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Alien Hominid Hd


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I only downloaded the demo a few days ago, and just bought the full version there, but really enjoying it so far.


It's normally 800 live points to download (approx £6 depending where you buy your points), but is on offer at 400 points (ie circa £3) until Monday.


i'm not usually into old-skool run and gunners, particularly ones that are hard as nails, but the humour and cartoon graphics on this are great.


Recommend anyone vaguely interested downloads the free demo (only 48MB) and thrashes it tomorrow.

Look at her riding pillions on Davy’s sea-bike, carrying an apoplectic macaw in a silver hoop. Oh, Morton, let’s go there this winter!  Or learning the Japanese chinchona from that Kobe group, in a dress that looks like a blowtorch rising from one knee, and which should sell big in Texas. Morton, is that real fire? Happy, happy little girl!

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this game was fun but its kinda like Castle Crashers and that game kicked ass :lol:


Castle Crashers is three times the price though (at least until Alien Hominid goes back up to 800 points tomorrow).

Look at her riding pillions on Davy’s sea-bike, carrying an apoplectic macaw in a silver hoop. Oh, Morton, let’s go there this winter!  Or learning the Japanese chinchona from that Kobe group, in a dress that looks like a blowtorch rising from one knee, and which should sell big in Texas. Morton, is that real fire? Happy, happy little girl!

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