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Posts posted by TRVMP

  1. Fred may (allegedly) be a snake but that's quite the career he's made for himself. A pretty stunning rise for that club, too. They made their second division debut last season and their top flight debut the year after, and now they're Cup winners as well.

  2. I was for an hour on Monday scraping a living. Can't comment as it was hosing it down.

    Seems like an odd place to go, I'm assuming you had to?


    It was for a friend's wedding, he grew up there. It was actually at a country hotel a few miles outside but the whole area was pretty great. Flew into Knock, very scenic drive over.

  3. Really..............Who cares


    I care, it's a pretty interesting story, a sad one too - a guy with the world at his feet, 16 caps for his country, played in the top flight in England and Russia, now living in a council house and lifting jackets. The fact that he spent a few disastrous months at Cappielow just adds to it.

  4. The Record doorstepped him about this when it first came out:



    Speaking at his North Berwick home, he said: “My wife was in the store on Friday but I was at the gym on Friday. Me, carrying out a theft? Come on, eh.”


    Asked again, O’Connor said: “I can’t even remember what I did yesterday. I’ve got that much on.”


    But he later added: “I was in the store with my wife. It would’ve been Friday, aye. But stealing something? No, come on.


    “If it was myself with my record, I’d be in handcuffs. I’d be in prison, do you not think? The police have not been to my door.”

    Fast forward 12 hours and the police were, indeed, at his door, eh.

  5. Funny but don't blame him as the 'defending' was crazy


    That's yon Real Sociedad youth who went from East Fife to Dundee. I knew there was something too good to be true about him, and there it is. If it was some guy plucked from Lochee who made those kind of challenges, the pundits would be saying "oh, that's Scottish defending right there, no technique, it's all physical, hanging's too good for him." Because he's Spanish he got a pretty healthy deal at a Premiership club off the back of some half-decent performances for what basically amounts to a minging pub team. 

  6. Objectively speaking, McKee is alright. By the standards of our actual midfield, though, he is absolute dung and wouldn't merit Tidser's spot on the bench, much less a starting berth. He could set Scullion up for all manner of Development League goals, but beyond that he's better suited to an inferior side like "Falkirk".

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