it's still racking up the hits on YouTube. Over 100,000 when I looked at it earlier. I don't think it is the Daily Mail alone that has drawn attention to it.



I hadn't heard any mention of it in the media at all before the DM launched it's moral crusade.


Just looking at their website - looks like the whole thing was so offensive they've published a full transcript. :rolleyes:


Edit to add: They've also got pictures of Andrew Sachs' granddaughter plastered all over the site. I feel comforted that they're the nations moral guardians.

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I hadn't heard any mention of it in the media at all before the DM launched it's moral crusade.


Just looking at their website - looks like the whole thing was so offensive they've published a full transcript. :rolleyes:


Edit to add: They've also got pictures of Andrew Sachs' granddaughter plastered all over the site. I feel comforted that they're the nations moral guardians.


:lol: You know fine well what I mean. I'm saying it isn't the influence of the Mail which has caused this to explode!


Mail Online and the Daily Mail only accounts for a percentage of the media covering it. It was covered and questioned on Sky News, BBC News, ITV News, Channel 4 News, and, I'm going to guess, Five News, the day after broadcast! About a dozen newspapers, as well as the Associated Press and Reuters had the story on Sunday. All listed together under the story on Google News, on Sunday.


Everyone who reads or watches any of that lot will have either went to YouTube, seen or heard clips on tv and radio, read it in a newspaper.



"In a country lacerated by the sharp shards of broken brown-eyed promises, in a world bent low by the burden of disease, war and the price of Thunderbird, who is left to make full account of God and Britain's depleted moral mini bar? Yes, it's the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken Caesar!"


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I take it that Brand hasn't actually actually sh4gged the grand-daughter? If not, I would think she would have a very good case for damages for slander. That would teach him a lesson.

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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I hadn't heard any mention of it in the media at all before the DM launched it's moral crusade.


Just looking at their website - looks like the whole thing was so offensive they've published a full transcript. :rolleyes:


Edit to add: They've also got pictures of Andrew Sachs' granddaughter plastered all over the site. I feel comforted that they're the nations moral guardians.


just because the Daily Mail are disgusting pseudo moral guardians does not deter my utter disgust for the soulless, talentless, waste of space that is Russell Brand.

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