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Fascist Watch

Guest David Edwards

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Guest David Edwards

It should make for essential viewing. I liked Douglas Murray's (Director Of The Centre for Social Cohesion) take on it:


" Nick Griffin represents a fascist party which can now claim to speak for almost a million voters. This shows, among other things, that the Unite Against Fascism style of left wing anti-BNP tactics has failed. On Thursday night UAF will hold a demo outside the BBC while the fascist Griffin sits inside on the panel.


We have to rethink the way in which we critique the BNP. Their ideas divide into the laughable and the racist. Thursday night should provide an opportunity to show this, but I suspect it won't.

Politicians on the panel will spend their time running to the opposite end of the see-saw to Griffin. The only way to take the BNP apart is to explain that there are legitimate reasons for people in the UK to be worried about immigration and the future of our country but that Griffin is a racist and exactly the wrong person to deal with that.


Our government and the opposition - epitomised by fellow panellists Jack Straw and Sayeeda Warsi - have spent years cosying up to Islamic fascists. Now they have the chance to meet the nativist variety this has given succour to. I only wish they knew how to destroy what they have helped create".


Short answer is I think we need better politicians, with better policies, to slay this monster.

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It should make for essential viewing. I liked Douglas Murray's (Director Of The Centre for Social Cohesion) take on it:


" Nick Griffin represents a fascist party which can now claim to speak for almost a million voters. This shows, among other things, that the Unite Against Fascism style of left wing anti-BNP tactics has failed. On Thursday night UAF will hold a demo outside the BBC while the fascist Griffin sits inside on the panel.


We have to rethink the way in which we critique the BNP. Their ideas divide into the laughable and the racist. Thursday night should provide an opportunity to show this, but I suspect it won't.

Politicians on the panel will spend their time running to the opposite end of the see-saw to Griffin. The only way to take the BNP apart is to explain that there are legitimate reasons for people in the UK to be worried about immigration and the future of our country but that Griffin is a racist and exactly the wrong person to deal with that.


Our government and the opposition - epitomised by fellow panellists Jack Straw and Sayeeda Warsi - have spent years cosying up to Islamic fascists. Now they have the chance to meet the nativist variety this has given succour to. I only wish they knew how to destroy what they have helped create".


Short answer is I think we need better politicians, with better policies, to slay this monster.

Immigration? :lol:

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they pretend to befriend you, then you win!



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Guest David Edwards
I don't know much about Nick to be honest.


Is he a bad man?


I don't know, I've never met him. I hear that he's a mad racist and fascist that isn't overly fond of the idea of Jews, Muslims and black people being allowed to live in 'his' country. Also hear that he admires folk as diverse (or are they really) as Hitler, Louis Farakhan, Colonel Maddaffi and Ayatollah Khomeni.

Socially,I don't think we'd hit it off somehow.

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The trouble with the BNP is that mixed in with their fascist/racist policies, which are transparently odious, they will have evolved a few vaguely sensible policies to justify their existence and allow them to pose as a proper political party and give a veneer of respectability to their bigotry. The best way to counter them would seem to me to be to ridicule them at every opportunity. They don't stand up well to humiliation. The fact that Griffin looks like Hitler's love child should facilitate that approach.


I can't see the BNP getting any support in Scotland as they are in fact an English nationalist party and would only appeal at best to a small section of the population of Airdrie and Govan.

"Any nation given the opportunity to regain its national sovereignty and which then rejects it is so far beneath contempt that it is hard to put words to it."

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I don't know, I've never met him. I hear that he's a mad racist and fascist that isn't overly fond of the idea of Jews, Muslims, black people being allowed to live in 'his' country. Also hear that he admires folk as diverse (or are they really) as Hitler, Louis Farakhan, Colonel Maddaffi and Ayatollah Khomeni.

I don't think we'd hit it off somehow.

I've been told he's very fond of a black German Shepherd.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they pretend to befriend you, then you win!



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Guest David Edwards
The trouble with the BNP is that mixed in with their fascist/racist policies, which are transparently odious, they will have evolved a few vaguely sensible policies to justify their existence and allow them to pose as a proper political party and give a veneer of respectability to their bigotry. The best way to counter them would seem to me to be to ridicule them at every opportunity. They don't stand up well to humiliation. The fact that Griffin looks like Hitler's love child should facilitate that approach.


I can't see the BNP getting any support in Scotland as they are in fact an English nationalist party and would only appeal at best to a small section of the population of Airdrie and Govan.


That remains to be seen.

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Not that I'm advocating non Christian principles, but perhaps the BNP is the most honest political party. Let's face it, if they went with the tide, they'd really be welcoming immigration behind everybody's back! :ph34r:

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they pretend to befriend you, then you win!



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Let's face it, if they went with the tide, they'd really be welcoming immigration behind everybody's back! :ph34r:


British immigration laws are some of the most prohibitive in the Western world. I've sat in on enough immigration appeals to know that we're certainly not that welcoming!


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Guest David Edwards
The trouble with the BNP is that mixed in with their fascist/racist policies, which are transparently odious, they will have evolved a few vaguely sensible policies to justify their existence and allow them to pose as a proper political party and give a veneer of respectability to their bigotry. The best way to counter them would seem to me to be to ridicule them at every opportunity. They don't stand up well to humiliation. The fact that Griffin looks like Hitler's love child should facilitate that approach.


If he had bad eyseight and a hint of Aspergers syndrome no doubt you could have a field day. Naw, best to stick to reasoned arguments I think.

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British immigration laws are some of the most prohibitive in the Western world. I've sat in on enough immigration appeals to know that we're certainly not that welcoming!

I live in an area which suggests QUITE the opposite! :lol:


They deny the holocaust.


Do you? :unsure:

I've never heard of it - do tell! :)

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they pretend to befriend you, then you win!



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A lot of the people are scared of the rise of Fundamentalist Islam trying to incorporate sharia law and fatwas on people who they happen to disagree with their views. Whether you like it or not many are worried about the amount of illegal immigration happening and the islamification of areas of Britain as a whole. Whether the propaganda of the fear of a black nation(Iraq, Afghanistan,Iran) is the reason for this is debatable but during ressesion a blame culture is formed and someone has to be the brunt of it.

Didn't the tories under Howard make this one of the focal points of their last election campaign?

The BNP are just an extreme of a theme which is prevalent in many folk who are looking to see a fair and honest government being less tolerant to extremists and a bit more in support of the indigenous folk.


The BNP deserve to be on QT without hinderance and protest from the (Facist) Anti Nazi League who wont even give them enough rope to hang themselves.


Remember The Alamo --- MORTON 5 THE MIDDEN BUT 1

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the thing about the bnp is most think they are bad as the 'socialist dogooders' of the labour party and young fabians etc tell you this. this i'm sure gives the bnp more publicity than they deserve. also labours shameful european election campaign of vote us to keep the fascist bnp out seemed to have backfired in the attention and votes the bnp ended up receiving.

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