Trials Hd - Discounted To 800ms Points - General Nonsense - Jump to content

Trials Hd - Discounted To 800ms Points


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The brilliant Trials HD is reduced to 800MS Points today (and I think today only).




Hugely recommended. Arguably the best game on Xbox Live Arcade. The only person I know who doesn't love it is Salty (and that's a recommendation in itself! :P )

Look at her riding pillions on Davy’s sea-bike, carrying an apoplectic macaw in a silver hoop. Oh, Morton, let’s go there this winter!  Or learning the Japanese chinchona from that Kobe group, in a dress that looks like a blowtorch rising from one knee, and which should sell big in Texas. Morton, is that real fire? Happy, happy little girl!

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The brilliant Trials HD is reduced to 800MS Points today (and I think today only).




Hugely recommended. Arguably the best game on Xbox Live Arcade. The only person I know who doesn't love it is Salty (and that's a recommendation in itself! :P )

I don't dislike it, it's fun to a point, but when you get in to the harder stages it involves forgetting everything you know about Physics, and trying to figure out how a game programmer wants to you climb a near vertical pipe... I lost the will to care about climbing the pipe at 120 faults! <_>

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