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Everything posted by TheGoon

  1. Right, so the narrative is obviously that the media have blown things out of proportion, hysteria etc... But, we literally put out a statement a week ago talking about how we couldn’t afford our manager? 6 or 7 players are (allegedly) going this window? I guess it’s the Rae’s conforming they won’t let us completely die but we’re severely lacking in answers as of to what’s going on here and why it happened.
  2. I don’t doubt what most of Tumilty says is true, as depressing as it is, but I cannot imagine us offering up hotels for players.
  3. Has the Canadian Prem gone tits up already?
  4. Stephen Welsh starts against AC Milan. Fair play.
  5. I’d rather be stuck at a game beside Bin Laden than Cliff Richard.
  6. As expected, Cadden is absolutely pissing it down south
  7. I had to laugh at someone suggesting giving players deals without crowds was unwise, as if the man and a dug that turn up to watch Darvek would even put a dent in what they’re paying these jobbers.
  8. I cannot for the life of me understand why we wouldn’t test it first. If the first few attempts are shambles then people are going to give up trying.
  9. We can rule out travel being the issue then, or testing. What on earth’s actually happened there?
  10. Our old pal Andy Halliday is close to signing for Hearts.
  11. Well yeah, but the initial point was about the club even replying in the first place, I was saying it’s fine to do so
  12. Other club accounts replying to fan queries isn’t exactly unique. Even Celtic used to do it before their SLO started dealing with their fans complaining about everything.
  13. Did say the other day I was surprised by us having fan/player interaction, glad they’ve seen sense there.
  14. It looks worse. It’s like something from 2011. I have no idea what the point in it was.
  15. St Mirren were doing that and I was hoping we’d look into it as well. Looks good.
  16. We might’ve actually. I’d expect him to have the same career path as Dykes, but backwards.
  17. Getting money for Scott Tiffoney was...something, even if it did land us with Henk.
  18. Frank Ross signs for GA Eagles in the Netherlands.
  19. Very brief mention in Garry O’Connor’s documentary. Just admits he was in no shape and wasn’t fit enough to play. It’s a decent watch.
  20. Perhaps not at the minute, that’s a fair point but ideally PR and comms should be different from whoever’s doing social media. Far from the priority at the minute I know, but we’ve caused ourself issues by bundling everything media related into the one role before.
  21. So I’ve just seen this isn’t actually a PR role, we’ve let Ewan go? After the furlough/CFB mess? That’s a shanner. We’re doing the exact same thing again. Chucking what should be different roles into the same one to cut corners.
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