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Well, yeah, they often do...but they seem to ignore some of the answers to those questions. For example, how many times have I said on this thread that the meeting is about the GMST and SCs working closer together, and will not set the agenda for any future public meeting...and that seems to be ignored.


Also, there are some points which are far from pertinent. For one, David Edwards' nonsense about power hungry control freaks, when he hasn't met and knows nothing about the current board members. That's not pertinent, it's simply throwaway rubbish. For another, Rhubarb Mess's claim that the Trust have 'no right' to discuss the club's future with anyone. Of course there are things we could have done differently in the past: but we have the second largest shareholding, a mandate from members, and interest both from SCs and from GMFC in engaging with us.


There are reasonable concerns in there, and I try my best to answer them: but just because people don't like or disagree with the answers doesn't mean they are not being answered.


I pointed out you represent about 2% of the core support and is it a worthless 4% you lot have in Morton?

Mandate to speak for the fans? hmmmm


neither do we have to take an answer, no matter how many times it is posted as gospel!


We are a MEAN diddy team!!!


make your own mind up.

"Hey!!! That tea leaf half-inched me wallet"

Yours Roobs, AKA, Harry's Orville Duck
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You've learned nothing during your tenure then. You reap what you sow.

People do not define the difference between the last Trust board or the new one. Personal responsibility goes a long way. A statement of failings and an apology for the mishandling of the saga would go a long way.


The last committee and at least one of your current Board have had plenty to say about the incident in the past. If your going to make this kind of statement ----> "You say you base this on the last two years but you have no idea of the true detail of what has gone on. You only know the spin, lies and innuendo portrayed by a third party!" be prepared to back it up. Otherwise it's just the same old "it wisnae me" guff we heard two years ago.

Have a look at the first paragraph above!

I wish you well on your quest, I really do hope you succeed but it's the same old name, same attitudes and not one bit of remorse.

Good luck to you all.

I will repeat, I will not apologise for things that went on several months before all bar one of the present trust board had any involvement. That's like Allan Moore apologising for the lack of results under his predecessors. The present board has spent much time in trying to deal with a mess not of our making. In an earlier post you said that the whole thing should have been kept private and dealt with internally to the trust but in the above post we are to publish a detailed account of an ongoing court case?


The trust are guilty of trying to recover money we thought and still believe was owed to us. We would have done that in as dignified and private manner as we could but an individual who's openly stated agenda is to bring down the trust has used the situation to further his personal agenda and get as much publicity as he can.


As a loan note holder, I will be more than happy to take you through the detail privately but we will not discuss it on an open forum. If that is a lack of transparency then that's how it has to be!

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I pointed out you represent about 2% of the core support and is it a worthless 4% you lot have in Morton?

Mandate to speak for the fans? hmmmm


neither do we have to take an answer, no matter how many times it is posted as gospel!


On the first point: no one has claimed such a mandate (at least not since I've been on the board). Our only mandate is to act for our members in the best interests of the Trust (and, therefore, the club).


On the second: of course you don't, that's not a problem, but you've been answered to the best of my ability.

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Is that it!




You've just proven my point. Thanks.


Your point was that you can be as disparaging to the "Trust Monkeys" as you want but they better think long and hard about how they respond in case your wee feelings get hurt.


You've managed to prove that all by yourself just about every time you contribute to the *cough* debate *cough*.


Here to help though.

Along the track the train came puffin, Morton 1 Celtic nuffin.
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On the first point: no one has claimed such a mandate (at least not since I've been on the board). Our only mandate is to act for our members in the best interests of the Trust (and, therefore, the club).


On the second: of course you don't, that's not a problem, but you've been answered to the best of my ability.


How are you not getting that it doesn't matter what you say on here? There's no interest in explanations.


It's about the sport, chewing over the bones of every little failure than moving onto the next angle to have another go.


It's the Trust just now. Next month it'll be the new supporters group cause you already know they're doing it all wrong, and if they're not getting it wrong there's always the messageboard, the chairman, the local paper, or some other equally insignificant outrage waiting to be picked at.


You're under no obligation to provide oxygen to it all. Save yourself a lot of grief, keep the head down, have your meeting and see where it goes from there.


Good luck.

Along the track the train came puffin, Morton 1 Celtic nuffin.
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Your point was that you can be as disparaging to the "Trust Monkeys" as you want but they better think long and hard about how they respond in case your wee feelings get hurt.


You've managed to prove that all by yourself just about every time you contribute to the *cough* debate *cough*.


Here to help though.


Dismal. :(


We are a MEAN diddy team!!!


make your own mind up.

"Hey!!! That tea leaf half-inched me wallet"

Yours Roobs, AKA, Harry's Orville Duck
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I disagree that the Trust has been damaged irreparably. It has been damaged, no doubt about it, and some of that damage was of its own doing, but in those two years the Trust has donated a near five figure sum to Morton Youth Development, has seen its membership (albeit slightly) increase, has made genuine inroads in its relationship with GMFC, and - the topic of this thread - is making a concerted effort to engage with the wider Morton community - which, going by the response by the SCs, seems to be well received.


I've said before and I'll say it again - the Stars fiasco has been a mess, and obviously some goodwill has been lost with it, but given that our membership has actually increased in that period, and given the efforts made and mentioned above, we have a duty not to down tools because of it.

Same old speel about saving Dougie a few quid on boys strips but a former Trust Chairman who was going to set up a charitable Development fund got the bums rush and Dougie went for another option. John Laird got more positive press than at any other time for the improvements in the set up despite the opposition.


The increased membership since the Stars aftermath would not give you a false sense of security ?

Seem to remember RBS buying into a ABN AMRO and Fred Goodwin being bouyed at his new acquisition.


Your case is ongoing and no one can say how this could affect the Trust in the future. I have heard all the bluster from both sides and it comes down to can you prove your case, if not it puts any confidence in the Trust or the present representatives of the Trust ( need to get a clear distinction) position in question.


You openly admite to mistakes with the Trust in the past so are well aware of the criticisms of those failings

so you have to be conscious not winning would be deja vu.

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Same old speel about saving Dougie a few quid on boys strips but a former Trust Chairman who was going to set up a charitable Development fund got the bums rush and Dougie went for another option. John Laird got more positive press than at any other time for the improvements in the set up despite the opposition.


I don't understand the connectuon with John Laird, or what you mean by opposition. If you mean that John faced oppostion from the Trust I can assure you that wasn't the case. However, since its inception the Trust has donated nearly £30,000 to Morton Youth Development, which isn't an inconsiderable sum, and that has included £8500 in the past year. That's not a speel, and it's more than a few strips: it's an important fact, (a.) because MYD need external investment, and (b.) because it demonstrates what the Trust is capable of even against the Stars backdrop.


The increased membership since the Stars aftermath would not give you a false sense of security ?

Seem to remember RBS buying into a ABN AMRO and Fred Goodwin being bouyed at his new acquisition.


A false sense of security? Certainly not. What it does give us, though, is a reminder that we must continue to act in those members' best interests, and not twiddle our thumbs; contrary to the argument that the Trust is damaged irreparably.


Your case is ongoing and no one can say how this could affect the Trust in the future. I have heard all the bluster from both sides and it comes down to can you prove your case, if not it puts any confidence in the Trust or the present representatives of the Trust ( need to get a clear distinction) position in question.


You openly admit to mistakes with the Trust in the past so are well aware of the criticisms of those failings

so you have to be conscious not winning would be deja vu.


I don't have anything to say on the case itself.

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Are you a member of the Trust committee ??

What does that have to do with the price of fishcakes in Japan???


I am a moderator on this forum and I'm not apologising for being just a bit fed up having to trawl through the same old crap day in day out !


Why? Do they not ask pertinent questions? Or perhaps it's a case of see no evil speak no evil from the trust monkeys?

Sometimes yes, agreed, but often over and over and over again. It's dull, its repetitive, it reminds me of Madonna's first album and it brings this forum down.


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QUOTE(C B @ Nov 8 2011, 05:52 AM) 836875[/snapback]
What does that have to do with the price of fishcakes in Japan???


I am a moderator on this forum and I'm not apologising for being just a bit fed up having to trawl through the same old crap day in day out !

Sometimes yes, agreed, but often over and over and over again. It's dull, its repetitive, it reminds me of Madonna's first album and it brings this forum down.

Nots half as boring and repetitive as the same old half facts and party spin the Trust churn out on a daily basis.



Hey Man - Enough of your Stupidness

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Your point was that you can be as disparaging to the "Trust Monkeys" as you want but they better think long and hard about how they respond in case your wee feelings get hurt.


You've managed to prove that all by yourself just about every time you contribute to the *cough* debate *cough*.


Here to help though.

No you seem to have missed my point completely again proving that the trust appear arrogant and condescending. You don't hurt my feelings at all, far from it.


In the last couple of threads (including this one). We've had trust board members state to people who criticise the trust (legitimately in their eyes) that their comments are "throwaway rubbish" and apparently anyone who criticises the trust is incapable of thinking for themselves and have been duped and conned by Moronjag and his evil blog.


Just for the record I've never read his blog and I don't even know the address to find it.


You state that it is a clean slate and fresh talent running the trust yet you spend your time pursuing actions and defending the indefensible and incompetent actions of the previous board. Had you come out and said it was a mess on so many fronts, we're drawing a line under it and moving on The Trust would have far more credibility (in my eyes at least).


I am not against the trust per se and would welcome and support a strong trust but it needs to seriously look at how it goes about it's business and also how it engages with anyone who has the audacity to criticise.



Hey Man - Enough of your Stupidness

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How are you not getting that it doesn't matter what you say on here? There's no interest in explanations.


It's about the sport, chewing over the bones of every little failure than moving onto the next angle to have another go.


It's the Trust just now. Next month it'll be the new supporters group cause you already know they're doing it all wrong, and if they're not getting it wrong there's always the messageboard, the chairman, the local paper, or some other equally insignificant outrage waiting to be picked at.


You're under no obligation to provide oxygen to it all. Save yourself a lot of grief, keep the head down, have your meeting and see where it goes from there.


Good luck.



Fantastic post.

Two Uniteds but the soul is one, as the Busby Babes carry on.

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QUOTE(C B @ Nov 8 2011, 05:52 AM) 836875[/snapback]
What does that have to do with the price of fishcakes in Japan???

I am a moderator on this forum and I'm not apologising for being just a bit fed up having to trawl through the same old crap day in day out !

Sometimes yes, agreed, but often over and over and over again. It's dull, its repetitive, it reminds me of Madonna's first album and it brings this forum down.


happy to help


if you don't like your job leave and stop bleating about it.


We are a MEAN diddy team!!!


make your own mind up.

"Hey!!! That tea leaf half-inched me wallet"

Yours Roobs, AKA, Harry's Orville Duck
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Rasta, the comment that was "throwaway rubbish" was a personal and sweeping attack on every board member by a guy who has never or barely ever met the board. Criticism is part and parcel of this type of thing, and I've tried to respond to it on this and other threads, but stuff like that is not really criticism.


On the Stars thing: we are NOT pursuing an action as such; we've had the case sisted and will resist any attempt to revive it. If we are able to draw a line here we'll call an SGM to give account for the whole saga to members and loan note holders alike.





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No you seem to have missed my point completely again proving that the trust appear arrogant and condescending. You don't hurt my feelings at all, far from it.




Is Cawston even a rep of the Trust? I don't know who he is, but I don't think so?

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If Dougie isn't giving the trust the time of day, offer to sell him all his shares back through a leak to the press with the proviso of the trust running a youth set up for the ton and inverclyde football in general as stated somewhere above amoungst the handbags, have a similar sell on clauses that the last guy had for said youths that make it to keep it ticking over, everyones a winner, dougie gets his shares back we get no more diddies like templman, russell, mcanespie etc etc. and the trust get a bit of good pr.


I'm available for scouting players on the beaches of rio.

Remember The Alamo --- MORTON 5 THE MIDDEN BUT 1

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QUOTE(C B @ Nov 8 2011, 05:52 AM) 836875[/snapback]
What does that have to do with the price of fishcakes in Japan???


I am a moderator on this forum and I'm not apologising for being just a bit fed up having to trawl through the same old crap day in day out !

Sometimes yes, agreed, but often over and over and over again. It's dull, its repetitive, it reminds me of Madonna's first album and it brings this forum down.

Well it may determine if you have a vested interest in condemning the criticism.

So I do think it is a very valid question.


Fishcake prices in Japan will vary in quality and price.


So you ask a question you don't get a satisfactory answer, just stop asking the question.


If you are not on the Trust board you are the perfect candidate to conduct one of their inquiries.

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