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Ton4life last won the day on March 15 2021

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About Ton4life

  • Birthday 02/24/1955

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  1. I was always concerned that MCT appeared when GC were looking to plug their losses and seemed to find a willing partner who in turn sold this to the fan base. Starting to think I have been sending GC £240/year when I thought I was helping to keep Morton going. Unless MCT step up to the mark soon and demonstrate leadership and an understanding of property ownership and management this is going tits up and GC are taking my cash with them. I understand MCT are a voluntary group and their chairman has had major health issues but surely their risk management consultants would have identified such weaknesses and had a strategy to deal with concluding this buyout.
  2. Agree MCT have collected our money and used it to right off debt as agreed with GC. Now GC have showed their hand and this is their ultimate route to maximum capitalisation. Dougie's legacy is top business opportunist and triumphing Hugh Scott. In other words he looked like our saviour but turned out to be worse than HS. We need to play hardball and get the Inverclyde Council fully on board, by blocking any change of use for the land. Bottom line is this is not going to be cheap and what ever deal we accept the GC group must be fully removed in the deal. While money is currently at it's best rates for years, if MCT can raise the capital, it will take the a significant part of the MCT funds to buy the stadium which also needs significant investment in the next five years to provide a reasonable fan facility. While this is the direction I would like us to take I am also concerned that the playing budget will have to be reduced and could result in us ending up in the seaside leagues for the next 20 years. Maybe as said above we should go for the nuclear option and start again. Must mention the Goverment now looks like the £500,000 grant has not help Morton but strengthened GC options. I really develop hatred for anyone but this family %$£@!!!!
  3. MCT web site gives you the current committed value of realised pledges
  4. VT could fill all these posts and still have time to post here.
  5. Thinking of recent past players. Where is Jon Scullion these days. A great talent that never achieved the fittness levels required for playing in the Championship. Would have expected him to shred defences like arse paper in the juniors.
  6. Well must admit initially I had not been bought over by this scheme. But now appreciate that golden casket have stopped laying eggs whether or not they eat them their selves or not. Surveying the landscape and the demise of another Ton 1874 team I accept it's the only survival strategy in town. So up and on DD in the post.
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