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Everything posted by Tubes

  1. Im working tonight so going to miss the game unfortunately. With the stream do you have to watch it “live” or can it be watched later on? Keen to get it and catch it after.
  2. That was a tough watch. Massive improvement needed for Tuesday if we are wanting to progress in this competition.
  3. Lots of positives to take forward from tonight against an established and physical side. Enjoy the change of style but as mentioned above, patience required. Boyes and Delaney combination looks good so far. Ballantyne had a great 1st half. Plenty of energy from Davies and Moffat. Reynolds looks like he will offer us something different too. Lyall is going to be the key for us this season though, one step ahead at all times and gives us that vision we have sorely missed. Hopefully just cameos for Broadfoot this season, appreciate the effort but legs are gone unfortunately and that was a tough watch in the first half. Wilson and Gillespie has to be the starters in the middle for me, appreciate Blues has that energy and engine but just feel he still shys away too much when we need players taking more responsibility in there. Wilson offers us a lot in there. Regarding any potential signings has to be a No9 and possibly another central midfielder who is quick, can play a simple pass and be able to kick fuck out of someone.
  4. Brilliant piece of business getting someone like Woods in as a player coach. He has known Dougie for years from their time at Hamilton and had a pretty decent senior career so hopeful he will be able to add something to Mullen’s game.
  5. Didn’t get that at all from that video as he said they have made progress on something like 75% of the pillars in the 3 year strategy he wants to be judged on? Mentioned it near the end of the video. Disappointing there won’t be progress on the land front as huge potential there.
  6. Issue seems to be at PayPal’s end. Frustrating as hoped to watch the game on holiday. Hopefully we do well tonight
  7. Anyone having issues with the stream? Can’t seem to get past the PayPal part.
  8. If the club could just somehow make this happen that would be unreal.
  9. Good luck Lewis! Always gave 100% and hopefully we can find someone decent to replace him.
  10. Not 100% here but would we have to pay a compensation fee as he came through Celtic youth so “training costs” would’ve been payable there if they offered him a contract, rejected it and went to Raith?
  11. Think there was huge potential with O’Connor but there was probably an element of him not being fancied as much as the other centre halves. He seemed to be the one that would drop out onto the bench. Thought he looked more than decent at RB earlier in the season too which was frustrating when French was continually playing ahead of him. If he is replaced by someone better that would be ideal and Broadfoot comes in as back up. Dreaming of Ricki Lamie & Liam Grimshaw after the chat on here!
  12. Good to see us continuing to strengthen Ideally we will see some defensive players come in next but if they aren’t available yet, they aren’t available. Patience needed and happy to put trust in Dougie with getting the right ones in the door.
  13. Im sure at the Q&A in the Lighthouse Dougie mentioned Murdoch and O’Boy will probably go out on loan this season.
  14. That decision on Strapp and reduced terms is fucking embarrassing. Interesting there hasn’t been a quick resolution to some of the players with contract offers on the table, the fact it’s dragging on is worrying me.
  15. Quite depressing if we are seeing players like Oakley go to Ayr instead of staying with us.
  16. Dougie’s confirmed at the Q&A a few weeks ago that he wants more pace in the team and particularly at the top end of the park. So it’s exciting to see what the team will set up like come the start of the season. Better budget than before and I’ve got faith that Dougie will pull something out the bag again and replace Robbie. A change in players and system sounds good to me.
  17. McMann must have been around Accies at the tail end of Imrie being there and he’s from Glasgow so maybe he is an option. It would be a statement getting someone in with his experience but I reckon he’s potentially outwith our reach though.
  18. They are a bunch of insufferable cunts. Hopefully they are joined next season by Montrose via the playoffs so Inverness can slither back to the Highland League. Queens Park also worth a mention when talking about insufferable cunts and slithering.
  19. Dougie mentioned at the Q&A about wanting more pace in the team and particularly at top end of the park, I would imagine Crawford will be part of that plan.
  20. Will be gutted to lose anyone to that lot. He’s been there a few years back and didn’t play so hopefully we can get a decent 2 year deal put together for him and get him signed up.
  21. Dougie mentioned at the Q&A a club had asked to speak to two of our players. Hope we can hold onto both of them but think it’ll be a tough task keeping George.
  22. Not managing to improve the squad from our good position in Jan has been a big disappointment and has probably played its part in running out of steam after that brilliant run. Cannot see us making the playoffs now which is majorly disappointing. Think we’ve got enough in the tank to stay away from any playoff nonsense below us. Any word on Strapps injury? Desperately needing him back in.
  23. Jack Bearne today Gave us that wee extra edge at times, hopefully see him kick on and improve with a run in the team.
  24. Can remember him giving it to the Cowshed in the last game thinking he was the big man. First time I’ve ever paid any attention to him, so that probably tells us how good he is. Beautiful meltdowns on twitter last night from Partick fans talking about how they should officially complain about the decisions and some couldn’t even face going to the pub after that Hopefully all still greeting into their oat milk latte’s and vegan rolls and sausage this morning.
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