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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/21 in all areas

  1. Fans have been banging on about merchandise for years, and will surely be a good avenue for us in bringing in some cash. I wonder how much could have been brought in if we had some form of strategy around Christmas time. It’s incredibly poor but not unexpected from us. The previous training gear that we all liked was just for the playing squad and not for fans to buy which is absolutely mental. I’m sure the MCT questionnaires will have a whole host of things on them but I would imagine club merchandise will feature heavily. The club ultimately has to start listening to the fans and ditch the lip service / sound bites we’ve been getting since the takeover. We want to know what’s going on, who’s doing what, show us transparency with decision making. Give us some form of social media with updates that you can actually hear. Get the absolute basics right and don’t treat the fans, who have made the takeover possible, with contempt. And lastly get that fucking bobble hat in Smiths so we can buy it. Fingers are crossed for Dougie tonight, everyone is right behind him
    4 points
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