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Everything posted by TONofmemories

  1. Other than crawfords word at this time, and given this is clearly a development, what else can he assume? Taking Crawford at face value, rightly or wrongly
  2. To be fair i think hes trying to get written confirmation from Crawford and GC
  3. Because its a fucking stupid question which has been answered already.
  4. The trust ruined it for themselves by being a group of absolute elitists. The type that think theyre better than others. Summed up by a certain councillor.
  5. Second paragraph - rightly mistrust them. Horrible, outdated organisation.
  6. ^^ willingly goes to backwaters like Slovakia 😂😂😂😂
  7. Ive been once. Would never go back. VT willingly goes😂😂😂😂 Lets all laugh
  8. No one is saying they do. This is a public forum about general football topics and the likes. You don't get to call the content hotshot
  9. They clearly do though. Anyway, the SNP's utter silence over what is clearly a paedophile ring is utterly abhorrent. Maybe don't want to upset their Republican voters? Just a thought. They're not the only ones ofc, but as the party in power they should be forcing the issue of an inquiry.
  10. I see the dedicated thread is locked, but yet another person convicted of being a Bheast whilst working for Celtic... time for the Scottish government to hold a public inquiry into what was clearly a paedophile ring.
  11. Afternoon Amazing
  12. Joe McKee and Ross McLean both relegated with Falkirk yesterday. Lest we forget.
  13. What a vintage day for hating Falkirk. Get fuckin doon
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