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Gerry Adams Arrested

Rasta Ton

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Good to see one of the Great Irish Leaders released without charge. Hard not to be suspicious of the timing of this arrest, given the ground Sinn Fein are making in the polls, accross the 32 counties.


Still, I am sure the PSNI will continue with there programme to uncover the "truth" behind the many crimes committed during the Troubles. We all patiently await the murderer of Pat Finucane being uncovered.


Not to mention the members of the Military Reaction Force being prosecuted, following there confession's to murder on Panorama.


And I am also sure the PSNI will soon be detaining the Squaddies responsible for the massacres at Derry and Ballymurphy.

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Guest David Edwards

Thought I heard that word for word from McGuiness. I take it you share speech writers.


Even though Dougie's a fan of one of the Great Irish Liars he does make a valid point. Why just Adams? If, as Robinson said, 'no one is above the law', then why aren't others from the loyalist paramilitaries and from within the British security services being investigated? This was bound to fail. Best to let sleeping dogs lie and dogs they surely are, on both sides.

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Guest David Edwards

ive met johnny adair. good guy and totally misunderstood.  just saying like


Don't tell me, he's found Jesus and now some of his best friends are Catholics? 


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I heard somewhere that this woman's case is special because the body was found by accident by a member of the public. Under the terms of the GFA, had an informant disclosed the location it would not have been treated as murder and would not result in an investigation.



Hey Man - Enough of your Stupidness

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