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Everything posted by TheGoon

  1. He should have the funds to bring in 2 new players regardless. Is he seriously saying that wouldn’t be happening without the MCT money?
  2. I hope St Johnstone really struggle this season. If Wright’s working himself into a shoot this much before a ball’s even been kicked then goodness knows what he’ll be like around October. The idea that Duffy can’t predict how they’ll do because of his own career is such nonsense as well.
  3. Andy Dallas signs for Cambridge on a permanent deal.
  4. I still value his higher than yours.
  5. Can you mute posters on here? Seeing as Beetee still hasn’t been banned
  6. Thought Beetee getting exposed would’ve finally killed it off. Sadly not.
  7. I’ll honestly need medical treatment if they make an arse of winning that league. Surely there’s no way they can balls it up with that squad?
  8. Aye pretty much this. Entitled to hold out for as much as possible, if it falls through, they’ve still got millions sat in the bank and a player that’d be (relatively) happy staying at Celtic a while longer.
  9. Frank Ross signs for Ayr on loan until January.
  10. Half expecting Andy Bryan to wind up there as well.
  11. Robby McCrorie signing for QOTS on loan. Bit of a strange one, I’d have thought he’d have wound up somewhere better than that.
  12. DreamOakTree has to be an alias. There’s no way somebody’s actually that dense, all the time.
  13. What’s Robert Thonson up to these days?
  14. Charlie Telfer signs for Falkirk. Fraud.
  15. Magners is shite and should be a last resort, not least because of its Celtic connections.
  16. Typing up my Clydeview-style resignation post as we speak.
  17. Pretty much Sloans in Glasgow. Nice pub, no Tennents to be seen and Heineken that tastes like piss.
  18. Feeling very attacked. First my defence of Peroni, now this.
  19. An ice cold cider, Bulmers especially, is absolutly magnificent. Great way to start an evening of drinking before working your way up imo.
  20. Serves me right for drinking regular Strongbow, but The Norseman served up possibly the worst pint of it I’ve ever tasted a few weeks ago. It’s an acquired taste at the best of times, but fuck me this was something else.
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