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Arrogance Of The Highest Order.

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You didn't listen to the fans when we gave our opinion on the design of the new strip.


You want US to attend Firhill to help alleviate costs of the Morecambe/Barrow trip.



Edited as requested.


Your website, the official portal for Morton fans from all around the world is slower to update than my father ( who is officially the slowest man on earth)



Are the hierarchy within the realms of Castle Cappielow ever going to listen to us, or does the childs executive box at Ibrox mean much more.?






There is only one constant in this equation.


P.S for the record, I think we will win the league this season, but I hope we don't go forward with structure we have, as it stinks of s***.


You are not Greenock Morton, you are merely custodians of Greenock Morton, and you would do well to remember that.


We are a MEAN diddy team!!!


make your own mind up.

"Hey!!! That tea leaf half-inched me wallet"

Yours Roobs, AKA, Harry's Orville Duck
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My eyes are dry, my eyes are clear to the arrogance. ;)


The other reply has mysteriously fecked off, after being edited. ;)


Tonfan knows more than I do. ;)


We are a MEAN diddy team!!!


make your own mind up.

"Hey!!! That tea leaf half-inched me wallet"

Yours Roobs, AKA, Harry's Orville Duck
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Your post is the definition of arrogance.


Putting out a new home top after 3 seasons, how dare they!


You don't like the way the blue bits are pointing? Shame.


As for Thistle, if you don't like it then don't go.


Sooner the season starts the better, give you something real to moan about.

Along the track the train came puffin, Morton 1 Celtic nuffin.
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I'm just a little bit annoyed.


Of course Morton need to make money, it's a buisness after all. But we keep them going.


The season tickets have gone up £20. Why are we being made to pay more due to the team not being able to cope with the pressure and win promotion? Obviously Mr Rae knows he won't get 3000 every week, so he has gone to the position of making the 'regulars' pay more to watch the exact same as last year - minus the 'big' games against gretna & thistle.


I know people will be saying 'stop moaning' and all that, but can you honestly turn around and say that you are happy to be paying more money to watch the exact same as last season again?


Today aswell, the prices for the tops were released. £39.99 for an adult football, which is probably rubbish material...... maybe it's a moan again, and yes i probably will buy it, but why are our tops dearer than Premiership tops made by Nike? :unsure:


If there are people out there who are happy with all this, great - good on you :) feel free to criticise my post all you want.



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Your post is the definition of arrogance.


Putting out a new home top after 3 seasons, how dare they!


You don't like the way the blue bits are pointing? Shame.


As for Thistle, if you don't like it then don't go.


Sooner the season starts the better, give you something real to moan about.



How can my post be the definition of arrogance, everything I point out is fact. Now that is being arrogant. :D


We need a new top, a f***ing Morton top.

It might look alright once pished and lying sideways in a gutter.


I will not be going to Firhill, thank you, and not one of my pals either, take from that what you will.


I back my team to the hilt when they take the pitch, I just don't like owners who think they can take the pish when they feel like it, but then again you may not have had personal experience like I have. :rolleyes:


We are a MEAN diddy team!!!


make your own mind up.

"Hey!!! That tea leaf half-inched me wallet"

Yours Roobs, AKA, Harry's Orville Duck
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You didn't listen to the fans when we gave our opinion on the design of the new strip.


You want US to attend Firhill to help alleviate costs of the Morecambe/Barrow trip.

Your 'spy' on this forum reported back to you, but you choose to ignore it.

(Definition of a spy: a lazy 20 stone, unwashed redhead, a typical socialist who wouldn't know what a day’s work was if it bit him on the erse)


Your website, the official portal for Morton fans from all around the world is slower to update than my father ( who is officially the slowest man on earth)

Are the hierarchy within the realms of Castle Cappielow ever going to listen to us, or does the childs executive box at Ibrox mean much more.?

There is only one constant in this equation.


P.S for the record, I think we will win the league this season, but I hope we don't go forward with structure we have, as it stinks of s***.


You are not Greenock Morton, you are merely custodians of Greenock Morton, and you would do well to remember that.


I think you should go and lie down in a dark room for a while as this post sounds personal to me. If so, take matters up directly with the current management if you're man (or woman) enough and don't bore us with your rubbish.


Incidentally, you would do well to remember that if it was not for the current "custodians" of GMFC we wouldn't have a team to support. :angry:

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I think you should go and lie down in a dark room for a while as this post sounds personal to me. If so, take matters up directly with the current management if you're man (or woman) enough and don't bore us with your rubbish.


Incidentally, you would do well to remember that if it was not for the current "custodians" of GMFC we wouldn't have a team to support. :angry:



From you statement it is clear you know hee-haw about the 'saviours' of Greenock Morton.

We would still have a team if the current crop didn't come in, and if you are unaware of that you know less than I thought.

It is not personal, more of I am sick to the back teeth of these people being portrayed as being the best thing since sliced bread, and believe me I know different ( as do many others on this board, one day the truth will come out), while ripping supporters off.

I am both man enough and woman :rolleyes: enough to take this up with who i feel like, and I will bore who I like, if you don't like it well you can either f*** off or don't read it, that is your choice, I will spout fact or rubbish if I like and sorry to dissapoint, but someone like yourself is not going to stop me. :lol:


Do you think it is appropriate for members of the current board to have corporate boxes at Ibrox.


For f***s sake get a grip.


We are a MEAN diddy team!!!


make your own mind up.

"Hey!!! That tea leaf half-inched me wallet"

Yours Roobs, AKA, Harry's Orville Duck
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Today aswell, the prices for the tops were released. £39.99 for an adult football, which is probably rubbish material...... maybe it's a moan again, and yes i probably will buy it, but why are our tops dearer than Premiership tops made by Nike? :unsure:



Are they? I thought around 40 notes was pretty standard. I don't mind the £40 as I'll get a few years out it, £36 for a childs top that's to small in a few months is rediculous though.


Main difference between us and Premiership tops will be the batch sizes we order from suppliers, they buy in bulk and we can't. We still need to make some kind of profit so they might be a couple of pounds dearer.


Regarding the season tickets, I don't like the fact that we're stuck in this league again but we are where we are. Fact is the costs of fuel etc. have gone up considerably the past year, this has to be recovered somewhere or the debt just rises even more.


Maybe revealing what they paid for Stevenson might soften the ticket increase, but then again when they did that for Temps it was a millstone round his neck



Barbarosa said..


" back my team to the hilt when they take the pitch, I just don't like owners who think they can take the pish when they feel like it, but then again you may not have had personal experience like I have. "


Sounds like you're carrying a grudge which is blinding you to some of the good things that happen at Scappa.


I'm not about to argue that Mortons being professionally run when obviously that's not the case but things aren't as bad as a few posters would have you believe.


There's a few posters in here who need to chill out, get off this board a bit and put Morton out of mind for a while.

Along the track the train came puffin, Morton 1 Celtic nuffin.
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From you statement it is clear you know hee-haw about the 'saviours' of Greenock Morton.

We would still have a team if the current crop didn't come in, and if you are unaware of that you know less than I thought. It is not personal, more of I am sick to the back teeth of these people being portrayed as being the best thing since sliced bread, and believe me I know different ( as do many others on this board, one day the truth will come out), while ripping supporters off. I am both man enough and woman :rolleyes: enough to take this up with who i feel like, and I will bore who I like, if you don't like it well you can either f*** off or don't read it, that is your choice, I will spout fact or rubbish if I like and sorry to dissapoint, but someone like yourself is not going to stop me. :lol:


Do you think it is appropriate for members of the current board to have corporate boxes at Ibrox.


For f***s sake get a grip.


Thanks for the constructive reply. TBH, I don't care whether or not any current Board member(s) at Cappielow has a corporate box at Castle Greyskull or anywhere else for that matter. People can have divided loyalties, in much the same way as you appear to support both Scotland and France (cue some rubbish to follow about the Auld Alliance).


All I know, as do all other loyal Morton fans, is that the current owners of GMFC saved the Club from going out of existence several years back, literally at the eleventh hour. As a 'Ton supporter of over 40 years, this is something for which I will be eternally grateful. Why don't you take your bile and spout it at Ibrox or Parkhead - although perhaps you already do. I have no more to say on the matter. :angry:




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Do you think it is appropriate for members of the current board to have corporate boxes at Ibrox.


Like 'Mr Morton' Allan McGraw? All our players would prefer to play for Rangers (or Celtic) as well, and our manager would prefer to manage Celtic. Many of the people who attend our games would also prefer to be attending Ibrox or Parkhead.


Sad but true.



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We would still have a team if the current crop didn't come in, and if you are unaware of that you know less than I thought.


Would we? The only other option I remember at the time was Gordon Smiths glorified Bosman nursery.


Do tell...


(Edited to add "I remember")

Along the track the train came puffin, Morton 1 Celtic nuffin.
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Thanks for the constructive reply. TBH, I don't care whether or not any current Board member(s) at Cappielow has a corporate box at Castle Greyskull or anywhere else for that matter. People can have divided loyalties, in much the same way as you appear to support both Scotland and France (cue some rubbish to follow about the Auld Alliance).


All I know, as do all other loyal Morton fans, is that the current owners of GMFC saved the Club from going out of existence several years back, literally at the eleventh hour. As a 'Ton supporter of over 40 years, this is something for which I will be eternally grateful. Why don't you take your bile and spout it at Ibrox or Parkhead - although perhaps you already do. I have no more to say on the matter. :angry:


As much as I am thankful, I loathe how Douglas Rae is given the sole credit for saving the club. It was the FANS who kept it going through months of administration through fundrasing etc


As you say, we were saved at the 11th HOUR, why not sooner?


Anyways back to the point, I also think the shirt prices are WAY to steep, especially for a strip of little quality and for a team in the 2nd Division.


I also just learned that this season's hospitality is split into 3 sections - A,B AND C - A being the most expensive, fans are expected to cough up £20 extra for 'Glamour' games :huh: e.g Ayr may be classed as a 'glamour' game and therefore hospitality for that game will be dearer than less said 'glamour' games. Shocking.

No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind.

Buy the ticket, take the ride...

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Do you think it is appropriate for members of the current board to have corporate boxes at Ibrox.



That would be pretty sad.


I presume you're talking about the Raes though, if so I can't remember a Ton game I've been to in the past 5 years when both of them haven't been present.


I've got no doubts over their allegiances.


If they have a box through Golden Casket for entertaining customers/suppliers/employees then such is life. Until we're in the top flight we can't be considered a realistic alternative.

Along the track the train came puffin, Morton 1 Celtic nuffin.
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Thanks for the constructive reply. TBH, I don't care whether or not any current Board member(s) at Cappielow has a corporate box at Castle Greyskull or anywhere else for that matter. People can have divided loyalties, in much the same way as you appear to support both Scotland and France (cue some rubbish to follow about the Auld Alliance).


All I know, as do all other loyal Morton fans, is that the current owners of GMFC saved the Club from going out of existence several years back, literally at the eleventh hour. As a 'Ton supporter of over 40 years, this is something for which I will be eternally grateful. Why don't you take your bile and spout it at Ibrox or Parkhead - although perhaps you already do. I have no more to say on the matter. :angry:



Like 'Mr Morton' Allan McGraw? All our players would prefer to play for Rangers (or Celtic) as well, and our manager would prefer to manage Celtic. Many of the people who attend our games would also prefer to be attending Ibrox or Parkhead.


Sad but true.

Feck me, changed days indeed.


Most would have you believe that ton fans hate all things OF, but in the future do you think the 'bear' in our midst will give a hoot about Morton's future.

Maybe I’m the only one who hates all things OF.


I spout bile, not a bad summation from a man who could do it for a living ( bite).

I do not have divided loyalties, I support Greenock Morton and Scotland.

My affection for France runs only to when there is a tournament when Scotland are not involved, and to suggest otherwise shows you up for the arrogance you can exude.


The 11th hour, don't make me feckin laugh, do you believe everything Dougie tells you. :lol: :lol:


Cawston, the alternatives have been done to death ( along with some who did not want any publicity) so to answer that would be a waste of time.


I knew when posting this that people would get their back up, 'How f***ing dare he slag our saviour', and I have not been disappointed.

I am Morton fan of 30 years, have no allegiance to either half of the old scum, and never will, but some people need to remove the blinkers on what has/will go on at Cappielow.


Ask some of the players if you can, you never know, you might get an answer you do not like.



'There is only one constant in this equation'



We are a MEAN diddy team!!!


make your own mind up.

"Hey!!! That tea leaf half-inched me wallet"

Yours Roobs, AKA, Harry's Orville Duck
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As much as I am thankful, I loathe how Douglas Rae is given the sole credit for saving the club. It was the FANS who kept it going through months of administration through fundrasing etc. As you say, we were saved at the 11th HOUR, why not sooner?


Anyways back to the point, I also think the shirt prices are WAY to steep, especially for a strip of little quality and for a team in the 2nd Division.


You may loathe Douglas Rae being give the sole credit for saving the 'Ton, but that is the fact of the matter. Although the 'Save the Ton' campaign led by Professor Pickett et al raised a considerable amount of money it was NOT enough to buy the Club from Hugh Scott. It was only when that FACT became apparent that Mr Rae stepped in to save the Club at the last minute. This was all well documented at the time.


As regards shirt prices, how do you KNOW the quality is poor given that no one has one yet and can you name any other Second Division Club that sells its tops at less than Morton does? Nope, didn't think so.


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You may loathe Douglas Rae being give the sole credit for saving the 'Ton, but that is the fact of the matter. Although the 'Save the Ton' campaign led by Professor Pickett et al raised a considerable amount of money it was NOT enough to buy the Club from Hugh Scott. It was only when that FACT became apparent that Mr Rae stepped in to save the Club at the last minute. This was all well documented at the time.


As regards shirt prices, how do you KNOW the quality is poor given that no one has one yet and can you name any other Second Division Club that sells its tops at less than Morton does? Nope, didn't think so.

First site I looked at Alloa Athletic well you did ask the question

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Cawston, the alternatives have been done to death ( along with some who did not want any publicity) so to answer that would be a waste of time.


I knew when posting this that people would get their back up, 'How f***ing dare he slag our saviour', and I have not been disappointed.

I am Morton fan of 30 years, have no allegiance to either half of the old scum, and never will, but some people need to remove the blinkers on what has/will go on at Cappielow.


Ask some of the players if you can, you never know, you might get an answer you do not like.

'There is only one constant in this equation'


There weren't any alternatives, but that doesn't suit your grudge.


The whole 11th hour scenario was just Shuggie invented bollocks, he'd have waited as long as it took to get his blood money but the whole sorry episode had to come to an end at some point and the kid on deadline was the way it went.


Ask the players? Why? Who is it that's kept us in this league? Only thing I want to ask them is where's their pride?


We've already had "oh ma god the players just cannae take anymore" garbage this summer which surprise surprise was a load of bollocks from the usual group of hysterical wee lassies.


Let's not go down that road again.

Along the track the train came puffin, Morton 1 Celtic nuffin.
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