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  1. Was there today. first time I've seen most of these players, most of them are not good enough and the rest are Meh! Currently being treated for cancer and that treatment has been more enjoyable than today. Brutal.
    10 points
  2. Corr dislocated his shoulder at Raith a few months ago and has done it again twice since signing for Morton. You can’t legislate for every injury but you shouldn’t be coming out with nonsense like that in interviews because it will always come back to bite you. The fact he’s the general manager and spending far too much time speaking about football matters rather than almost everything else off the pitch that seems to be at a standstill makes it even worse. The only actual thing that I can think of that he’s implemented in his time so far is integrating the women’s team in to the club, which although admirable is not something I’ve seen discussed about the cost of that and if it’s sustainable for a fan owned club at our level to cover that cost? I genuinely don’t know the answer to that but I can’t imagine it’s cheap and if it’s self sustainable at this level or the level the women play at or ever will be. so much of the things he does from his middle management speak, five pillars, getting involved in football matters and almost being the front face of talking about them plastered all over internal and external media outlets as well as being the saviour of Greenock Morton Women’s team screams of someone trying to pad their CV for his next employer rather than someone who’s actually implementing any real change or progress at the club.
    7 points
  3. Completely agree. Even when we did have a couple of passages of decent possession there was zero end product, and as soon as we lost it we were instantly on the back foot. I think the harsh reality is that the players simply aren't skillful enough to play this type of football, either in terms of keeping possession or in the timing of runs to create the space to use it effectively.
    7 points
  4. In other, more encouraging news, David Munro, who officiated our 3-2 defeat at Stark’s Park, awarding big-spending Raith Rovers that ludicrous penalty when Lewis Vaughan appeared to drop dead within four yards of Darragh O’Connor and booked eight Morton players but failed to send off Jack Hamilton for a second booking and Ross Millen for a flying elbow, has resigned from his position as an SFA referee. This is absolutely fantastic news for Scottish football as a whole. Genuinely the single worst referee ai’ve ever seen in all my time watching football, and I remember Brian Cassidy and Colin Hardie. Good riddance.
    7 points
  5. The harsh reality is we have lost players who are solid at this level and replaced them with inexperienced players or guys who we have never played in this league and hoped it will do a job. It's all well and good changing style but if you change the whole squad and then expect guys to just fit in and also change the whole way we play it's a massive risk. I trust Imrie but I don't know if I trust who we have bought in and the guys we already had to actually do well in such a competitive division.
    6 points
  6. Five shots on target in three cup games - two games being against part time, lower league opposition. One of those shots was a saved penalty and one a relatively tame 95th minute free kick. Let that sink in - 5 shots on target in 3 games!
    4 points
  7. Would this be the same 'Dale' who said that we'd be signing players this summer based on their ironclad fitness record (Corr!) as well as 'minerals' (not yet forthcoming)? And who said that we needed to play a parade of turgid snorefest home friendlies to fully integrate our new talent before the League Cup began? It's probably best to start filing Dale's pronouncements in the same bin previously reserved for his Iron Man predecessor.
    3 points
  8. As other have said, wishing you all the best Frank.
    3 points
  9. On today's showing at least, we aren't actually okay at keeping the ball though. We can knock around a few passes sure, but one in every dozen is so wildly inaccurate in either direction or pace that we have to scramble to regain control. Which allows the opposition to reorganise behind the ball or steal it away entirely - exposing us to being cut open on the break. Given the excuses made about the Cappielow pitch (and East Fife) before, the fact that they couldn't keep the ball without dropping a bollock every other minute at McDairmid today does not bode well for this gubbins 'style of play'. There's also no obvious purpose to the possession that we have. We could be playing until now and still wouldn't have registered a serious attempt on target, never mind an actual goal. The abysmal goal and shots record across three games speaks for itself - this is Johanssonball. We didn't even get into Saint Johnstone's penalty box to lose that game.
    3 points
  10. After recent performances, I attended with low expectations and the team still managed to disappoint. We were told the uninspiring home friendlies was to help the new players bed in, we made a point about not signing injury-prone players and/or old-timers heading out to pasture and we were asked to be patient as a new exciting style of football evolved - so far I am struggling to see any progress on these metrics. Today was as dull and lifeless a performance as I have seen for many a year following Morton. St. Johnstone were a poor team but despite Imrie's assertion "we cut them open" the reality is we never laid a glove on them. Fans want to believe we are moving forward on the park but while you troll us making Broadfoot captain and talk up the invisible man that is Blues you are fighting a losing battle. As for Davies and Reynolds, I cannot believe we scouted them as they look so far out their depth it is worrying - I just hope they prove me wrong. Pointless passing also does not disguise our inability to make a worthwhile forward pass - how many times today did we progress up the park only for someone to take the safe option and return the ball backwards? At the moment we are a team of cowards preferring to hand out hospital passes to our mates than take responsibility. More fool me thinking we were at last up to speed at the start of a season...
    3 points
  11. I think we are going to see this season how much we relied on Muirhead pulling something out the bag in tight games in this division. Another performance where we look like we could play all day and not score. Our set piece delivery all pre season has been poor as well to make matters worse. Wilson was good and thought Mullen made some very good saves despite the second goal.
    3 points
  12. Start my strongest eleven and see if I can get a tune out of them.
    2 points
  13. Had to laugh at the amount of over reactions and near meltdowns in response to the club's post. Just need his maw or girlfriend to chip in now.
    2 points
  14. Yup. Expected him to leave this summer, surprised it took so long, and best for all concerned. Morton fans giving him the Jon Scullion send off and it's just as likely Bearne's trajectory will follow a similar path on exit than it is he proves Dougie wrong.
    2 points
  15. You’d think we’d released Messi if you looked at the quote tweets on twitter. Ultimately an okay option from the bench but didn’t take his chances when he started and despite having something about him he too often got ragdolled around the pitch like a little boy which just won’t cut it for Imrie unfortunately. given how key new additions in certain positions are to this squad I can’t quite believe that anyone is upset at us freeing up a wage by losing Jack Bearne.
    2 points
  16. Ultimately wasn't good enough. He had some excellent performances here and there like Arbroath away and Queen's Park at home but didn't show it enough regardless of how fleeting his chances were; the poor performances still comfortably outnumbered the good ones for all that he seemed to be a better player now than he was a year ago. There is the concern that despite not being good enough some of the new additions to the squad look considerably worse than him so far and it's now going to be harder to move them down the pecking order if they don't improve, but he was the logical one to move on with having been here a season already and if whatever budget is salvaged from the payoff he gets allows us to add the quality we're clearly lacking then great.
    2 points
  17. I agree with all of the above points but this is the most pressing issue for me. Our front 3, possibly excluding Moffat, don't get close to anyone off the ball. Got quite frustrated watching Reynolds jogging back every time the full back went by him on Saturday. Once they're by the front 3 it's then not very difficult to break us down. Both this and our current lack of a striker that poses a threat in the box will cost us a lot more than our ability to hold onto the ball will. I'm inclined to give the new lads time, but Davies saying in the tele that he's happy with his input so far worries me.
    2 points
  18. I'd even argue that, historically, championship teams having any degree of promotion success playing neat and tidy passing football is vanishingly rare. Other than a couple of really good St Johnstone sides and Hearts (with their huge budget), I struggle to think of many in my lifetime who have played attractive football and won the league. Even Rangers attempted to play 'the right way' at first, which was a clownshoes disaster.
    2 points
  19. Was thinking Donovan Simmonds myself but very much in the same 'gubbins' bucket. To try and implement a possession based philosophy with a guy who can't trap a ball, chooses dreadful passes and runs it out of play so often is utterly hopeless. I don't see what Davies is going to offer either. A final (well not really) issue is that if you are going to try and play this garbage Johanssonball then Gillespie (an actual passer) needs to play in central midfield instead of Blues. But it gets nowhere near as much from Wilson as a more direct approach - as of the few strengths this team has, we need to play to those.
    2 points
  20. Genuinely woeful stuff. St Johnstone are a very bad side and we've not even mustered a shot on target until a lame free kick at the end. There's no positives to take in the way we're playing. We don't create any chances and we're as good as 2 goals down as soon as Broadfoot starts. Enthusiasm for the new season has totally gone already.
    2 points
  21. Jack Bearne has drawn 4 yellow cards from opposition players in about 40 minutes of competitive football. He offers so much more than Reynolds on that side just by committing defenders.
    2 points
  22. At least last season when we weren't playing well, we still had players capable of grabbing a goal. So far this season, I can't see where a goal will cone from.
    2 points
  23. Were the posters reporting on our promising performances in pre season friendlies handing out free toast in the blind folk's room too? Because that's my first viewing of this team and it is syphiliis. No attacking threat whatsoever, no theory of how we're going to actually break down a team's defence, a hospital ball being inevitably played after 10 useless passes. And worst of all, absolutely no effective pressing off the ball to either win the ball back in dangerous positions, or at least make us difficult to break down. Unless this shan, Jonatan Johansson-esque philosophy is binned then we are getting relegated with comfortably less than 30 points. Even then, I fear we've already committed to too many sand-dancers to go back to basics effectively.
    2 points
  24. As always I’m going to give every new signing a fair chance but our lack of goals is beginning to worry me. Let’s see how tomorrow goes and hopefully we find our rhythm. Mon the ton!
    1 point
  25. Hopefully we can get one or two in before Saturday. Albeit it won't fix all of our problems but having someone who can actually score would help.
    1 point
  26. He meant the signing of Bearne not the decision to accept his request to leave.
    1 point
  27. Allegedly it was the boards decision and not imries. On the face of it that's a right decision. Clearly Dougie didn't rate him and he's never really done enough to nail done a starting spot. Makes room in the squad and budget for new additions too.
    1 point
  28. Correct decision for all parties. For whatever reason it just never worked out for him here. Good luck to him.
    1 point
  29. Really sorry to heat this, Frank. Wishing you nothing but good health mate.
    1 point
  30. As others have commented centralTON keep fighting the good fight. Cancer has probably impacted all of our lives directly or indirectly. Stay positive and hopefully you will be back on the terrace to watch our title push this season or maybe the next or even the one after.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Wishing you all the very best. Kick cancer’s arse and hope you’ll have multiple reasons for celebration over the coming months and years.
    1 point
  33. Gutted to read this mate. Hope you're on the mend soon.
    1 point
  34. Interesting that Imrie says in his post match interview that the players have the freedom to be creative on the pitch but it isn’t happening yet. I was almost directly behind Imrie in the stands at the queen of the south game and have watched the other home games on TonTV and he doesn’t give off the vibes of a manager allowing freedom of expression on the touchline. He’s on the touchline shouting at the top of his voice for 90 mins telling everyone exactly where to be and where to pass it to a level I’ve not seen from any other manager. That sort of touchline management was fine when he was making sure we were always in the defensive structure he wanted and looking to break quickly but it can’t exude the calmness and creative thought in the players on the pitch that he’s looking for from them. As VT says above we aren’t actually playing good football, we are playing safe and fake football. Passing it around because they’ve been told to and they’re able to convince themselves that they’re playing football the right way and that successful performances will come if they just keep doing it, but that’s not going to happen without the players taking responsibility themselves and Imrie allowing them to make mistakes and take chances without the manager shouting in your ear where to play the ball before you’ve even got it under control. You couple that with what we all know about Imrie’s temperament in the moment when players make mistakes and I can’t help feel that the new style of football he wants to play will need as much retraining for himself as it does the players.
    1 point
  35. Sorry to hear that Frank, hope all goes well for you mate.
    1 point
  36. Hadn’t realised that Frank. All the very best mate.
    1 point
  37. Similar to Dale’s comments where he claimed the club had made progress on 75% of the key pillars in our 3 year strategy, yet it’s still far from clear where the progress has been made. I get what Dougie says about it all taking time to come together but how long is it going to take? The team have had 7 games to get up to speed yet still look more sluggish than we ever have under Imrie, and we’ve already sacrificed a significant source of income by not making it out of a favourable league cup group. We can’t afford to also give the rest of the league a head start again. As Dougie also says, I can see what we’re trying to do in spells but what worries me is that I can’t yet see anything to suggest we’ll be able to do it well enough to compete at Championship level. Obviously Imrie has a track record for pulling it out the hat, but it really has to come sooner rather than later.
    1 point
  38. Imrie and the general manager if you’d watched his interviews over the summer. It will be interesting to see just how much responsibility he takes for football matters in public if the season takes a turn for the worst. He’s already put his foot in it once by promising fans that the days of signing injury prone players are over while our new centre back dislocates his shoulder for the third time since May.
    1 point
  39. That Welsh league must be really fucking pish.
    1 point
  40. What service would be suitable for Davies? He doesn't have pace, can't trap a ball reliably, and was bullied physically throughout. We hardly have Iniesta in midfield but I fail to see what pass would have made Davies any better than a 20/80 bet to get past the defence today or against Championship opposition too.
    1 point
  41. Partick will absolutely murder us first game of the season.
    1 point
  42. It's wishful thinking to believe that two players will be enough to make this team genuinely competitive though. Against Ross County last season we had a system that worked and would clearly kick on when new players and squad options were added. I've seen absolutely nothing to build around today - that is a mediocre League One standard of team.
    1 point
  43. It's not nonsense. It's what happened. Of course the pass is on, Moffat had the positional advantage but wasn't sharp enough. But in case you've missed the tone of my posts, it's not a pass I'd want Broadfoot to make. It's too high risk for our level of ability in a match like that. Broadfoot is one of a number of players who have made similar passes in similar situations. That's more than a player making an error of judgement - that's a consequence of instruction. We've just done it again as I write this.
    1 point
  44. Nonsense. Broadfoot can see the full picture, including the defender behind Moffat. Whether Moffat asks for it or not, Broadfoot can see it’s not on. He makes the wrong decision then compounds that by underhitting the pass and charging out of position, when he can also see how high Delaney is.
    1 point
  45. And I recall a Ran*ers supporting friend bemoaning the fact that we had "stolen" their first choice of manager at age time. Oh how I wish we hadn't!
    1 point
  46. Must’ve just been doon the garden centre in his BMW.
    1 point
  47. He might have finally found his level with a move to the 6th tier.
    1 point
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