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Hilliard said one of the more troubling spots is the Southwick School sign, which includes a tribute to the local egg man, who has delivered eggs in town for decades. Now, the sign is covered in green.


In nearby Tilton, the letters "DX" can be found in a number of places. Police said that the letters are apparently a reference to the World Wrestling Entertainment group, D Generation X.



If my town had tributes to an egg man...I might just end up spraying DX everywhere too. :lol:

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Jeff Hardy has signed with WWE. Hardys reunion in the works no doubt.


That'll be why Matt Hardy is out for 30 days then because there was no other reason given for it, turns out it wasn't health issues as first said. However i get the feeling the Hardys will be on RAW to spice up the woeful tag team division they have on it. :unsure:



Just hope wwe don't stop him doing all his high risk stuff :)

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Earlier today, the WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon, received an urgent phone call from Hulk Hogan.


Hogan said that there’s a possibility that he has a cracked meniscus, which in turn could possibly prevent him from appearing on RAW this Monday night in Memphis, next week’s RAW in Charlottesville and even SummerSlam.


Hogan is scheduled to have an MRI to determine the extent of the injury and was despondent that he might not compete against the Legend Killer Randy Orton. The RAW roster is currently in Australia, and due to the time difference in Australia, Randy Orton was not available for comment.


Hulk Hogan is arguably the greatest WWE Legend of all time, and if his injury prevents him from competing against Randy Orton at SummerSlam, there is no doubt he will see him sometime in the future.



I don't wish him illness but here's hoping he can't compete. And hopefully the old bastard never comes back again :)

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A few thoughts from SmackDown! last night...


1. After the crowd were clearly not into the wrestling match of Finlay/Regal, did Vince send out Tatanka and Sylvan to stink the place out, with a decade old gimmick on a man that JBL correctly pointed out is pushing 300 lbs!


2. MMA styles don't go down well with WWE audiences, so why have two new heels with that kind of shooter gimmick, especially with Angle using it on ECW.


3. Why does every new guy that comes on to WWE programming get given a heel gimmick, the new tag team were given a chance by putting them in with Funaki/Scotty - two guys that will sell a if their lives depended on it, yet the crowd crapped all over it, as they stuck them with Michelle McCool who no one cares about!


4. Batista botched his Batista bomb, yet again... let Kennedy work with someone who is at his level, not a roided freak with no ability.


5. Khali's back - why? Let him go back to the jungle where he belongs.


6. Nobody in the world gives a f*** about Chavo Guerrero, he's ridden Eddie's and to a lesser extent Juventud's coattails for too long, let him go now.


7. JBL is the saving grace of this show, he gives great references to past wrestlers, knows about all the promotions and can actually call a match - why must he suffer the indignity of sitting next to a muppet like Michael Cole - who refers to every move as a suplex, regardless of what it actually is...


8. Kill Nick Patrick, nothing more needs said here.


9. Undertaker is done, let's stop putting him in matches for the World title, he can't cope with it anymore, let him be an inforcer like he used to be - give him a Brood-type setup where he can be the main man without actually having to get in the ring!


10. I'm looking forward to the Boogeyman coming back, that's how deprived of talent the roster is at the moment... get that worm eating freak back NOW!!!!


11... Oh and Doink/Dink v Finlay/Li'l Bastard for next week would be good :lol:

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The Wake Forest University School of Medicine released results of a study this week in which they explain that adolescents who watch wrestling on television are more prone to violent behaviors than other young people. Over a seven month period, using a random sample of 2,228 North Carolina High School students, it was determined that, "adolescents who watched televised wrestling fought more with dating partners and exhibited other violent behaviors. Young people who watch wrestling are also exposed to a high frequency of violence between men and women, alcohol use and derogatory terms for women." When asked for comment, WWE Spokesperson Gary Davis commented, "From a real-life perspective, we know the brand can have a lot of positive impacts on society...There are lot of good studies out there, but unfortunately, I think this study has a lot of flaws." 

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The Wake Forest University School of Medicine released results of a study this week in which they explain that adolescents who watch wrestling on television are more prone to violent behaviors than other young people. Over a seven month period, using a random sample of 2,228 North Carolina High School students, it was determined that, "adolescents who watched televised wrestling fought more with dating partners and exhibited other violent behaviors. Young people who watch wrestling are also exposed to a high frequency of violence between men and women, alcohol use and derogatory terms for women." When asked for comment, WWE Spokesperson Gary Davis commented, "From a real-life perspective, we know the brand can have a lot of positive impacts on society...There are lot of good studies out there, but unfortunately, I think this study has a lot of flaws." 


Is that serious? :lol:

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Torrie's looking pretty old in this months FHM...



Don't think the muscles do her any favours! She's going to look so bad when she's actually old! :o


For now though, I would. ;)

I spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool!

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They'd all get it.


I just read a possible spoiler for Unforgiven on some forum...could be false though...


Apparently there was an advertisement on some cable network in the US for Unforgiven which said that John Cena will face Edge once again for the WWE Title...this time in a TLC match.


:unsure: I dunno what to think. Could be good but it could also be s***e :P

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