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What Was The Last Film You Watched?


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Twilight 1&2 - People (male and female) keep telling me they are worth a watch. They're not. The second one dragged on. How to make vampires and and werewolves uninteresting. 3/10



Bill, I thought better of you!!! Even watching it?? Does your missus know you're gay??? :D

RIP New Order...

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Water For Elephants - Wasn't my idea - 3/10


Cedar Rapids - Quite enjoyable with some quite funny moments but never quite reached it's potential - 6/10


Win Win - I don't get the hype, it was nice enough but nothing more. The acting was good I guess - 6/10


Attack The Block - Surprised me as really didn't think it would be more me but really enjoyed it. Some cracking 1 liners and the acting was very good - 7/10


The Hangover Part II - I wasn't sure what to expect but I felt that, even with following a similar story line to the first, it was different enough to stand alone. Not as good as the first but better than most 'comedies' I've seen 8/10

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Water For Elephants - Wasn't my idea - 3/10



Thank god you ranked that so low.


Ashleen is trying to convince me to watch it saying it was "amazing". Will just say puggs said it was crap & that will be the end of that discussion.

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saw hangover part 2 the other night. i thought the first one was vastly overrated, and unlike many others, i actually prefer this one to the original. pretty much the same concept of course. good scenes with mr chow. :lol:

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Thank god you ranked that so low.


Ashleen is trying to convince me to watch it saying it was "amazing". Will just say puggs said it was crap & that will be the end of that discussion.


It was complete and utter mung!

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Unknown starring Liam Neeson.


Not bad idea but some really predictable stuff and some "you've taken that too far" far-fetched bits dumb this down to nothing more than a popcorn thriller. part "bourne identity, part "frantic" but not in the same ball park as either.


some interesting cold war shenanigans though with the stasi and whatnot.


worth a couple of hours (just)



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Went to see Hangover 2 followed by X Men First Class earlier.


Hangover 2 was very funny, as much as I liked the first one, people were going on as if it was the single funniest film ever..which was ridiculous! This one was slightly bettert than the first I felt. Am a big fan of Dr Ken Jeong from other things and he didn't disappoint in his bits! :lol:


This was the first X Men film I'd been to see at the cinema since the first Patrick Stewart one! McAvoy is excellent, didn't realise Kevin Bacon was in it, really good performance too.

"In a country lacerated by the sharp shards of broken brown-eyed promises, in a world bent low by the burden of disease, war and the price of Thunderbird, who is left to make full account of God and Britain's depleted moral mini bar? Yes, it's the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken Caesar!"


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Capote, only watched it as I'd saw Imfamous with Toby Jones as Truman Capote and wanted to gauge the differences in the performance of Jones to Philip Seymour Hoffman.


I thought Imfamous was a better film and Jones was infinitely better in the role, camped up but so much funnier and vunerable.


Where Imfamous centred on the relationship between one of the killers played by Daniel Craig and the famed US writer. Craig, I thought offered more to the role , abit more menacing yet vunerable.


So Capote left me abit empty 2/10, Imfamous 8/10.



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Lives of Others - 10/10. Absolutely fantastic.

The Ghost - 7/10. Kind of chilling without anything happening.

Diary of Wimpy Kid 2 - 8/10. Cracking film which doesn't let the books down. Had to peel my 7 year old off of the cinema floor at the church and chocolate scene.

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."


George Bernard Shaw

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psych 9 -10/10 load a mince up there with jaws 3 and neds!!


10/10? See, back in my day if something was a "load a mince" then that would infer that it was not good. Also, Jaws 3 is a monstrosity of a film - Jaws without Roy Scheider is not Jaws.





An internet fud is still a fud.

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Capote, only watched it as I'd saw Imfamous with Toby Jones as Truman Capote and wanted to gauge the differences in the performance of Jones to Philip Seymour Hoffman.


I thought Imfamous was a better film and Jones was infinitely better in the role, camped up but so much funnier and vunerable.


Where Imfamous centred on the relationship between one of the killers played by Daniel Craig and the famed US writer. Craig, I thought offered more to the role , abit more menacing yet vunerable.


So Capote left me abit empty 2/10, Imfamous 8/10.


Have you read the book? Its absol;utely tremendous.


As for the films, I agree that its a shame that Capote stole the limelight, Infamous is a great film (where I think Daniel Craig steals the show).


Still think Capote is a good film, but I watched it first. Think sometimes it depends which of them you watch first.

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